Lamp Flower Smile

Chapter 193 Stealing Others’ Beauty

Two days later, a big event happened in Shengjing.

After the fire in Fengle Building, the eldest son of the Grand Tutor's Mansion, who had never been seen, reappeared.

Qi Yutai appeared at the door of the Sili Mansion. Many people saw him when he passed by the porch. Those who saw him said that except for his pale face and thinness, his behavior was normal.

Lu Tong had just arrived at the dormitory canteen and sat down with his bowl in his hand when he heard the medical officers at the next table talking.

"I was wondering, how could he go crazy for no reason? It's probably because there was a big fire at that time, and Master Qi was frightened, and what rumors were spread about him?"

"The Grand Tutor is really good-tempered. He is not angry when people spread rumors like this. A few days ago, when I went home, even my uncle who didn't care about anything asked me if Master Taishi had epilepsy? People's rumors are really scary!"

Lu Tong lowered his head and stirred the rice porridge in the bowl with chopsticks. Lin Danqing put down the steamed bun and looked at the speaker doubtfully: "Is he really well?"

"How can it be false? Master Qi is doing very well now. Besides, the Grand Tutor's Mansion sent a thank-you gift to thank the envoy early this morning. I think he should have recovered!"


Lu Tong put down his chopsticks.

Lin Danqing turned to look at her: "Sister Lu?"

Lu Tong stood up, pushed the porridge bowl, and got up and left without saying a word. Lin Danqing hurriedly followed with a steamed bun in his mouth, and said hurriedly behind her: "I know you are unhappy, who knew he would get better so quickly... But you can't show it so obviously? There are countless gossipers in the Medical Officers' Court, be careful that people will see you and gossip about you behind your back-"

Lu Tong interrupted her: "Where is the prescription sent to the Imperial Pharmacy recently?"

Lin Danqing was stunned, "It's in the medical record library, what's wrong?"

Lu Tong turned around and walked towards the medical record library without looking back.

Lin Danqing hurriedly followed.

After entering the medical record library, there was a stack of volumes on the outermost shelf. Lu Tong pulled out a single volume and flipped through it. Lin Danqing was confused, "Sister Lu, what are you doing? The medical officer is not allowed to look through this prescription, at least close the door..."

The Medical Officers' Court prescribes medicine based on syndrome differentiation. Sometimes, when changing to new medicines and medicinal materials, they have to go to the Imperial Pharmacy to ask for them. The approved medicinal materials are all recorded in the book. But without special reasons, the medical officer is not allowed to look through it at will.

Lu Tong flipped through a few pages, then suddenly stopped, then pulled out one of the prescriptions, turned around and walked out. Lin Danqing was startled: "Hey, you block it..."

"Where is the court official now?" she asked.

Lin Danqing replied: "He is in his own room. He will not enter the palace today. The doctor saw him in the morning. What are you going to do?"

Lu Tong clenched the prescription, his expression showing a hint of anger.

"Confront him."


Outside the study, Cui Min was standing with his hands behind his back, watching the servants of the Grand Tutor's Mansion move the wooden box into the room.

The wooden box was heavy, and the lid was opened, so people could see at a glance what was inside, mostly some rare books of paintings, and good inkstones, paper and ink.

This was a thank-you gift from the Grand Tutor's Mansion.

It was not a personal thing like gold, silver or jewelry. This thing was elegant, which just showed his simple and upright, noble and kind heart, and it also let the people of the entire medical officer's courtyard see that the Grand Tutor's Mansion valued Cui Min more than money and gold.

The passing medical officers secretly discussed, their eyes full of envy. The confidant smiled and stepped forward, whispering compliments: "Congratulations to the envoy of the hospital, the Grand Tutor values ​​you."


Cui Min looked at the scene with a calm expression, and a trace of irony flashed in his eyes.

He had been working hard every day for this month, tossing and turning in bed, going to the Qi family to treat Qi Yutai during the day, and repeatedly adjusting the prescription in the Medical Officer's Office at night. Qi Yutai was thin, and his hair was gray. In the end, he got such a box of insignificant things and a few words of thanks.

