Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 3 Chapter 505: Some gods are destined to walk less than one way with him

Golden Banana September 20th, sixth year.

There is no trace of the mud in the Lierte Forest because of the melting of ice and snow, except that the temperature is still slightly lower. The climate here is almost the same as in previous years, and it has recovered to more than 20 degrees.

The forest is full of signs of recovery, countless plant seedlings are vying to grow, and the common flying insects in the forest have once again bred.

As old Drew Medland felt, even if the natural environment undergoes drastic changes, some of the plants and insects that have multiplied and survived for countless years will still survive.

However, it was the end of summer at this time, and after more than two months, the Lierte Forest would once again come to the time when all things died.

These young plants that grow at this time will also wither and become nourishment for other plants next year.

In the experience value conversion factory next to the Kryptonian skyscraper, it took more than ten days for [Sage Avatar] to reach the upper limit of the level lock level 250 during the busy idle process.

[Holy Incarnation] Begin to use the power of civilized authority to elevate one's life level, that is, to break through the level lock and achieve fantasy level.

According to Sisterm's feelings and Duke's reference, [Sage Incarnation] only needs about ten days to transform and promote fantasy.

After more than ten days, the empirical value converter manufactured by Systrom has reached more than 1,500 units, and production has been temporarily suspended.

The speed of Sisterm's level promotion has therefore stopped at about 7.5 times.

At present, he can improve by about one level every day, and his level has reached 140.

However, the higher the level, the more experience points are required. Sisterm estimates that after reaching the 200th level, at the current speed, it may take a few days or even ten days to reach the first level.

This kind of experience value converter, he must continue to produce it.

The reason is that the number of void monsters is obviously not enough-there are too few void monsters invading this world from another world.

Although the Void Monster Hunters of the Golden Banana Federation are working hard to help Sisterm catch the void monsters, the Federation has not been eaten by slimes at present, and there are more than 1,000 remaining void monsters, but only half a month later , These void monsters will be consumed by the experience value converter.

According to Xiao M's analysis and calculation, the current output of the Golden Banana Federation Void Monsters can only maintain the scale of 1,500 in half a month. If it is consumed too much, the cultivation of the Jumping Slime will be affected.

Although the staple food of Mind Slime and Enchantment Slime is not a Void Monster, the Void Monster is indispensable if you want to be promoted to a Leaping Slime.

It is precisely because of this that Sisterm put the previously envisaged cultivation of void monsters on the agenda, and decided to establish a large-scale void monster breeding farm.

Since the invasion of the void monsters is too gentle, Sisterm can't just grab wild ones, and engage in artificial breeding.

The farm feed Systrom has actually reached a conclusion after previous experiments.

The feed must have the wisdom to infect the void monsters, and the ability to reproduce, and not be too picky about food.

Sisterm’s scavenger friends and goblins became Sisterm’s first choice.

But in the end Sisterm chose another creature-the worm demon.

Cultivating demon insects from the nest of demon insects, and then hatching demon demon from demon insects, both the cost of breeding and the efficiency of output are very good.

The only disadvantage is that it is more harmful to the environment.

Cultivating the nest of demon insects is like playing with fire. A little carelessness will cause extremely serious disasters, and it is very possible to destroy one or two countries.

However, considering the national strength of the Golden Banana Federation at this time, this level of threat can already be ignored.

And Sisterm can choose the breed of the Devil's Nest and choose weaker insects and demons for cultivation.

Systrom decided to use earthworms with relatively weak attacking ability and no vision, but with relatively strong survivability as the source of incubation for insects and demons.

When the demon earthworm grows to a certain level, it will be attacked by farm workers. When the demon earthworm is tortured and wounded all over its body, it will trigger a protection mechanism and transform into a precocious insect demon with weaker but stronger intelligence.

After that, there will be an enchantment slime of the extraordinary rank that drives the void monsters of the extraordinary rank to come here.

For this kind of mortal creature, it only takes a few minutes to complete the infestation of the void monster of the extraordinary rank, and the most primitive void monster will be born.

These primitive void monsters will be collected by the workers of the Federation, and use the similar combination of void monsters and slimes to give birth to new magical and even extraordinary void monsters.

When the creation of the void monsters is completed, these remaining worm and demon corpses will be crushed by federal workers, and then fed to the worm’s nest as nourishment.

Although the mad cow disease in the previous life actually came from this way, Systrom felt that the physical body should have little effect on the spiritual life.


The construction plan of the Void Monster Farm has been almost perfected by Systrom, and the remaining problems will only be discovered after the farm is built.

And on September 20th, while Sisterm ordered the construction of the Void Monster Farm, another major event for the Lilter Forest and Warren Plains also began.

Although the change of heaven and earth has ended, the annual rainy season in Lierte Forest will still arrive as scheduled.

In some respects, the rainy season in the Lierte Forest is similar to the pouring rain caused by the changes in the world of the southern human kingdom of the Golden Banana Federation, but it is shorter.

On this day, in order to prevent the rainy season from affecting the production of the Federation, the Federation decided to cancel the rainy season that continues to occur in the Lierte Forest.

After destroying the demigod Aud and experiencing the arrival of the saints, the Federation has the ability to fight against this rainy season, especially the Federation has a new saint to join.

The two saints who have been shunned by Sisterm and have not met, perhaps wanting to promote themselves, took the initiative to eliminate the rainy season for the Golden Banana Federation and guide the rain to the water-scarce desert country to the east.

As the **** of water system, Kodi, the **** of raging waves, has the ability to change rain.

Although Systrom hated these two saints, he did not refuse this kind of doing good for the Federation.

Through the windows of the Kryptonian skyscraper, Sisterm saw the Saint Cody appearing in the mid-air with an extremely huge phantom of the water god.

The phantom is holding a huge black trident, and the water-blue mist is constantly surging in the sky like With the appearance of the phantom, the condensation of water mist over the Lierte Forest begins to move eastward mobile.

The saint named Cody did solve the problem of the rainy season that was about to appear in the Lilter Forest, but it also made Sisterm even more hated by the saint.

Because Systrom knew that the magnificent blue water **** phantom in the sky was just to deceive the people, and the means used to gain faith were actually just fancy and useless illusions.

Let Sistrom have a feeling of being used.

"Obviously, I have given you a chance, why do you want me to hate you?" Sisterm looked at the scene outside the window and sighed unconsciously.

Some gods are destined to not go the same way with him.

And in the process of Sisterm's emotions, the seriously injured triumphant look finally recovered and awakened, and immediately sent him the MZ message...

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