Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 205: The supreme god

On the Crystal Throne, Systrom played with the crystal scepter that floats like a tumbler, and at the same time played a blackjack card game with the meat ball.

Systrom can't make cards, but using [Data Compiler] to transform [Data Template], it is easy to realize the function of this card.

Through continuous optimization of [Spirit Connection] and [Mind Network], the local area network made by Systrom has become more and more stable, and card battles are also very smooth.

However, this kind of game is really boring for Systrom. Although there are reasons why Meatball's IQ is too low, the most important thing is that Systrom only needs a thought and the cards he draws will change.

If Sisterm wants to, every time his hand will be blackjack, so this game is not playable for Sisterm.

Systrom just used this game to improve Rouqiu's IQ, and it also saved Rouqiu from asking him out to play.

I don't know if my head can't turn around. Meatball plays blackjack. No matter how big the point is, even 19 or 20 points, as long as it doesn't reach blackjack, Meatball will insist on asking for a card.

So most of the cards in the meatball will explode.

And just after the meatball burst again, Systrom's head suddenly pierced-it turned out that his avatar died.

[Shadow Incarnation] The memory before his death also gradually became clear in Systrom's mind.

Sisterm went to the main world for the second time, and the request for the call of the abyss was easier than the little human girl he encountered last time.

Generally speaking, the middle-aged man who sacrificed had enough of his life. He wanted to infuse his soul with the breath of the abyss and reincarnated as an abyss creature in his next life...

Sisterm didn't know how the middle-aged man's theory came from. After killing the middle-aged man, Sisterm found nothing special.

And because of this abyss sacrifice, Sisterm finally absorbed the soul of an old woman.

However, although the soul was absorbed through the sacrificial ritual, Sisterm still had a little understanding of what a soul was.

In the process of absorbing the soul, Systrom seems to be able to feel the many unforgettable stories of the human soul in this life, there are many wonderful moments, and many unsatisfactory places.

There is joy, sadness, anger, happiness, moving...

Some scenes resembling a revolving lantern turned in Sisterm's mind, and then the soul was absorbed by Sisterm's [Shadow Incarnation] and converted a lot of experience points.

In this process, Systrom also got an unimaginable sense of comfort and satisfaction, just like drugs, it is estimated that the soul absorbs too much and may produce some addictive reactions.

Systrom could feel that in the process of transforming the soul into experience points, most of the energy in the soul escaped, and the way he absorbed the soul was not perfect.

But even so, if there are seven or eight souls for him to absorb, his level can be raised from 48 to 49.

The soul seems to have hidden great secrets for Systrom to discover.

However, compared to the harvest of absorbing the soul, this time Sisterm was obviously a pit of the middle-aged human who was summoned to him. Sisterm also gradually wanted to understand all this after [Shadow Incarnation] died.

In short, a middle-aged man is a terrorist, and Systrom is a terrorist's explosive.

Yes, the man wanted to use the Abyss Demon to carry out a suicide terrorist attack.

According to his usual behavior, Systrom decided to hibernate during the day and planned to leave the cellar to explore human society after night.

However, before night fell, Systrom's [Shadow Incarnation] was killed by the white light, which can also be said to be purified by the Holy Light.

Sisterm's [Shadow Incarnation] was dead confused, but knew that there were several humans who had killed him, wearing white robes of the same style.

Obviously killing him was an organized and premeditated demonization operation.

Not surprisingly, he should have been summoned to the sphere of influence of a church that believed in light or justice, and was found to be killed.


Rubbing his head vigorously with his tentacles, he was more prepared than when [Shadow Incarnation] died the first time. This time [Shadow Incarnation] suddenly died suddenly, causing Systrom's spirit to have continuous pain. It will take an hour to fully recover.

After practicing blackjack with Meatball for a few rounds, Systrom opened the video data in the [Tools Menu] and continued to watch a story called "Beggar Hero King" he saw in the castle.

The story tells the story of the Earl’s son, Hall, who became a beggar because of his family’s changes. He was bullied by the God of Victory when he was most helpless. Then he slashed his enemies, and later he discovered the conspiracy from the Abyss Lord. Save Valhalla with the sword of victory...

This book is probably written by a believer of the God of Victory. The stalwart of the God of Victory is revealed between the lines. Obviously, it is to make people believe in the God of Victory. Even after Sisterm read it, he has some intentions.

In any case, human books are still interesting. Although there are no practical books such as spells, there are many poetry and biographies that give Sistrom a deeper understanding of the world.

Systrom saw some special poems in a book called "Long-distance Poems". It seems that many years ago, the world experienced a catastrophe and the gods also fell.

In the books, Sisterm learned of a supreme god, and the fall of the gods seemed to be the inducement.

It seems that the supreme **** suddenly left. The gods competed for the authority left by that **** and finally caused catastrophe.

But what is the specific catastrophe and why almost all the gods fell along with it. There is no record in the poems, but the fall of the gods is recorded in vague words.

At the end of the poem, there is a commentary on the poem by the transcriber, which shows that even the transcriber does not know whether the poem is true or false.

For some reason, Systrom felt that what the poem said was true, and Systrom felt that the authority robbed by the gods should be what he had touched—the will of the world.

The inexplicable voice, and the inexplicable white space.

The way that the world will endow the level of life with a breakthrough will also give some titles to some lives. It seems that the world will is what the supreme **** left behind.

"Perhaps after gaining the will of the world, you can master this world and become the same as the supreme **** who left."

Systrom said softly and looked at other books, but after not watching it for too long, Systrom suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Perhaps it was the soul that had been swallowed, or the sudden death of [Shadow Incarnation], or perhaps it was a matter of time and accumulation.

Sisterm used the [Abilities Strengthening Technique] according to his inner feelings, and without consuming too much experience, his [Psychic Transmission] was strengthened to level 21...


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