
Chapter 445 Enters Gu Yu【Seeking Monthly Pass】

Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows.

At present, he has been in his entry for 626 years, which is roughly two hundred years away from the original Witch-Immortal Conference.

The Qilin tribe of the earth was left at that time, and they have stayed in Kunlun for more than 200 years.

It's no surprise that the Eighth Crown Prince knew something about her.

Roughly trustworthy.

And Celestial Clan will move Inn Hong Ya to do it, which is reasonable.

It should be that chance.

"They only know that Tianyu Phoenix Clan has a chance, don't they know that the boy and Eighth Crown Prince also have a chance?" Jiang Lan thought for a while.

"Not good said that there is no reason for the Qilin tribe to lie, but that doesn't mean Celestial Clan didn't lie." Jiang Lan doesn't underestimate anyone, even if the difference in strength between him and him is not small.

Once you underestimate it, it will be easy to have problems, and you will regret it.

So it needs to be considered that Celestial Clan deliberately let the Qilin tribe hear the dialogue, and then used the enthusiasm of the teenager and the relationship with the Eighth Crown Prince to catch it all.

As for other people to deal with him, he is not surprised.

I'm always on guard, it's better to go out less.

Be wary when out and about.

But I haven't been out for anything recently, so it's safe.

"Have you ever considered that Celestial Clan is actually deliberately letting the Qilin people in the land hear it, so as to lead you all out?" Jiang Lan asked the Eighth Crown Prince, paused, and then said: "Perhaps Celestial Clan's goal is not only Phoenix Clan, but also you."

"Why?" Eighth Crown Prince was stunned, and then thought of something: "When Witch -A chance for the Immortal Conference?

Me, the boy, and Tianyu Phoenix Clan?"

Jiang Lan just nodded slightly to this.

Didn't say anything about it, something that few people know about.

Fortunately, only a very small number of people can see it.

According to the cultivation base, it may be the level of Master, or only those who are about to reach the level of Great Firmament.

Also, have a god position.

"It's very exciting." Eighth Crown Prince is not too worried, but there are still some things to ask:"Brother-in-law, is the name suitable?"

Yes Reading means that there is a backer, that person is too terrifying.

"It's not a big problem, but." Jiang Lan thought for a while, and continued: "Some names may also be shot, but it's impossible to know his purpose."

some names? The Eighth Crown Prince thought for a moment, then understood.

It is Emperor Xihe.

Yes, this person is given to him by his brother-in-law's Master, who is from Kunlun, and he is Kunlun's mobile treasure, so he can call for help in a critical moment.

But if you don't know the other party's situation, you can't mention it at will.

Otherwise, his mobile treasure may be a fixed treasure.

Not long after, the Eighth Crown Prince left Ninth Peak.

Jiang Lan didn't care either.

Celestial Clan really needs to be taken care of, it will be easier to deal with later.

As for that celestial being "Each Great Influence should have its own means of Divine Ability, and perhaps the other party can watch over here like the Demon Race."

This level is very dangerous to the Eighth Crown Prince and the others once they watch it.

But this is near Kunlun after all.

It's not that Emperor Xihe will take action.

Rather, the Inn Boss will watch, so it won't be a big problem.

Of course It's all his guesses, and it's impossible to say for sure.

If Wushuangquan God's name is read, he can't just sit back and ignore it.

At night.

Jiang Lan poured spiritual liquid on vegetable eggs and came to Netherworld Cave.

He was sitting cross-legged under the thatched hut, and he began to perceive the divine position.

"First go up and confirm your guess, and then come back to read "The Hypothesis of the Godhead"."

After reading "Kunlun Nine Peaks", he has a guess in his heart, so he wants to go first See what's going on.

With his cultivation base of Absolute Immortal Early-Stage, he should be able to leave Gu Yuxia Palace.

A short while later, his spirits rose.

It's like entering the endless sky.

In just a moment, he felt a real sensation under his feet.

Looking up, the entrance is a huge gate.

A letter - Gu Yuxia Palace.

It's just that the cracks are always there, giving people a sense of age.

Looking at the gate for a moment, Jiang Lan gave up trying to enter, and if he failed, he would be kicked out of Gu Yuxia Palace.

This time I'm not here to explore the ancient imperial palace, but to determine what the ancient imperial palace is.

Then he turned his head and looked towards the Void.

Occasionally there are some lights in the void, like stars.

"It should be a palace corresponding to other gods, and it should not be approached."

Without thinking about it, he jumped up and began to fly into the void.

Just trying to get out and feeling blocked.

Fortunately, at the Absolute Immortal level, he can barely break through the obstacles.

But it also means that there will be some danger. If he can leave, others may also leave.

Once encountered, the consequences are unimaginable.

Standing in the void, darkness covers everything.

It was as if I was caught in a dark ocean and couldn't find any spot of light.

When he turned back, light broke into his eyes, it was Gu Yuxia Palace.

It's just that the Gu Yuxia Palace at this time seems to be covered by a breath, or the Gu Yuxia Palace is like a star, and there are two different lights on the star.

One is brighter and one is darker.

At this time, the darker light covers most of it.

Only a small fraction of the brighter ones.

"Is it the Great Emperor of Youdu?"

Jiang Lan has some clear comprehension in his heart. Gu Yuxia Palace has two gods, but the initiative is not necessarily the same.

He is at a disadvantage.

What are the specific differences, he does not know, and he is not sure whether it will be limited by the other party.

Or just the benefits are occupied by the other party.

"Perhaps The Ascension Hypothesis will give me the answer. Now is not the time to think."

Without thinking much, Jiang Lan began to walk into the darkness ahead.

This is a road where no light can be seen, there is no hope, darkness can devour everything.

If temperament is not firm, it is very likely to be completely lost here, signed to eternal damnation.

Jiang Lan has always been steadying himself, but facing this endless darkness, he is a little worried.

As if you were feeding it into the giant beast's mouth.

Fortunately, worry is just worry, and the mood has not fluctuated.

Still calm.

This is how you can move on.

It's just that the front is really like what Emperor Xihe said, do you know what Gu Yu is?

As for Emperor Xihe's words, he did not fully believe it, but kept his doubts to prevent accidents.

Looking back, he found that the light of Gu Yuxia Palace had disappeared.

If he hadn't been able to perceive it through the divine position, he doubted that he would be completely lost.

These have been considered before and are still within the scope of acceptance.

And can return to the body at any time.

No big surprise, should be fine.

I don't know how long it took, maybe one day, maybe three days, and there was no perception in the darkness.

There is no way of knowing the passage of time.


As Jiang Lan guessed how long, a light suddenly burst into his eyes.

Finally came across something new.

Not excited, because he didn't know whether what he encountered now was what Emperor Xihe said, or the palace of another god.

If the latter.

That's a hell of a place.

Eyes Obscured by a Single Leaf began to move frantically and slowly approached.


Update in advance, ask for a monthly ticket.

Recently stable update, it's not easy, I only asked for half a day off.

So if you have a guaranteed monthly pass, I hope you can vote for it.


(end of this chapter)

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