He also had to act as if he was honored and grateful.

How sad, how ridiculous.

However, he had been in the Medical Officer's Office for twenty years. It was not easy for an ordinary person to get here. The rising star Ji Xun was eyeing him covetously, and the concubine Yan, who he relied on in the past, had long lost power. If it weren't for the Grand Tutor's Mansion standing behind him, I'm afraid he would not be able to sit firmly in the position of the envoy of the hospital now.

There was no choice.

After watching for a while, Cui Min was about to turn around and go back to the house when he suddenly heard a voice: "Court Envoy!"

Looking back, Lu Tong came quickly from outside the courtyard.

She walked very fast, and her voice was slightly higher than usual. Seeing this, the doctors who were watching the gift exchange at the Grand Tutor's Mansion looked up at her.

Cui Min: "Doctor Lu..."

Lu Tong walked up to him and interrupted him: "Court Envoy Cui, did you steal my prescription?"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around.

Lin Danqing, who followed, was shocked and forgot to speak for a moment.

Cui Min's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at her, his tone still calm: "Why did Doctor Lu say that?"

"More than ten days ago, the court envoy asked me to go to the study and asked me about the new prescription I made in the last question of the spring test paper."

"The prescription in the test paper was written hastily, and there were some deficiencies. The court envoy asked me how to make up for it, and I told him as he said."

"Now," she glanced at the wooden box full of ancient books and ink that was being moved to the door in the courtyard, and said coldly: "The son of the Qi family recovered from his illness, and the Taishi Mansion presented a thank-you gift. But all this was caused by the court envoy stealing my prescription."

"The court envoy is upright, and as the head of the Medical Officers' Court, how could he do such a despicable thing?"

There was a pause around, and then discussions broke out.

Everyone in the Medical Officers' Court knew that Cui Min went to the Taishi Mansion to treat Qi Yutai.

But no one except Cui Min himself knew the specific condition of Qi Yutai and the medical records.

Now Lu Tong suddenly attacked and questioned Cui Min in front of everyone, which inevitably aroused people's curiosity.

Suddenly someone among the onlookers spoke up——

"Medical Officer Lu has such a big face. It is the hospital envoy's job to cure Mr. Qi. What does it have to do with you? You are here with a red mouth and white teeth, and you are making false accusations. Do you really think that being number one on the red list in the spring examination is a big deal, and that everyone is thinking about it?" That recipe of yours!”

Lu Chen glanced sideways, and it was Cao Huai who spoke.

Cao Huai snorted coldly.

A few months ago, he left Jin Xianrong's messy job to Lu Huan, and after he returned home claiming to be ill, he began to have dreams about Lu Huan being tortured by Jin Xianrong at home. Unexpectedly, after waiting and waiting, there was no news of Lu Zhuo's misfortune. Everything in the medical hospital was calm and nothing major happened.

It was really strange in his heart. When he returned to the medical hospital, Cao Huai asked an acquaintance of the medical officers to inquire about Lu Zhuo, but he got a bolt from the blue.

"Medical Officer Lu? Didn't she treat Mr. Jin's renal cyst carbuncle? The treatment was quite good. I saw several times before that Mr. Jin's servants gave Dr. Lu medicine books. They treated him with great respect, which was much better than before. "

"Medical Officer Lu, you really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve!"

Cao Huai was struck by lightning.

Lu Zhu actually cured Jin Xianrong!

That's all. What's even more disturbing is that after he returned to the Medical Officer's Hospital, Chief Cui never assigned him any errands. Although he himself was not a hard-working person, this batch of new medical officers were admitted to the hospital. Everyone wanted to stand out and sat on the bench for a long time. If he failed the official examination, he would have no chance to become a medical officer.

He put all the blame on Lu Huan. However, Lu Huan, who had cured Jin Xianrong, was already well-known in the hospital. Later, Pei Yunying, the commander of the front department, bullied others from behind, so he did not dare to take action rashly. .

