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“Oh! The genius Solo Top was killed and collapsed, and the genius Solo Mid was also killed by solo.”

“Don’t you say AD is very weak early? Riot, look at this person.”

“Don’t look at Li Xu item, I can’t stand being beaten by Sylas, but this move is really sacred.”

“I knocked! In addition to directional skills, other skills really can’t hit this person?”

“I didn’t think it used to, but now I highly doubt that Li Xu is hanging up.”

“I doubt it now? I have long felt that his urine was full of stimulants, and Peak Brother Lee didn’t do so much.”

“Doran doesn’t know what it’s like to see Brother Mid Lane killed by solo kills below?”

“Doran is okay, so he was killed by solo 3 times, and once the elder brother was steadily beat solo kills 5 times.”

“Solo kills are not terrifying, what terrifying is this person is playing like this.”


Yo! Sylas turned out to be so good? I have been cautious for a long time.

After killing Sylas, Li Xu took the crazy line elated tower, and in 1 minutes Rift Herald just refreshed the Tower on Top Lane.

Immediately afterwards, a good news came from Li Xu Bot Lane.

After Li Xu solo kills Sylas, Elise’s position was found in the upper half of the blue field of vision. Brother Lee’s Akali single-handedly crossed the tower below and killed Mordekaiser.

Although Brother Doran didn’t have to face Li Xu’s Kalista, a clothed bastard dressed up facing Akali was almost like no item. The clear lane under the tower was killed by Brother Lee.

Although the Griffin duo changed to Mid Lane, the support distance of Tahm Kench level 1 ulti was limited, and Akali was unable to rescue him in the face of sudden trouble.

And after Brother Lee completed the solo kills, he saw Tahm Kench go to the grass next to the field of vision, MATA’s Gragas decisively flew and flew up Varus, Yasuo connected Ulti violently.


Lehends flashed to want to eat Varus, Gragas backhand Ulti blasted Tahm Kench, and with Yasuo quickly killed Viper.

Within a short time, the SKT3 line blossomed.

I originally thought that Rift Herald would be a fierce competition. Didn’t expect didn’t wait for the team fight. The three laning top people were all killed. Clid had no pressure to beat the newly refreshed Rift Herald.

Zeyuan: “Wow! SKT is getting more and more relaxed. The players of each line have completed a very beautiful wave of killing. Such SKTtoo terrifying.”

Remember: “Originally we thought that Top Lane Kalista would be a very risky choice, but Li Xu used his elaborate operation to play a big advantage in Top Lane. Now I feel that as long as Griffin fights, something will happen.”

The extraction has already exploded. Li Xu dragged it home for 12 minutes before selling the extraction. He directly took out the Blade of the Ruined King and the hurricane of Luanna. Now the advantage is really greater than the sky.

Of course, AD is AD after all. Even if Li Xu is leading the item very exaggeratedly, he didn’t arrogantly press the top lane 2 tower on the opposite side, but ran to Mid Lane and his teammates.

That’s right! Li Xu’s Kalista is not a line-to-black play at all. Akali and Yasuo can both take it alone. Now he wants to maximize his advantage to his teammates.

While there were people showing up on both sides of the opposite side, Sejuani summed up Rift Herald directly in Mid Lane. SKT2 drove off Tahm Kench and Varus to demolish the Red Lane Mid Lane tower and also kept Rift Herald bumping into the Mid Lane 4 tower.

Then Li Xu became incarnation and became ADC. MATA’s Gragas dropped Yasuo and became Li Xu’s royal support. The two people continued to plunder the red square area resources.

On the contrary, Yasuo became the lead hero of Top Lane. When the jungle area is likely to fight, come over to pick up Ulti and it will be finished. It will become a tool for Gragas Ulti.

Li Xu’s item advantage is too great, he is very good at finding output positions, and it is even more difficult to die under the protection of Gragas. I had to run.

In 16 minutes, I saw the opposite Tahm Kench in the jungle area. Gragas was in front of the 2 towers. A pair of Ulti was ready to make a shot, so that Varus could only retreat. Li Xu took the opportunity to drop the extremely low red Fang Mid Lane 2 Tower.

