Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 4 Chapter 605: I'm pregnant

A failure is nothing, Systrom knew that Kun would definitely not be his opponent if it were replaced by the body of the tentacle monster.

However, although the body of the Tentacle Monster has always been liked by Sisterm, he would always feel that something was missing if he really used the body of the Tentacle Monster to do that kind of thing.

As time passed, Systrom's tentacle monster's body remained ascetic, playing with those dazzling sculptures in the office every day.


Before being defeated at night and falling asleep, Systrom had been thinking about returning to the body of the tentacle monster, and then teaching this arrogant woman a lesson.

But after waking up at noon, Systrom couldn't remember what he wanted before falling asleep last night.

Next to Sisterm, Kun in pink pajamas is using his phone to browse the wedding dress.

This pajama was a new pajama found in Sisterm's home, and Liu Yue never wore it.

Although Kun was not disgusted with Liu Yue's clothes, Systrom felt a bit awkward inexplicably, so he didn't let Kun wear Liu Yue's clothes.

In fact, at this time, Systrom wanted to make complaints about Kun's wedding dress just like at that time.

After all, in this world, Kun, as a hero, can realize his body, and it is very easy to make a wedding dress. There is really no need to buy it.

But Sisterm finally held back this time, and it was absolutely impossible to reason with a woman.

And Systrom also remembered that after being defeated yesterday, he had already agreed with Kun to order the wedding dress, and after half a month, he would take the wedding photo.

As for the wedding of the two of them, Systrom also agreed in a silly way, and had to do two, one is on Earth, and the other one has to return to the Golden Banana Federation to do it again.

Regarding marriage, it is obviously troublesome.

First of all, the trickiest thing is how he should tell his daughter about this.

Kun wouldn't abuse children, but she was definitely not a qualified stepmother.

Because Kun had a similar appearance to Liu Yue, Sisterm felt a little entangled whenever he thought of the sparks that Wang Xiaolian would collide with Kun after meeting.

In addition, Kun’s current appearance is very obvious from a foreign country. If Systrom wants to marry him, he must go through the corresponding procedures in China. Not only a passport, but also a certificate from the embassy is required.

As a life in a different world, Kun is obviously a three-no-person.

Although Kun has the power to manipulate people's minds, it is still very troublesome to deal with. Systrom also didn't want to be found out because of the forged information, and then be investigated and investigated.

Since we are going to get married, we must comply with the process of getting married, and there is nothing wrong with it.


He shook his head slightly, Systrom stroked his lover's golden hair, Kun did not move, still watching the messages on the phone quietly.

Systrom discovered that Kun's character became less wild after having a physical body.

Of course, whether this is the case or not, Systrom is not very clear, after all, this woman often comes on a journey that just walks away.

And while Sisterm knotted Kun's soft hair, he was thinking about how to take Kun to see his daughter today.

Suddenly, Kun stopped looking at the phone and turned to look at him.

"I'm pregnant."

Kun looked at Systrom and made a very solemn voice.

"Whose?" Sisterm just felt a little in his heart, and subconsciously asked a rhetorical question, and then suddenly thought that Kun had just acquired a real body, Sisterm asked suspiciously: "You heroic body can also Pregnant? And can you feel it so quickly?"

Kun nodded: "I don't know, but I can feel that I'm pregnant."


Sisterm looked at Kun. Although he felt that Kun's manner was okay, Sisterm always felt unreliable.

It's not that Sisterm doubted Kun, but that he felt he was not good at it.

After being a vegetative for three months, and during these three months and nearly one month of cultivation, Systrom has never been released.

For the things stored in his body for about four months, Systrom felt that their vitality was not strong, and it was obviously not enough to make Kun pregnant.

Facing Systrom's suspicion, Kun nodded and said: "This pregnancy did not work very well. I feel that the number of offspring I am pregnant is much smaller, and it should be only forty."

Following Kun's serious answer, the sip of water that Systrom had just drunk almost didn't choke.

Human beings can give birth to five creatures in one breath, and there is a certain chance that, but being able to conceive more than forty offspring at one time, Sisterm only feels very uneasy.

"Kun, can you tell me what race you are now?" Sisterm looked at Kun and made a earnest voice.

"Human?" Kun blinked, and replied with a puzzled look at Systrom.

"Then how many offspring can human beings give birth to after pregnancy?"


"Well, how many offspring are you pregnant this time."

"One? No, I clearly sensed that I was pregnant with more than forty." Kun made a suspicious voice, and then immediately denied it.

Compared with common sense, Kun obviously believes more in the outrageous feeling that he is wrong.

"You are a human being, and you are no longer a grasshopper. It’s too much to give birth to more than forty offspring at one time. For a baby so big, more than forty are placed in your stomach, you think you can hold it. ?"

As Systrom said, comparing the size of a baby with his hand, he finally reached out and touched the abdomen under Kun's pajamas.

Kun finally stopped his movements, apparently realizing that something was and began to feel his body carefully.

Systrom also made a guess, maybe Kun was not pregnant at all, it was just a guess that she felt and then made.

After all, it is very abnormal for a human being to be able to be sure that he is pregnant after only one day.


Touching Kun's head dozingly again, Systrom sat up from the bed.

At this time, it was about 12 o'clock in the noon, Sisterm made a decision to pick up his daughter tonight, and now in this free time in the afternoon, Sisterm can just go to find the small world.

Just as Kun raised the question, Sisterm had sent M slime to the home of the female high school student surnamed Nie.

At this time, the female high school voice just went to school, and her parents were not there.

Previously, I searched through M Slime and did not find any clues, but if he can use the [Perception] talent at close range, he should be able to find more clues...

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