Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 212: Little Flying Dragon

Sisterm, who was on the Crystal Throne, didn't know what kind of trouble his [Data Template] caused in the Koslin Kingdom in the Overworld.

He didn't know that there were two human merchants like that in the main world, and he regarded his [Data Template] as the favor of the gods.

I don't even know that the two merchants had lost their lives in vain because of the irrelevant sacrifices and bananas.


But Systrom found something special in his latest dream.

In the dreamland of the raging flames of burning bananas, Systrom found two small fireballs the size of tennis balls. The two small fireballs seemed to be formed from the flames of burning bananas.

Systrom found that the two small fireballs in the dream seemed to have life, and they flew around him affectionately. He felt that the two fireballs in the dream were very kind to him.

Systrom found that these two small fireballs could even feel his [spiritual connection], and accepted his order to fly in circles in the air, just like his slime friends.

But these two fireballs are obviously much smarter than his slime friends, and they seem to have self-consciousness.

However, after Systrom had this idea, his dream ended.

Before the end of the dream, Systrom even felt the two fireballs very reluctant, as if the two fireballs would disappear as soon as the dream ended.

It was like the emotions emitted by those two fireballs.

After that, although Systrom could still dream of bananas from time to time, he rarely dreamed of burning bananas, and never dreamed of the two small fireballs with IQ.

After using the image data in the [Tools Menu] to recall that dream.

Systrom also had doubts about the two fireballs in the dream. In addition to the two fireballs, the bananas that often appeared in these dreams also had some special meanings.

Systrom felt like someone was using a banana to communicate with him.



The banana dream is still going on.

Although Systrom was still a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, after a long time, Systrom got used to these dream bananas.

After all, these bananas pose no threat to Systrom, and the banana dreams that appear will not affect his sleep quality.

Systrom also gradually put aside the banana dreams and focused on his own affairs.

Recently, Systrom has developed a new subject, trying to activate the abilities similar to [Dragon Armor Arms] on Linda Queen, so that the queen’s exoskeleton has the characteristics of dragon scales and keel bones and becomes stronger.

In this way, the physical fitness of the offspring produced by the queen will also become higher.

However, within ten days, Systrom's attempts had little effect.

In order for the queen to gain the ability of dragon bones, Linda must eat enough dragon bones.

But firstly, Linda the queen could not digest the hard flying dragon scales and bones. Secondly, even if the queen Linda mutated this ability due to eating, the ability obtained by this mutation would not be passed on to the next generation of the queen.

It is necessary for Sistrom to use [Abilities Activation] to activate or modify the abilities from the queen, so that the abilities can be inherited more easily.

Therefore, in the past ten days, Systrom's reinforcement of the queen has basically been in place.

On the contrary, Sistem's own [Dragon Armor Armed Forces] has improved obviously. His [Dragon Armor Armed Forces] is now at level 20, and is about to complete the breakthrough to reach level 2, becoming a new extraordinary ability of Sisterm.

Perhaps because of the increasing number of flying dragon bones, Systrom's digestion of flying dragon bones became faster and faster.

After a few days of testing, Systrom suddenly discovered that the dragon's claw, which was completely indigestible for a while, could already be slightly digested.

In one day, he could digest dragon bone fragments the size of peanuts.

But it was just such a tiny bit of dragon bone fragments that allowed Systrom's [Dragon Armor Arms] to grow tremendously.

At the latest one month, his [Dragon Armor Armed Forces] will become extraordinary, and the consumption of vitality will be greatly reduced. At that time, it is estimated that his body can withstand the [Dragon Armor Armor] that he activates for an hour.


In addition, Sisterm used [Shadow Incarnation] to descend into the main world for the third time, which was successfully completed a day ago.

For the third time, Systrom didn't encounter the abnormal and weird Miss Jenny, nor was he ambush like the second time, and was directly killed.

For the third time, he chose a relatively difficult call to the abyss, which belonged to a guard's task.

The task requires Sisterm to guard a dilapidated underground chamber for ten days and not let other creatures enter it.

The man who summoned Sisterm was a relatively normal man in black robe. Holding a gray metal staff seemed to have the ability to cast spells. After the spellcaster summoned Sisterm, he fled quickly.

From the emotions of the black-robed man, Systrom could feel that the other party was afraid of him.

And Systrom's body also received generous rewards, full of three souls.

Of course, Sisterm chose to accept this call of the abyss not just because he was well paid.

On the one hand, Systrom wanted to experiment, if he violated the agreement of the Abyssal Sacrifice, what would happen if he left the guard location.

On the other hand, it was because this call of the abyss had obvious loopholes. The summoner asked Sisterm to guard this secret room to prevent other lives from entering, but he forgot the summoned Sistem.

Sisterm can guard and steal.

It was precisely because of the comprehensive consideration of these factors that Sisterm chose to accept this call.

But the things hidden in the secret room disappointed Sisterm, just a big box of gold coins and jewelry.

It was less than one percent of Aura's Treasure Room, and it didn't have any appeal to Systrom.

It seems that the black-robed humans have long known that these treasures are not attractive to ordinary abyssal creatures, so they can rest assured that Sisterm will guard these treasures.

As for staying away from the guard location, although Sisterm was very resistant because of the abyss sacrifice, he could still leave a distance from the door of the secret room.

But as long as he leaves the secret room he is in charge of guarding for ten seconds, Systrom will feel an unbearable headache.

If Systrom can persist this unbearable pain for a few more minutes, he will be sent into the abyss.

Of course, this kind of pain was too painful, at least Systrom couldn't bear it. He quickly returned to the door of the secret room to continue guarding.

However, there have always been a lot of fierce abyss creatures in the abyss, and naturally there is no lack of those with strong pain tolerance. For example, his old friend Slime has almost no pain.

As long as the creatures of the abyss can endure this pain, they can break the promise of the call of the abyss at will.

It's not difficult to imagine the kind of summoning the abyss demon, then betrayed by the devil, and killed or eaten by the devil.


Nothing happened during the ten days of [Shadow Incarnation] guarding the secret room. After ten days, Sisterm also left this underground ruin and appeared in the deserted jungle city.

For the next twenty days, Systrom spent the exploration of the ruins of the abandoned city.

Unfortunately, apart from the appearance of some small animals, Systrom did not find anything else.

With the collapse of [Shadow Incarnation] in the main world, Sisterm continued to prepare for his fourth [Shadow Incarnation], and while Sisterm was gathering energy, the worker ant knight spiked suddenly Arrived in front of him and delivered a message to him.

It turned out that the two flying dragon eggs successfully hatched one, and a little flying dragon emerged. The ants didn't know what to do with this little thing...

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