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhen would actively seek death now.

An ordinary person, relying on someone's support, becomes so arrogant that he doesn't know how high the world is.

He wanted to stir things up again and make the matter bigger, preferably until it could not be ended, so he shouted loudly: "Do you know what the crime should be for falsely accusing a court official?"

Lu Zhuo's eyes were as cold as ice: "Medical Officer Cao's opening his mouth to make false accusations would be biased."

"There is no basis for what you say. Medical Officer Lu has the ability to provide evidence."

"Of course I have evidence."

Cui Min's eyes were slightly startled, and the hands hanging behind him were quietly clenched.

Lu Zhuo raised his hand, and the scroll of paper unfolded in front of him, dragging it long in front of him.

She said: "That day, Cui Yuan envoy told the subordinates that the prescription written in the Spring Examination can soothe the soul and relieve panic and palpitations. But if the patient is other than that, he is as confused as crazy, troubled by evil spirits, and frightened, and he cannot rely on this prescription. The effect of the medicine is superficial, and it may alleviate the symptoms of false talk and delusion, but the state of being distracted and frightened is still there.”

"So the official added some white root, sesame, light bamboo liquid, cork, cypress, and xuejie to this prescription..."

Lu Yan showed the medicine book in his hand.

"This is a single list of medicinal materials that the Medical Officer's Hospital asked the Imperial Pharmacy to distribute a few days ago. It contains the medicinal materials of Baiji, flax, Danzhuli, Cortex Phellodendri, Baishi, and Blood Root."

"I just told the hospital envoy the prescription, and the hospital envoy started using this medicine. Is it just a coincidence?"

She stood with a cold face: "The hospital envoy first stole the prescription on the pretext of asking about medical classics and pharmacology, and then used the prescription to cure Mr. Qi's illness."

"During my medical practice, I never once mentioned lowering myself to an official position. It's clear that I want to steal people's beauty and use it as my own strength!"

The last sentence is sonorous, powerful and impactful.

There was silence all around, and all the medical officials looked at each other, and then whispers gradually began to sound.

Although what Lu Zhuo said seems to make some sense at first glance, is it a bit too far-fetched to accuse the hospital envoy of plagiarism based on a prescription?

Cui Min raised his hand, suppressed everyone's whispers, and then looked at Lu Yun.

He stared at Lu Yan for a long time and then said: "Medical Officer Lu, you said that I plagiarized your prescription to treat Mr. Qi's disease?"


Cui Min raised his chin slightly, and his gaze on her turned dark for a moment, "Then tell me, what exactly is Mr. Qi's disease?"

"The prescriptions written in the first section of Dafangmai in the Spring Examination are originally aimed at treating dementia and epilepsy. Mr. Qi naturally has epilepsy..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Danqing, with quick eyes and quick hands, covered her mouth with a look of horror in her eyes.

can not say!

Behind Fengle Tower, there were rumors in Rouge Alley that Qi Yutai was talking about delirium, but the Taishi Mansion never admitted it. They only said that Qi Yutai was frightened by the fire and lost his mind in shock.

Even though the people in the entire Shengjing City were talking privately, who in the imperial city dared to speak openly about the madness of the Grand Master's son?

Even if the Third Prince's men were in charge, it was fashionable to consider the occasion when discussing this matter. Especially now that Qi Yutai has recovered, this matter is even more out of the question!

Lu Chen broke away from Lin Danqing's hand, and Lin Danqing shook his head invisibly at her.

She remained silent for a while.

Everyone in the courtyard seemed to know that Lu Zhuo's words were taboo, so they didn't say anything for a while. Summer is coming to an end, and the scorching sun is becoming more and more fierce. A thin layer of sweat breaks out on everyone's forehead, and the expressions of those in the shadow under the eaves become darker and darker.

"Medical Officer Lu."

After a long time, Cui Min spoke.

He had his hands behind his back, his gown swaying in the wind, and he raised his eyelids to take a look at Lu Yan.

"Let me ask you again, what disease does Mr. Qi suffer from?"

