Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 3 Chapter 555: The fall of an old friend

At the beginning of March of the eighth year of Golden Banana, the "Magic God Mecca Coping Strategy" formulated by Systrom appeared in the hands of the federation's high-levels with super high execution power.

The Golden Banana Federation has focused its rapid expansion on another magical kingdom on the main plane, striving for the followers of McGuck to submit to the Golden Banana Federation.

At the same time, Sisterm also asked the dwarf to use federal super weapons such as hydrogen bombs and space-time weapons to carry out terrorist attacks on the kingdom of God in Mecca.

This suicide attack handed down from Vioz, the **** of wealth, matches the taste of Systrom.

He wanted to let McGuck, the **** of magic, know what the consequences would be for the woman who killed him, and did not admit that his woman was a tentacle monster.


However, the first two terrorist attacks were okay. From the video shared by Johnny, Systrom was able to see McGuck’s angry look, and Systrom also felt very happy and relieved.

But several times later, the magical **** Mecca no longer reacted to the dwarves who invaded the kingdom of God.

No matter how little Johnny yelled, the **** of magic has been hidden somewhere in the kingdom of God and just doesn't show up.

Fortunately, Johnny has a keen sense of smell. After some exploration, Johnny finally discovered that the **** of magic, Mecca, was in the most magnificent mage tower in the kingdom of magic.

Although there are tens of thousands of attendants in the magic kingdom, these guys who study magic are not aggressive.

Without McGuck's order, these attendants did not stop the heroic spirits from breaking into the kingdom of God.

Johnny broke into McGuck's magic tower with great ease.

While traveling in the high tower, Johnny also visited and used [Data Storage] to pick up some high-end magic items, as well as some more high-end magic creations that can emit glare.

In this regard, Megak, the **** of magic, still did not make any response.

The so-called wealth may be McGach.

Anyway, Sisterm asked himself if he couldn't do McGac's free and easy, if others arrogantly disassemble the light bulb in his skyscraper, he Sisterm would surely make that person pay the price he deserved.

It took a full two hours before Johnny came to the depths of the tower where the **** of magic was, and in front of the **** of magic, Mecca, he took out a spherical weapon shining red light—— Golden Banana Time and Space Bomb.

However, the expected situation never happened.

No matter what little Johnny said, Megak, the **** of magic, looked indifferent, just quietly facing a wall of the tower, and never responded to a word from little Johnny.

Until the last moment when the Golden Banana Time-Space Explosive bomb was detonated by the dwarf, McGuck still had no response.


Lenovo's second visit to the magic kingdom of Johnny, what he saw and heard, plus the seven or eight magic kingdoms that have been restored, things are self-evident.

I have to say that as a **** who once possessed a high level of supernatural power, Megak, the **** of magic, does have a good set.

Sisterm underestimated McGak, and also underestimated the kingdom of God.

The **** of the gods can indeed destroy the kingdom of the gods easily, but Sisterm wants to copy what the **** of gods did, obviously not qualified.

He couldn't even cause losses to a single kingdom of God.

This is not to say that the super weapons studied by the Golden Banana Federation have no effect on McGach's Magic Kingdom, but the effect it produces is really limited, and McGach is not in his eyes at all.

"The next time you go to see McGuck, ask him to wait for me..."

After thinking about it, Systrom finally informed the little dwarf and asked the little dwarf to speak harshly to McGak again.

Systrom really couldn't think of a better way.

Sending Johnny the little dwarf to carry out this kind of innocuous harassment may only make McGuck even more contempt for him.

Systrom also decided to stop these meaningless things.

Although the little dwarf Johnny obviously disagrees, saying that the Golden Banana Hydrogen Bomb and the Golden Banana Space-Time Bomb have some usefulness to the kingdom of Mecca, and his suicide attacks can also cause damage to the kingdom of Mecca, but Systrom knew that this was only Johnny's wishful thinking.

He still knows Johnny's careful thinking, it's nothing more than blew himself up a few times, and then borrowed more Krypton points from him, endlessly strengthening his cards and making himself more popular.

Thanks to Johnny’s efforts over the years, the strength of the debtor Johnny’s card has been rising, the card’s price/performance ratio is also very good, and it is also very popular in the Federation.

Although not as good as Kun, but not much worse.

It can be said that the dwarf Johnny is currently only one step away from the fantasy rank, and maybe he will die a few more times, he can become the fourth hero in the federation to become the fantasy rank.

Johnny was obviously not very willing, but under the insistence of the big benefactor, he could only agree to Systrom in frustration and lost the opportunity to go to the kingdom of Mecca and blew himself up.

But the little dwarf immediately thought of something. He took out the dazzling products he found in the Magic Tower of Mecca, and gave them to Sisterm-these high-end glare products, the little dwarf can be here in Sisterm Get a lot of money.

In addition to these magic items that can glow, the little dwarf also got some other seemingly high-end magic products. With these things, he can borrow some krypton gold points from Luen or other guys who study magic and magic items. .

Not only that, in the future, he can also go to the Magic Kingdom to pick up more magic items and generate a steady stream of harvest.

Johnny, the little dwarf who left from the pupalization room of Sisterm, has made up his mind to go to the Magic Kingdom and use his sense of smell to find more treasures.

Perhaps he could also discuss with the God of Magic, let the God of Magic pretend to be anxious, and then divide the Krypton Points from Sisterm into thirty or seven.


After the dwarf Johnny left, Systrom was also lost in thought.

The deity who killed Kun and humiliated him, the height in Sisterm's heart continued to rise.

As the so-called gentleman takes revenge, it is not too late for ten years.

He even decided to deal with the **** of the gods, and the only gods, before the gods of the gods were destroyed, he would surely be able to turn his car over.

Systrom also further developed a plan, in addition to fundamentally robbing the followers of Mecca.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces. He wants the Federation to accelerate the research on newer weapons, and must create weapons that can damage the kingdom of Mecca.

At that time that weapon can not only deal with Mecca, it is not impossible to deal with the gods.

The current Golden Banana Hydrogen Bomb and Golden Banana Space-Time Explosive Bomb may not be good enough to deal with the magical **** Mecca, who once possessed high divine power, but it should still have some effect on the medium-sized **** of wealth Vioz.

Of course, this was only Systrom's worst plan.

It is better to be able to not or not be a god. For the saint Vioz who has not been a god, it is still very possible for Xiao M to catch him in the online world.

At that time, the incarnation of McGuck and Vioz can form a team together, wait for the destined person together, and then cultivate the true fruit after ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and finally submit to the Golden Banana Federation.


However, things are always full of changes. It can also be said that the weather is unpredictable. At the end of April in Golden Banana eight years, Systrom got the news from the little M-his old friend, likes to engage in terrorist attacks. The **** Vioz has fallen...

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