
Chapter 441 If you want to know the position of God, you must first understand the origin of Kunlun

Ninth Peak Jiang Lan? Yan Xiyun has some doubts, Ninth Peak she often hears big brother and little brother talk about it.

But Jiang Lan was a name she had never heard of.

At this time, she didn't dare to make a sound, and she had to deal with the little elder sister, which showed that these two people were very powerful.

According to the earth feedback, it may be a very strong realm of True Immortal.

Specific need to take a peek at it.

But it was dangerous to take a sneak peek, and she didn't dare to take it.

Otherwise you will die again.

“We are not suitable for Ninth Peak people.

Or the top priority is to kill Tianyu Phoenix Clan, and then we can consider other things.

In addition, The clan has already taken some measures against Ninth Peak, we don't want to make trouble for no reason.

The war has stopped, and there are enough people in the clan.

It's not our turn to drop by."

"Indeed, if you kill Phoenix Clan, the gods may cast their attention, and then."

The voice above began to decrease.

Following up, Yan Xiyun didn't hear any more sound.

Dare to come out of the soil only after the earth tells her that there is no one around.

"Four or five people, only two of them talked. I wonder if they went to the little brother and the little elder sister."

Without hesitation.

She decided to go to the little brother and the elder sister and tell them that Celestial Clan is coming.

Probably to deal with the little elder sister.

Determined, Yan Xiyun began to move in the opposite direction of Inn.

As long as she finds Inn's light, she can quickly find little brother and them.

little brother treats her very well, often giving her peanuts as dry food, it would be better if she didn't beat her.

The big brother and the little brother have a hobby of hitting people.

Interracial is really hard to understand.

Ask the way, either kill her or hit her.

"Sister, I found the heavenly blade is very sharp. If it is used to cut game, it should be easier."

On Flying Magical Treasure.

The Eighth Crown Prince stands in the pavilion.

He is naturally Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu in front of him.

The heavenly blade was unsheathed at this point and swung by the Eighth Crown Prince.

“If your family finds out, you will be punished.” Ao Longyu said softly.

As the Dragon Clan Eighth Crown Prince, the owner of the Heavenly Blade, bears the future of Dragon Clan, the expectations of clansman.

In the end, he took the heavenly blade and cut the game.

was seen, affecting Dragon Clan prestige.

At that time, you will be punished.

"Don't be afraid, go to Kunlun, no one knows this is the Aolong heavenly blade." Eighth Crown Prince touched the heavenly blade and continued: "This knife is so strange, no matter how I push it , have no effect at all.

It is exactly the same as a normal knife.

Other knives will leak a bit of power more or less, heavenly blade will not.

It's really suitable for cutting game."

He also handed the heavenly blade to Ao Longyu, wanting his sister to try it.

Out of curiosity, Ao Longyu took the heavenly blade.

"It looks a little cold."

She looked at the blade, a little surprised:

"I feel like there are three giant dragons roaming Heaven and Earth, it seems Clear, but deep and unmeasurable."

She then activated the heavenly blade in the normal way.

No effect at all.

It feels like an ordinary and good-looking knife without any power.

For decoration only.

Shouldn't it be a fake heavenly blade? Dragon Clan doesn't get along with Kunlun, it's really impossible to bring heavenly blade to Kunlun.

But It's actually pretty easy to determine if it's a real heavenly blade.

Because she was sitting next to someone who could drive the heavenly blade, she handed the knife to Jiang Lan:

"Junior Brother want to see?"

Jiang Lan took the heavenly blade, but did not run the Aolong Three Blades, nor did the slightest power overflow.

The handle of the knife is the kind of cold feeling.

When he looked towards the blade, he found that the dragon inside had disappeared.

When Xiao Yu held it, there was.

"The dragon is gone?" Ao Longyu saw it too.

Speaking of which, she put her hand on the handle of the knife, when the three dragons in the knife body appeared again.

Dragon Clan can only appear when you hold it, but not Dragon Clan? Jiang Lan had some thoughts in his mind.

After hesitating, he carved a small Formation on the handle of the heavenly blade.

When the Formation was complete, he returned the knife to the Eighth Crown Prince.

"That's more convenient."

Ao Man took the heavenly blade and found that the dragon above was gone.

"It's more convenient, so no one knows about cutting game." Eighth Crown Prince smiled.

Jiang Lan: "."

What he means is that it looks more ordinary, and it won't be coveted by others.

A lot of scourges can be avoided.

It's not about the Eighth Crown Prince cutting game.

When Eighth Crown Prince left with a knife, Ao Longyu turned to look at Jiang Lan with doubts in his eyes.

It seems like I have a question to ask.


Before Ao Longyu could speak, Jiang Lan spoke first.

Calm and unwavering, as if talking to himself.

And Ao Longyu swallowed forcibly when it just came to his mouth.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes, but she was in a normal state and was not good at venting her dissatisfaction, so she chose to remain silent.

Before silence, she moved and sat down beside Jiang Lan.

I then took out the Formation book and read it.

After half a month.

blue sky and white clouds, the breeze is gentle.

Jiang Lan stood in the square and saw Kunlun.

is back.

Although there were twists and turns along the way, there were no surprises.

Generally calm.

Only Master Eighth Peak cut out two swords, and the others didn't even know what happened.

I have experienced a lot in this two-month trip.

Seeing the Kunlun great hall approaching, Jiang Lan felt a little more relaxed.

I haven't returned to Ninth Peak, I dare not relax too much, Kunlun is safer than Dragon Clan, but the personnel are complicated, and danger may always be lurking.

Be vigilant.

"Huh?" The Eighth Crown Prince on the side looked a little surprised:

"Isn't that the Qilin clan?

Why are you so anxious? Are you going in circles?"

Hearing what Eighth Crown Prince said, Ao Longyu glanced down and saw a delicious and pretty girl with a worried face, pulling her long hair from time to time. send.

"Maybe there is something urgent, she saved you before, and it is due to repay." Ao Longyu looked at Eighth Crown Prince and said calmly.

Eighth Crown Prince: "."

Finally he jumped off.

elder sister said to repay her kindness, of course she has to repay her kindness.


Flying Magical Treasure falls in the Kunlun great hall.

After saying goodbye to Martial Uncle, senior brother and senior sister, Jiang Lan and Ao Longyu left the Kunlun great hall and headed to Ninth Peak.

At this time, there were many people in the Kunlun great hall, but they were all surrounded by Lu Jian.

Ninth Peak hasn't changed much in two months.

"The vegetable eggs are not withered and look healthy."

Back in the yard, Xiao Yu immediately checked the vegetable eggs and Nether Night Flower.

Fortunately, he didn't turn into a bad guy.

At this time, Ao Longyu was naturally Xiao Yu, and she vented her dissatisfaction along the way to Jiang Lan.

Educate Jiang Lan by the way.

In this regard, Jiang Lan just listened, and when Sister Senior went to play, he took out "The Assumption Hypothesis" and planned to read the book.

Opening the first page, what he saw was the familiar handwriting, which belonged to the Master.

It reads: Before watching "The Hypothesis of the Godhead", it is best to watch "Kunlun Nine Peaks".

This sentence surprised Jiang Lan, is there a connection between the gods and Kunlun? (End of this chapter)

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