Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 183: Busy Systrom

However, the curse did not develop as Sisterm had imagined. Neither the first condition Sisterm had envisaged nor the second condition he had envisioned did not happen.

Because for the past ten days, the old lich did not harass him.

This made Systrom, who was harassed on time every three days or so, felt a little unaccustomed.

However, as time passed, Systrom lost his initial eagerness for whether the old lich came to harass him.

Recently, his affairs have increased again, and Systrom has gradually left the affairs of the Old Lich aside, and even the follow-up writing of the Old Lich's script has not paid much attention.

In the past few days, Sisterm is still trying to strengthen [Dragon Scale Spike] to level 21 Fan, but there is still no obvious progress, but a lot of his experience is wasted.

Sisterm estimated that he would have to go to Rafael's temple to produce some dragon bone marrow, or find a way to eat and digest some keel bones in order to increase this ability to the ordinary.


And in these two days, many things came together one after another, and Systrom couldn't spare time to continue to improve his strength.

Just yesterday, the third pupalized ant finally appeared.

But it's not Shava or an excavator, but Xiaoqiang, the soldier ant knight with a [strong physique].

For Xiaoqiang, the soldier ant knight, Systrom has not paid much attention.

I just know that apart from eating and working, this child is resting. He lives basically three points and one line. He never actively communicates with him. If it weren't for the second pupation, the body shape was much larger than the ordinary soldier ant knight. Attracting Systrom's attention, he would not have the name Xiaoqiang.

But since Sisterm got the giant slime of the magical rank in the abyss, the soldier ant knight Xiaoqiang seems to be a late bloomer. The upper limit of the [Pupalization] talent level has quickly increased from 14 to 17, and his body shape has also become more Is huge.

Now it is past Shava and the excavator, and entered the third pupalization first.

Before the third pupalization, Xiaoqiang had grown to 1.5 meters, and after the frantic eating before pupalization, Xiaoqiang had condensed into a giant pupa of nearly two meters.

Sisterm speculated that after Xiaoqiang became a magical creature, his body shape would grow further, but Sisterm didn't know exactly where Xiaoqiang would grow.

During Xiaoqiang's third pupalization process, Systrom was watching the whole process. The three-hour pupation process did not show any errors, and it was a perfect success.

And after learning that he watched Xiaoqiang’s pupation, Systrom also knew that Shava’s pupation was not far away. It was very likely that he was just like Xiaoqiang. Suddenly, the [Pupation] talent broke through the upper limit and entered the third pupation.化.

Systrom also knew that his time would be even more tense.


What Sisterm has been busy in recent days is not just about the three pupation of ant people.

After these days, the female and male ants produced by the queen that Weststrom caught from the Warren Plains finally changed from larvae to pupae, and then from pupae to winged females and males. ant.

The nutrient-rich slime gum provided by Systrom, this process only took less than a month.

Sisterm used the tentacles' [sense] ability to compare female ants with wings and ordinary ants, and obtained the ability of [wing generation] that allows ordinary ants to gain wings as desired.

In these days, Sisterm will give the queen Linda and some ordinary ants 【Wing Generation】.

Although no ant has been successfully endowed with this [wing generation] ability, Systrom knows that it will only be a matter of time before the ant gains the [wing generation] ability.

But compared to [wing regeneration] ability is smooth.

Systrom's plan to breed a new queen is not very smooth.

These female ant eggs can easily be brainwashed, but the hatched female ants have fatal drawbacks.

Perhaps born in the abyss, coupled with the fact that the talent is really bad, the IQ of these newborn female ants is too low, much worse than the mentally retarded ants produced by Linda in the abyss.

Most of the time, even Systrom's orders were not understood.

Sisterm finally decided to take these underground female and male ants to the Semi-Planar Temple, where some queens with higher IQ were cultivated.

At least these queens must be able to understand his commands.

Otherwise, the ants produced by the queen Linda are good, and the ants produced by these queens will undoubtedly enter the endless battle.

After all, the habits of ants are like this. There is only one queen in a normal ant nest, and even the offspring of two queens of the same kind will kill each other.

If they are forcibly reared, these ants will undoubtedly attack each other endlessly.


In addition to these things, in a few days, the first batch of ants produced by the queen Linda in the abyss will soon complete the second pupalization and emergence.

The physique of the ants in the abyss is not only stronger, but also higher than the ratio of 5:5 for the second pupation of the ants in the main world, reaching 7:3. Basically, for every 10 ants, there are 7 ants that can complete the second pupation. Sub-pupaization.

And whether it is really worth cultivating to cultivate ants in these abysses, and whether the IQ can pass, Systrom can also make a choice after a few days.

Simply dealing with these things, Systrom found Jace the snail he was imprisoned, and at the same time went to the palace in the center of the underground floating island.

Sisterm began the final exercise on the arrival of the Lizardmen.

As Shava was about to enter the third pupaization, Sisterm decided to settle the lizardman's matter before Shava pupaification.

As for the unstable factor of Jace the Snail, whether the deception of the Lizardmen succeeded or not, Sisterm planned to kill him.

The snail seemed to be very submissive to him, but Systrom's [intuition] always felt something was wrong with the snail.

In addition, Shava was about to enter pupalization recently, and his self-protection ability was greatly reduced, so Systrom decided to get rid of this snail.

And the snail obviously didn't know the decision of Sisterm at this time, he was complimenting Sisterm with a flat face, and at the same time cursing the vulgarity and incompetence of the lizardman...



As Sisterm was rehearsing the Flicker Lizardmen, Thunderclaw, the lizardmen patriarch, a few kilometers away, also looked nervous, and discussed with several lizardmen about the precautions for meeting the "death surrogate".

At this level of the abyss, the names of the lizardmen are generally simple and straightforward. They are basically organs with abilities plus single characters, such as fire teeth and iron lungs.

However, most of the lizardmen have no because of the combination of abilities and organs, there is no doubt that the chances of having the same name are very high.

The lizard people are very resistant to the same name. Whenever there is a double name, two lizard people with the same name will fight each other until one of them dies or agrees to change the name.

Therefore, generally speaking, only after reaching the magical stage can the lizard name itself.

Lizardmen who have such a custom obviously don't have high IQs.

The lizardman patriarch Thunderclaw only discussed with a few lizardmen for a while, and the things discussed went wrong and became a heart for the "death surrogate" adult.

So the lizardmen in the tribe unanimously decided to kill the weakest lizardmen in the tribe and take out the heart of the lizardmen...


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