Krafft's Notes on Anomalies

Chapter 261 Manual Geiger Counter

It's a bad feeling to receive an urgent notification not long after starting work, especially when it has to be dealt with as a priority.

The two were dragged out of the sewer and the laboratory respectively and hurried to the scene of the incident. They unexpectedly reunited early to exchange work progress while admiring the masterpieces of Kraft's good students.

Like an artist who has entered madness, he wields a large brush freely, and the splashed paint uses the walls and floors as canvases, showing a powerful impact by rendering a single strong color that fills the vision.

The viewer's first reaction may not be negative feelings, but being infected by it and empathizing with the author's will revealed intentionally or unintentionally.

The color breaks away from the constraints of the body and flows freely, as if it is a metaphor for something that has been liberated. It makes people who are busy with daily tedious affairs feel a terrible release, and expresses it as a destructive substantive force that has been accumulated for a long time.

A work with a clear theme.

But then they will realize the essence of this work that spreads across half the corridor, be gripped by a belated chill, and hastily deny the appreciation they had previously felt in their hearts.

By the time the professor and priest arrived, the site had been initially cleaned.

A group of monks temporarily sealed off the second floor of the clinic, sorted out the bulk intruders, took the girl away from the scene, rescued the clinic owner who locked himself in the closet, and comforted his colleagues who seemed to be slightly unconscious.

They listened to Brother Robin's words and decided to ask Dr. David to conduct a preliminary examination on the man who was suspected of having intracranial injuries, and tried to correct him from the hallucination that "an underage girl had created these".

However, after on-site investigation, various traces showed that there was a small but amazingly powerful participant who developed a new use for the candlestick.

Even if the truth is before us and the person involved does not refuse to admit what he did, it is still too hard to accept. So they objectively conveyed the known information to the priest, who in turn informed the professor.

Both of them felt that they had anticipated the situation before they came, but they remained silent for a long time in front of the corridor.

"Obviously, they were not bringing weapons to see a doctor, so this should undoubtedly be supported self-defense." Kraft tried to avoid the topic.

"Yeah." Green guessed the scene based on the blood stains. It was hard to describe it as blunt force trauma. It was almost like someone had been torn into pieces.

The candelabra as a weapon is partially deformed, with copper branches bent like metal plants growing from the base.

"My people say your students did all this independently, do you have any clue?"


Before coming, the scene that the professor expected was probably Yvonne using wit and a dagger to perform a tracheotomy and carotid artery incision on two heretics. That could still be a bit of a fool.

In such a situation, it can only be said that it makes people worry about the mental state of the person involved.

But as we all know, this is what tutors do, endorse students and occasionally deal with the aftermath. In principle, there was nothing wrong with what Yvonne did, but there was something wrong with the way it was executed. The job of cleaning the floor afterwards was none other than Kraft.

"It may be contrary to common belief, but medicine is actually a very physical activity. Architects may not have to carry bricks themselves, but doctors must perform operations on patients themselves."

"In many operations, strength is sometimes as important as finesse, otherwise you cannot separate contracting muscles and handle hard bones. Therefore, when recruiting students, surgery often also requires physical fitness."


"Yvonne is born with some advantages over ordinary people in terms of strength, so I hope that she can become the inheritor and perhaps the promoter of her skills. Is this reasonable?" The professor seriously discussed the importance of strength in surgery. , so much so that Green almost didn't notice that he was going to take the topic astray.


"Yes, everyone has talents given by Heavenly Father, but some people may get more." As the saying goes, you will never know your upper limit if you don't try. Kraft didn't know that he could be so serious. Talk nonsense.

"As for these, well, you have to understand that people who have not been trained, when they are in contact for the first time and are nervous, it is indeed easy to use excessive force and mess up the scene."

"Yeah." It could be heard that this explanation was just to avoid explaining. The answer given by the priest was only one syllable. Any more than two sentences would be a waste of energy.

Overall, the result was good. Since the professor was able to shamelessly bite the "natural power" to death, he had no reason or way to figure out what was going on. As long as he ensured that the candlestick would not fall on his head one day That’s it.

"I hope you know what you are doing, and so do your students." Green sighed, walked around the pool of blood, picked up the candlestick and weighed it. Even with his arm strength, he couldn't hold the solid copper product for too long.

It seems pointless to argue with someone who is determined to be a rogue. "If we don't talk about it, at least our reckless young man survived. Let's talk about something else."

"The first thing is the coat of arms on the back of the armor. I consulted an expert. It dates back to the early days of the kingdom. The main ones were swords and dragons. They belonged to a relatively powerful branch, but they have never been passed down since. Not only that, the entire The records of the Pendra family there are like taking away the first floor of a bell tower and floating in the air.”

"So your idea is not unreasonable. At least something must have happened at that time that must be concealed, but knowing this will not help us at all."

"This may be part of a key, but we don't know where the lock is yet." It was an unexpected surprise to get feedback in a short period of time.

"What about you? How was the experiment?"

"It went better than expected. We have figured out the influencing factors. We just need some quantitative analysis and transformation into practical applications." Kraft asked Kupp to go upstairs, and asked the guard to pass a small iron bottle that was tightly sealed, and opened the bottle. The mouth quickly showed the contents and then closed again. Inside were those black granular substances.

He shook the bottle, and the distinct sound of particles hitting the bottle wall was clearly audible. "Listen, take it out and shake it. This is how it works under normal circumstances."

"So what does this mean?"

"When there are things nearby that should not exist, or when phenomena are active, the particles inside will temporarily melt and stick together like damp sand, and the bottle will become quieter."

The bottle changed hands quickly, and the professor didn't seem to like it staying in his hand for a long time. "At first, I wanted to use white glass, which can be observed directly; but mild melting is not easy to see clearly, and you don't want to touch a bunch of it." Glass shards with strange liquid in them, might as well use hearing aids.”

"I think it will come in handy soon." Green tried shaking the bottle, which reminded him of some children's toys, which also contained small clinking things in empty shell containers. "How did you figure it out?"

"Excluding other possible influences, this is the only one." Kraft replied.

"Then is it sensitive - I mean how close it is and how long it takes for noticeable changes to occur."

"I don't know, but there is no need to be so precise for the time being. I have prepared three for you. If there is suddenly no sound, it is recommended to run quickly. It means that the thing coming is either very big or very close, or it is preparing for some big show. .”

"Thanks, I'll consider it."

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