Kung Fu Movie Time Travel

Chapter 9 Meeting the Strong Man Again

Liu Nan frowned when he saw Liang Kuan being scolded by the head teacher, thinking back to how similar he was when he worked before.

"Master, repairing leaks on the roof is inherently dangerous. You see, there is nothing wrong with us, so don't blame this brother anymore!" Liu Nan cupped his hands and said to the class leader.

"Master Xiaonan, you're welcome. Since you have already spoken, I won't say anything. Otherwise, if someone is as clumsy as him, I will tell him to get out!" the class leader responded with a smile.

After saying that, the class leader left to do other things. At this time, Aunt Thirteen and Joanna started playing with the camera again to take pictures.

"You are Huang Feihong's apprentice, right? We met last time. Thank you so much today, otherwise I would have lost my job!" Liang Kuan said gratefully, putting his arm around Liu Nan's shoulders.

"You're welcome, just think of it as apologizing to you for what happened to the second senior brother last time!" Liu Nan blinked and smiled.

Liang Kuan laughed for a while, then pointed to Thirteenth Aunt and whispered: "Brother, who is this? I think you should know the ones who came with them, right?"

Liu Nan glanced at him sideways, not knowing his little Jiujiu, so she patted him on the shoulder and said, "He is my master's wife!"

Liang Kuan instantly felt like a deflated balloon, losing his energy.

"Anan, we're done, let's go back!" It turned out that Aunt Thirteen and Joanna had already finished filming.

Liu Nan hugged Liang Kuan and said, "Let's go. Come to Baozhilin to play when you have time!"

Liang Kuan also said happily: "Okay, you guys go back and pay attention to safety. Recently, people from Shahe seem to be grabbing territory around here. It's a bit chaotic!"

After thanking Liang Kuan, Liu Nan left the theater with Aunt Thirteen and the others on their bicycles.

After leaving the theater some distance away, a group of four people suddenly jumped out and blocked the way!

The leader of the strong man said with a lewd smile: "We are from the Shahe Gang, and we would like to invite the two girls to come and sit with our Shahe Gang!"

Liu Nan stopped his bicycle, said to Aunt Thirteen and the others, "It's okay, I'll take care of it!" and walked forward.

He recognized this strong man at a glance. He was the same strong man who attacked Xiuxiu when he first came to this era.

The strong man glanced at the fearless Liu Nan warily and said: "Boy, if you are sensible, get out of here, or I will throw you into the river to feed the fish!"

"Oh? It seems you don't recognize me anymore!" Liu Nan said lightly.

The strong man heard what Liu Nan said and looked at him carefully. He looked more and more familiar. Suddenly his pupils shrank and his face turned red.

He remembered that last spring, the Shahe Gang boss sent him here to inquire about the situation of the gangs here.

When I was in the suburbs, I saw a girl picking wild flowers. Just like today, I pounced on her lustfully.

He was about to succeed, but in the end, a weakling with no flesh came out. It didn't matter. He beat the man until he couldn't get up in a few strokes.

Who knew that the woman would actually kick him in the vital part while he was not paying attention? After returning, he was laughed at by other people in the gang for a year because of this incident.

When I saw Liu Nan again, I didn't recognize him at first because of the big change in her clothes and temperament. Now that I think about the ridicule in the past year, I feel so angry that I rushed towards Liu Nan with a loud roar!

Now Liu Nan is no longer the Amon of the past. He stepped sideways and easily dodged the strong man's fierce punch. He reached out and put his hand on his wrist and used his grappling hand.

With a "pop" sound, the strong man's wrist joints had been removed.

He stretched out his feet and kicked the strong man's knees twice more. The strong man immediately fell to his knees. Liu Nan took his hands on the strong man's shoulders and squeezed them again.

The strong man immediately let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, and then fainted from the pain.

Seeing this, the other three people took out the daggers hidden in their chests and stabbed Liu Nan.

Liu Nan had seen this kind of situation many times in the military camp before. With a movement of his feet, he easily dodged over and used his grappling hand again. After subduing the three people, he crushed their shoulders one by one.

Seeing all four of them fainted on the ground, Liu Nan clapped his hands and said to the stunned Thirteenth Aunt and the other two: "It's done, let's go!"

Aunt Thirteen asked in confusion: "Why not send them to the government?"

Liu Nan replied: "If Lord Liu had been here before, they would have been severely punished by sending them to the government. Now the newly appointed admiral is dissatisfied with the master and the militia. In a situation like this, without human witnesses or physical evidence, they will be punished when the time comes." It would be bad if you beat him up and bring trouble to Master!"

"How could this happen!" Aunt Thirteen said angrily

Liu Nan comforted: "It's okay, Aunt Thirteen, I've disabled their arms, so they won't be able to do evil in the future!"

In fact, this incident can be regarded as settling a worry. When he first came to this era, the feeling of powerlessness of being beaten by a strong man lingered in his heart.

It was not until today that the invincible strong man became vulnerable in front of him that he realized that he had indeed become a lot stronger.

Suddenly, heavy rain came, and the three of them stopped chatting and immediately rode their bicycles back to Baozhilin. Fortunately, there was an umbrella on the bicycle, otherwise it would have been very embarrassing. No matter how good your skills are, you can't resist the power of nature! Liu Nan sighed.

The words were divided into two parts. Liang Kuan, who had finished his work in the theater, saw such heavy rain and was a little worried about Aunt Thirteen and Liu Nan who had just left.