Lu Zhuo was silent for a moment, his face gradually turning ugly.

He then flexed his sleeves and said, "First, the spring test prescription you mentioned is for treating the symptoms of madness and delirium. It can remove bad blood from the heart orifices and relieve wind, epilepsy and phlegm."

"The disease Mr. Qi suffered from was due to the smoke from the fire, which left him with chest numbness and insomnia. I treated him with Qi deficiency and blood stasis. I also used medicinal materials that soothed the liver and relieved depression, replenished Qi and raised Yang. Let me tell you. It has nothing to do with epilepsy."

Lu Chen: "You..."

"Secondly, the medical officer of the Medical Officer's Hospital is not allowed to read the medication orders issued by the Royal Pharmacy Court at will. As a medical officer, you have checked it privately, which is against the hospital's regulations and you should be held accountable."

Lu Tong: "Not to mention whether the official violated the rules, the medicine list overlaps with the prescription. How should the hospital envoy explain?"

Cui Min said calmly: "Baiji, flax, Danzhuli, Phellodendron cypress, Baishi, Xuegui... are all commonly used medicinal materials. There are other medicinal herbs on the medicine list. Medical officer Lu only mentioned these few, which would be biased. ”

"What's more," he changed the subject, "that day I only asked Dr. Lu to test the prescription. Because the prescription was defective, I also rashly wrote down a new prescription for Dr. Lu during his consultation. You should be cautious when practicing medicine, for the sake of the medical hospital. As for the prescription mentioned by Medical Officer Lu... I had never heard of it that day."

Lu Chen's eyes turned cold.

The medical officers around her looked at her with different eyes.

When Lu Yun and Cui Min were talking about the prescription, no one else was present. However, one is an envoy with a long history and extensive medical skills in the Medical Officer's Hospital, and the other is a young and impulsive new medical officer who has never even entered the Imperial Medical Bureau to study medicine on his own. Everyone always prefers the former.

Cao Huai showed disdain and suddenly said: "Medical Officer Lu is really out of his mind to try to slander the hospital envoy based on random guesses. He doesn't even look at who the hospital envoy is. He was able to write "Cui's Pharmacology" at that time, which is a great example of medical ethics. Your knowledge is far above yours.”

"You keep talking about stealing, but you are too conceited!"

An ordinary medical woman thought that her medical skills were the best in the world after writing a few prescriptions, and said some baseless things. I want to climb up the ladder so much that I can accuse someone of stealing a prescription with an incomprehensible medicine list. But I don’t know that all prescriptions in the world are composed of commonly used medicinal materials. As long as they have all the prescriptions, wouldn’t it be possible to make any prescription?

Just ridiculous.

Lu Yan stood in the courtyard, his eyes filled with anger. He was being accused alone, showing a bit of embarrassment that he didn't usually have.

Cao Huai took advantage of the situation and said: "Hospital envoy, Medical Officer Lu first looked at the medicine list of the Royal Pharmacy Hospital in private. His first crime was slandering you. This is the second crime. How can such unscrupulous people stay in the Medical Official Hospital?" To ruin your reputation? I hope the envoys will punish you severely as a warning to others——"

Lin Danqing: "No! Hospital envoy and Medical Officer Lu were also anxious for a moment." She pulled Lu Zhuo's sleeve and lowered her voice and said, "Hurry up and admit your mistake."

Lu Chen had a cold face and refused to speak.

Cui Min looked down at the person in front of him. The woman stood under the dazzling sun. There was no tree to block the hot sky. Her face was slightly red. She didn't know whether it was from anger or the sun. She just looked at him with eyes filled with deep hatred and clenched her fist. The knuckles of the medication list turned white.

Still too young to be calm.

He thought casually, straightened his back, which had been slightly bowed due to busyness recently, and spoke slowly and leisurely.

"Colleagues must be scrutinized. Medical Officer Cao is right. Medical Officer Lu misunderstood me as a minor matter without asking for confirmation. If this is used as a basis in the future, the atmosphere in the Medical Officer's Hospital will be in chaos."