Just when 2 people pushed off Talim and retreated, Varus suddenly controlled Gragas with R flash, and behind them, Ulti of Tahm Kench lit up, and at the same time, the blue field of vision above the 2 wolf pits found the nearby Elise.

“Come on, leave me alone.”

MATA decided to let Li Xu sell himself.

Li Xu was calm, “Blast Varus back.”

He was blocked by Tahm Kench driving behind, and there was probably Sylas on the car. After all, Sylas had disappeared for a while at the Top Lane laning top. It was difficult for him to run back alone, but he had a chance to fight a wave.

MATAsubconsciously throws out Ulti, and Varus, the R-Sherman’s Varus, does not flash, and is bombed directly to Kalista. Li Xu Ruined King’s Blade slows down and throws lance into his hands.

3 Go down and play a strong attack damage. With Gragas, a Q skill Varus lost half of his blood, and was almost directly lost by 2 people.

The silhouette of Sylas fell from Tahm Kench’s car and stole Gragas Ulti.


Before waiting for Sylas to start, Elise next to him saw that Varus was almost seconds, and suddenly flashed out of 3 wolf pits, cocoon shot.

blue Fang’s vision has seen Elise for a long time, and Li Xu walked backwards to avoid Elise’s cocoon, but he did not notice that the vines of the corrupt chain have spread behind him. This reverse walk actually let Kalista Entrapped in a chain of corruption.

Fortunately, Varus Ulti is the imprisonment effect, and Li Xu stood madly at the spot and shot lance at Elise.

Seeing that Kalista was controlled, Elise’s fierce E skills fell to Kalista’s side, and Sylas also threw 2 E skills away from aiming at Kalista.


MATA’s reaction is very fast, flashing directly blocking Sylas’s chain, and not letting Sylas approach Kalista’s body.

Sylas was blocked and decisively threw out the stolen Gragas Ulti, wanting to blow Kalista back.

At this time, Varus retreated while accumulating a single arrow to match Elise’s damage to kill Kalista. It is likely that Sylas blasted Gragas and killed him directly.

However, Kalista has escaped imprisonment.


Li Xu flashed decisively to avoid blasting Gragas, appeared under Varus, and continued to throw lance in his hand.

Once, twice, pluck the spear decisively.

Varus, who is in a vulnerable state, was killed by Li Xu even if he handed over the treatment.

After killing Varus, Li Xu turned to output Elise behind him. Elise itself was slowed down by pulling his spear, and could not pose any threat to Li Xu. He could only watch Kalista jump to the left and right and insert himself as a hedgehog.

Sylas got rid of Gragas’s entanglement, and was just inserted into the lance by Kalista’s split bow. Except for a passive damage, he couldn’t stop Kalista from sliding.

Just as Tahm Kench at the back finally leaned over to prepare to swallow Elise, Li Xu decisively pulled his spear.


With a crunch, Elise fell to the ground.


saw that the situation was far from good, Tahm Kench and Sylas wanted to run, Li Xu pierced for a few spears in a row, seeing that the E skill tear could not be refreshed, only to pull the spear to slow down.

At this time, Teddy’s Yasuo finally arrived on the battlefield.

“I’m here, rushing.”

MATA’s Gragas has Stopwatch, rushing to the top to keep people.

Even without Gragas’s Ulti’s help, Yasuo managed to save the wind by himself. The EQ blitz flying 2 people connected to Ulti, Li Xu kept up with the output, and Yasuo won the Double Kill.

“You can break the road and dismantle it directly.”

Killed 4 people, Mid Lane and artillery soldiers, and the next wave of creep line arrived immediately, 3 people directly took creep line push.

At this time, Brother Lee of Bot Lane also solo kills Mordekaiser again, directly TP to the creeps of the anti-tower.

“It seems to be a wave, give it a try.”

Due to the fact that the location of the battle burst is too close to the high ground, the Nexus Turret has been dismantled by five people when the red personnel resumed one after another.

The people on the red side had to brace oneself each and everyone to rush out to protect Athena. As a result, they were killed by SKT one after another and completed Ace. They successfully won the game in 17 minutes.

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