
Chapter 504 Perfection Great Dao Opportunity Qingcheng Town.

Jiang Lan walks down the street, the loneliness of nature works only slightly.

Senior Sister walks the streets with a normal appearance and is easily recognized as Jade Lake Goddess.

So a slight movement can let other people know that this person is there, but can't remember the appearance.

This will allow you to play on the streets normally.

For the ordinary person, Senior Sister's temperament is also extraordinary, and it is easy to cause trouble.

There is a natural isolation and will not be treated differently.

"Junior Brother candied fruit stick, give me ten cents." Ao Longyu looked excited at the old man who was selling candied fruit stick in front of him.

"senior, a bunch of candied fruit sticks." Ao Longyu, who got the money, went directly to the old man to ask for candied fruit sticks.

A string of seven pennies.

It doesn't seem like the price has gone up much.

However, the name of senior is not quite right. Senior Sister is now more than 800 years old.

The old man was only about fifty.

After buying the candied fruit stick, Ao Longyu took a bite, then returned to Jiang Lan and handed the remaining three cents to Jiang Lan: "Junior Brother is asking for your money."

Jiang Lan: "."

In the end he accepted the three cents.

After eating a candied fruit stick, this candied fruit stick fell into the hands of Jiang Lan. They are still shopping, so they see a lot.

Senior Sister is very curious about everything.

It feels like I've been locked up for hundreds of years, and I'm finally able to come out and hang out.

Jiang Lan looked at the Senior Sister who was picking out books, feeling that she brought it out too late.

But in the past, the strength was not enough, and the risk was too great.

Recently, the heart of the World Tree has been integrated, and the ability to escape danger has become special, so that you don't have to worry about it anymore.

"Junior Brother, I found that Junior Sister Siya may read this kind of books." Ao Longyu bought a book back for Jiang Lan.

Heavenly Immortal.

is the name of the book.

Just by simply flipping through it, Jiang Lan knew that it was a story about a fairy coming down from the sky.

In the world, there are always people who hope to meet such a fairy.

But Jiang Lan is not optimistic.

The difference between the two is so big that it will only cause a lot of trouble.

He had this idea when he got engaged to Senior Sister.

I thought that Senior Sister might dislike him, so he could break off the engagement normally.

Otherwise you will be bound to the marriage contract.

It's just a creature.

Senior Sister is more important than he expected.

"Junior Brother, say it in advance, just go shopping, don't stand in the dark enlightenment of unfathomable mystery." Ao Longyu said, staring at Jiang Lan.

“Not at all.” Jiang Lan shook his head slightly.

sudden enlightenment Where is it so easy, how can there be a sudden enlightenment when shopping?

Before I was pulling weeds, watching the sunrise, reading or reading books, and then I realized something.

Accumulate enough and naturally fall into it.

And shopping is almost impossible.

"Then I'll go shopping." Then he took another ten cents from Jiang Lan.

It seems that they have to buy ten cents to see what they can buy.

Jiang Lan felt a bit of a headache and ran out of copper coins.

It needs to be replaced.

But during the whole process, he was watching Xiao Yu and walking with Xiao Yu all the way.

people coming, people going is very lively.

The voice was messy, but the Senior Sister's laughter came very clearly to his ears.

Slowly, Jiang Lan felt that the surrounding sounds disappeared.

It seems that everything around him has become much faster, so fast that he can't hold it or touch it.

Soon his feeling changed again, he was in the downtown, blended into it, and became a part of the downtown.

On the road, you can see children playing and playing, some teenagers reading, some young people seeking to make a living, some middle-aged people earning a living, some women take care of children, and some old people sit in the shadows, as if watching something.

The streets are bustling, and you can see merchants hawking and selling, and the merchants are quite happy.

Senior Sister is among them.

It's just that, unlike the others, Senior Sister is exceptionally bright, catchy, and accessible.

As if on the same plane as him.

Yes, there are countless people's lives in the streets, they are together and have their own world.

And some of his worlds are Senior Sisters, and their lives go together naturally.

As His Word.

Whoosh! A gust of wind blows.

The whole street seemed to be pulled into the unknown by a force.

The world belonging to Jiang Lan started to resonate, and the peaceful world began to pulsate.

It seems to usher in a ray of unique vitality.

It was just that all of a sudden everything disappeared again.

In Jiang Lan's eyes, the street has returned to normal, and the sound of hawking and clamor has reached his ears again.

Everything is so normal.

Ao Longyu, who was wandering around, seemed to notice, and turned his head and looked towards Jiang Lan.

Seeing Jiang Lan smiling at her, Ao Longyu was even more puzzled.

Then came to Jiang Lan and stared like that.

"It's just an opportunity." Jiang Lan was stared at by Ao Longyu and could only explain.

It was really just an opportunity, he found an opportunity to make way for a complete improvement.

As long as a few years pass, there will be an opportunity to bring Senior Sister into the world of Tao.

Go to the sudden enlightenment to perfect your Tao.

After the sudden enlightenment, his Tao will be Perfection, and he will really step into the Great Firmament.

"Junior Brother." Ao Longyu looked left and right at Jiang Lan and said:

"Why don't sect detect that you are a peerless genius?"

"Maybe I have absorbed Spiritual Qi innate talent, not very strong." Jiang Lan helped Senior Sister turn around, and then let her continue shopping:

"And some things can't be detected. "

Ao Longyu didn't care about this either, but continued shopping.

First Peak.

In the pavilion halfway up the mountain.

“You participated in the battle of chance?” Feng Yixiao asked Lin An next to him.

"Yes Master, try hard, it should be able to represent True Immortal in the mid-term battle." Lin An on the side nodded and said.

"Gu Qi also entered True Immortal?" Feng Yixiao asked, looking at the magnificent gate down the mountain.

"Yes, but what Gu Qi Junior Brother is after is not chance, so he may not participate.

He seems to like being in the cave, but he also cares. My own state has not been messed up so far." Lin An explained, with a hint of admiration in his words.

Gu Qi Junior Brother is really different from everyone else.

Innate talent It's one thing to be amazing, it's another to do it.

Gu Qi Junior Brother is capable of what others can't, temperament, innate talent, wisdom, courage, killing intent, heart, all of them.

Feng Yixiao nodded slightly to the three p, he was silent for a moment before speaking: "What's going on in the cave?"

"Although Fifth Peak Junior Sister helped me last time. , but it did not get much relief, but it is a good result that there is no deterioration." Lin An said.

Sometimes the best news is when there's not much relief.

Because no deterioration was found.

Once it gets worse, it's more serious for them.

"How long until the next step deteriorates?" Feng Yixiao turned his head and looked towards Lin An.

"It should be less than a hundred years." Lin An imagined it, and continued: "I specifically asked, Ninth Peak Jiang Junior Brother, should be able to achieve True Immortal within a hundred years.

If Formation is really suitable, it may be able to relax a little."

Feng Yixiao looked at Ninth Peak, then at Fifth Peak, and finally he closed his eyes: " Go pay attention, after True Immortal I will go to his Master."

(end of this chapter)

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