"It is said that those who cherish the grass will waste the crops, and those who benefit thieves will harm the good people. Although I value the medical talent of Medical Officer Lu, I cannot blindly condone it. The rules are established and should be followed."

"Come here," he said calmly, "Off the roster of Medical Officer Lu, Medical Officer Lu will be suspended from duty for three months from now on. After three months, the decision will be made again."

Lin Danqing was shocked: "The envoy of the hospital should be careful!"

Cao Huai was suddenly overjoyed: "The envoy is wise! We don't want to be associated with such a villain who is eager for quick success!"

The medical officers whispered, but Lu Huo was the only one who stared at him stubbornly, like an upright statue under the sun, stiff and unwilling to bow his head.

"Medical Officer Lu, do you have any objections?" Cui Min looked at her calmly.

He was suspended from work for three months, but he didn't say that he could return to the medical hospital after three months. Whether he went or stayed was just a matter of Cui Min's thoughts.

Lu Zhuo looked at him steadily for a while, and after a moment, he slowly lowered his head, his voice patient.


Everyone in the courtyard gradually dispersed, and the farce ended.

Lu Chen returned to the dormitory, opened the door and walked in without saying a word.

The wooden cabinet doors were all opened, and she folded the clothes one by one and packed them into the unfolded furoshiki. Lin Danqing stepped into the door and hurriedly held her hand that was packing her luggage.

"Sister Lu," she said urgently, "don't leave in a hurry. This matter is not without change. You and I will ask the envoy again. Suspension is not fun."

Lu Zhuo stopped moving his hands, turned around and asked, "Do you think what I just said in the courtyard was a lie?"


Lin Danqing was speechless.

It would be too forced to convict Cui Min of plagiarism based on similar prescriptions. What's more, although there are rumors in Shengjing that Qi Yutai may have epilepsy, no one knows what the truth is.

How can epilepsy be so easy to cure?

Now Qi Yutai has confirmed in Si Li Mansion that the rumors are false.

Lin Danqing was puzzled. Lu Xu was not an impulsive person on weekdays. Why did he question Cui Min with a prescription just after hearing the news that Qi Yutai had recovered.

At least let’s gather more evidence before we talk!

She advised: "No matter what, it is impossible for you to use the prescription to prove plagiarism by the hospital." She lowered her voice, "Not to mention the medical hospital, even the Qi family would not admit that Qi Yutai suffered from epilepsy. If they knew If you say it in front of everyone, you may get into trouble later."

Lu Yan was silent.

"The matter has come to this, I have nothing to say."

She looked like she was refusing to bow her head even if she fought to the death. Lin Danqing was secretly worried: "Just go and be subdued. A good man will not suffer the loss of the moment. The worst is to stay here and slowly find evidence in the future."

"No need." Lu Yan interrupted her, lowered his head and continued to pack his bags on the bed, "You don't have to run around for me. It's not worth it to lose your job because of me."


"It's nothing to worry about." She said, "It's the same when I go back to West Street to sit in the hospital. The salary of the medical hospital is not much more than that of the medical hospital."

She spoke firmly, but Lin Danqing couldn't persuade her any more, so he had to sit aside and watch her packing her bags.

"It took a lot of effort for me to find someone I can talk to in this hospital. If you leave, there will be no one left to share the snacks at night."

She was disappointed, "Do you want me to give it to the rat that dug holes in the wall? When you go back, the thought of one person and one rat living in the same house is disgusting. I don't know if the rat poison is effective."

The sun is shining brightly outside the window, and there is no bright and dark gap in the courtyard house.

Lu Zhen glanced at the sun outside.

The summer light shines on the green trees in front of the window, and the branches and leaves are thick green and dense. But in a few months, in autumn, the flowers will no longer bloom, leaving only desolation.

She looked away.

"don’t worry."

Lu Zhu stood up, walked to the wooden cabinet, put the four porcelain jars into the medical box one by one, and locked it again.

"It's just that the time of death is approaching."

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