After thinking about it, I picked up some oil umbrellas at the door and tucked them under my arms, then chased Aunt Thirteen in the direction where she left.

I chased her until I saw her back on the street. I saw Aunt Thirteen and the others had umbrellas in the car. After a while, I was disappointed and stopped chasing her.

At this time, Liang Kuan was attracted by a cheer and turned his head.

I saw an extremely strong middle-aged man holding two red-tasseled spears at his throat. With one shot, the spears did not pierce his throat, but were slowly bent.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and exerted force, and the two spears were broken into several pieces.

The people looking around were all ordinary people. They didn't have much money these days, so they still threw some copper coins up.

Liang Kuan also forgot to blink. He didn't react until the people picked up the coins one by one and left.

After Thirteenth Aunt and Liu Nan returned to Baozhilin, they told Huang Feihong about the gangsters they met on the road today. After Huang Feihong found out, he asked Thirteenth Aunt to go out as little as possible. If she had to go out, she would have Liu Nan follow her. .

It was another bright morning. Liu Nan and Huang Feihong were discussing the knowledge of acupuncture. Yachasu on the side would occasionally put forward some Western medicine opinions to corroborate the opinions. Thirteenth Aunt was watching Huang Feihong from the side.

Such a harmonious atmosphere was broken by a burst of banging on the door and noise. "Master Huang, Uncle Jiu has been shot, please save him quickly" was heard outside.

Huang Feihong stopped teaching and hurriedly ordered: "Anan, go open the door quickly and take the person inside to lie down. Asu goes and gets my tools!"

Liu Nan stood up and opened the door. Several vegetable farmers and people from the militia carried Uncle Jiu. After saying hello to Liu Nan, they followed Liu Nan into the house.

After putting the person on the bed, everyone told the whole story.

While Huang Feihong listened, he quickly treated Uncle Jiu, while Liu Nan and Yachasu attacked him.

Halfway through the treatment, I heard a loud voice shouting "Master...Master..." outside!

Huang Feihong's eyes trembled when he heard the voice, and he said to the two vigilantes standing next to him: "It's Shirong, go and open the middle door!"

The two people from the vigilante group hurriedly ran to the door. As soon as the middle door opened, they saw Zhu Zhurong running in.

"Thank you for driving fast, otherwise we would have broken down the door again. Thanks!" After saying that, he turned around and hurried inside.

Liu Nan was walking out, carrying a copper basin full of blood, when he saw Pork Rong bumping into him. He made a mistake in his steps, turned around and gave way, held him down and advised: "Elder brother, please slow down, otherwise Master I’m talking about you again”

When Zhu Zhurong saw it was Liu Nan, he smiled and asked hurriedly: "Anan, who bought the foreign gun?"

"It's Uncle Jiu, the vegetable seller, who was injured!" Liu Nan replied.

"What grudge?" Zhu Zhurong said angrily

"Elder brother, you go ask the master. I have to hurry up and get a basin of hot water to give to the master," Liu Nan said hurriedly.

Zhu Zhurong nodded, turned around and crossed the threshold to ask the master.

At this time, Yachasu hurriedly ran towards the house with more than a dozen small bottles of medicine. He didn't pay attention when he crossed the threshold, tripped and was about to fall down. Zhu Zhurong quickly hooked his foot, reached out and grabbed Yachasu's clothes, lifted him up and taught him a lesson: "Yachasu, watch carefully, you almost broke them all!"

"Pig...pig...pig..." Yachasu stammered

"Pork Rong! You're called fat even if you're not fat. You've been back in China for so long and you still can't speak Chinese, you fake foreign devil!" Pork Rong said.

"You...pig..." Yachasu stuttered in Chinese, and couldn't even speak when he was angry.

Zhu Zhurong watched and imitated Ya Zhasu's words: "Ya...Ya...Zhasu!"

The two people walked into the house noisily.

Huang Feihong heard their noise and shook his head and said: "Asu, bring the medicine!"

Just as Yachasu was about to step forward, Pork Rong snatched the plate and said in disdain, "I can't speak Chinese, what medicine can I get?"

Huang Feihong said while taking the bullets for Uncle Jiu: "What are you brothers arguing about? Stop it!"

Zhu Zhurong quickly brought the plate over and said flatteringly: "Hey, Master, it's okay, I'm teaching him to be Chinese!"

"Golden sore medicine!" Huang Feihong glanced at it and said.

"Three characters, huh? Why are they all three characters? Master, I have never studied!" Pork was immediately blinded.

"Oh... Then you still laugh at me for not being Chinese? Asu, come on!" Huang Feihong scolded Zhu Rong.

Yachasu immediately stepped forward proudly and turned over the stickers on the bottle. It turned out that every sticker was labeled in English.

At this time, Liu Nan happened to come in with hot water. He smiled when he saw this scene, put the hot water down and said to Huang Feihong: "Master, the hot water is here."

Seeing that Yachasu was still flipping through the sticker, he pointed to the bottle with Jinchuangsan written on it and gestured to Yachasu. Yachasu immediately understood and handed Jinchuangsan to Huang Feihong.

Huang Feihong took out the bullet with tweezers and put it in the basin. He took the golden sore medicine and sprinkled some on the wound. After bandaging it, he comforted Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Jiu, you are fine, but you need to have a good rest."

Zhu Zhurong looked at the bullets in the basin with curiosity and asked Huang Feihong: "Master, is this the iron bullet for the foreign gun?"

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