Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 2 Chapter 276: I'm afraid it's not a mentally retarded god

"Duke? Who is he?"

Sisterm continued to check the contents of these green-skinned orcs [data template], and soon discovered that Duke was a deity called the God of Trading, a deity that Sisterm had never heard of.

And this kind of deity with no reputation should be relatively weak among deities.

As he continued to watch the content of [Data Template], Systrom couldn't help showing a somewhat stunned expression, and was amused...

"Is this really good?"

[Data Template] The functions of version 22 are basically the same as the original version of [Data Template], and are divided into entertainment, network, games, food, music, and tools.

The version of the [Data Template] obtained by these green-skinned creatures is also version 22, which is the latest version.

In order to allow users to have a better experience, Systrom has added many humanized functions.

[Data Template] After booting the interface, the user can modify it and adjust it to the way they like it.

And in the most conspicuous center of the interface after these green-skinned creatures [data template] are inspired, there is a document called "The Great God of Trading Duke".

There are audio, pictures, text, and images in this document.

There are eight pictures, all of which are the image of a courteous businessman in different clothes. The businessman looks very handsome and looks very upright. It looks like this Duke portrait.

The audio seemed to be the language of the orcs, which Sisterm couldn't understand at all, while the text was written in human language, elven language, orc language, and two other languages ​​that Sisterm did not recognize.

Yes, this Duke used five languages ​​very ostentatiously and seemed to show off his erudition.

But Systrom has done similar things. In the language options of [Data Template], there are useless Earth Chinese and Earth English to choose from.

The content written in this document is very shameless.

Needless to say, the general content is basically bragging about one's own greatness. In order to let the believers live a happy life, this great thing was created [Data Template].

This Duke perfectly explained to Systrom what shamelessness is.

And more shameless than shameless, this Duke also lashed out at the despicable **** Sisterm in this document.

Yes, in the document Duke "The Great Trading God Duke", Sisterm, who has just been promoted to the extraordinary rank, has become a god, and has become a treacherous and vile coexistence, who likes to take others. The deity of fruit.

According to Duke's text, this [data template] was created by him after spending five thousand years because he couldn't let go of his followers.

But the despicable Sisterm suddenly invaded his kingdom of God when he just created the [Data Template], and under threats and temptations, he snatched part of his [Data Template].

Later, there is a high-quality 3D magical movie created by Duke that is comparable to the previous blockbuster of Systrom.

In the film, Duke fell asleep quietly in his castle, and while he was asleep, he was still using his power to send to the giant magic circle beside the bed, and continued to develop [data template].

Duke’s Kingdom of God is like a lively city, and Duke’s sleeping castle is located in the center of the city.

There is a warm and warm sun in the sky of the kingdom of God. In this harmonious city, there are various creatures living together happily. There are humans, orcs, elves, and dwarves. They are happily trading and buying and selling their favorite commodities. .

However, this happy scene was suddenly broken. The clear sky was suddenly covered by clouds, and then a huge tentacle suddenly inserted into the city from the sky...

The earth trembled violently, and several fighters who seemed to be high-ranking patrons flew out of the kingdom of God. They were holding long swords with a scale pattern and slashing towards the tentacles, but they were violently twitched by the tentacles in an instant, and they were all bombarded. on the ground.

It was like the sound of glass shattering, and two tentacles appeared again, and the sky of Duke Kingdom of God was mercilessly broken by the tentacles.

The tentacle monster hundreds of meters high showed its face, and Sisterm relied on his powerful strength to appear in Duke's kingdom of God, and swallowed the sun in the sky.

The disappearance of the sun did not make the sky black, but made the sky dyed blood red.

Systrom didn't know what principle was used to make the sky become this color.

Systrom discovered that in the film he still looked like thirty-two tentacles. Although he was a little bigger, he was similar to the bronze statue made by Jenny.

And in the process of seeing his appearance, Sisterm felt very speechless.

When Sisterm's tentacles were about to fall and hit an old orc, the trading **** Duke appeared and staggered to rescue the old orc.

"Don't hurt my believers, they are innocent..."

Duke’s words are orcish, but Sisterm can easily guess what Duke is talking about based on the content of the film.

With his weak body, Duke stubbornly looked at the extremely huge evil **** Sistem in the sky, and there were still some tears in the corner of his eyes.

Needless to say about the plot after the film, Sisterm snatched Duke's [Data Template] under threat, but with the concerted efforts of countless believers, Duke exploded with great strength.

In the end, the mighty Sisterm drove away, and Duke's kingdom of God also restored calm...


After watching the film, Systrom couldn't calm down for a long time.

This "Guardian of the Kingdom" movie is really well made, and Duke's words are also very inciting. If it wasn't for the big villain in the story, it was him, it would really be possible for Systrom to believe in Systrom. It is a despicable and shameless deity who specializes in stealing the fruits of others.

But [Data Template] was obviously created by him!

It's not something created for five thousand years in a deep sleep, created wholeheartedly for believers!

It is shameless to reverse black and white like this!

And this Duke just copied some changes in [Data Template] directly, and then distributed it, is it really good?

Doesn't this Duke know that these [data templates] are still under his control even after being copied?

Is it a mentally retarded god?

The ability used by Sisterm once again sensed the [Data Template] of a Green Skin Orc. He easily changed the [Data Template] and restored the Green Skin Orc's [Data Template].

Yes, this [data template] is indeed still under Sisterm's control.

And this also means that Duke uses [Data Template] to distribute various rumors, which is tantamount to a joke.

Sisterm wanted to make Duke lose control of [Data Template], as long as these orcs were connected to the Internet, and then a version update would be fine.

In all [Data Templates], everything that undermines Systrom's interests and is fancy stuff is scumbags in the face of version updates.

Systrom has countless ways to solve this problem.

One of the simplest is shielding. Duke's portraits and images are all added with mosaics, Duke's text becomes, and Duke's audio becomes beep.

In addition, Systrom can also directly reverse what Duke said after the [Data Template] is updated, or even forge a film to proclaim that he is just and can distribute what Duke can’t distribute. Krypton gold points.


But after thinking about it, Systrom did not act immediately. After all, this Duke is a sleeping deity. Facing the deity, his actions still need to be cautious...

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