League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1758: The death of God (today plus)

(Suddenly, I want to break out today, so I will be late, and I will write more and write later. But it will be sent later, but no more than today, May 5 or so, I hope you like it.)


Starry sky, I don’t know when, all the heroes are here, Ai Xi, Barbarian, Juggernaut, Wayne, Fire Girl, Card, Crocodile, etc. Each hero is full of dignified color, just appeared, They stretched out their palms one by one, and when they were there, the set of gods on the light curtain began to fall off, and the sound of "咔咔" sounded on the light curtain.

The light curtain that enveloped the entire Valoran... cracked!

"Fast! Convergence!"

Galen said with a dignified face, in fact, he does not need to remind him, feel the crack of the light curtain, this moment all heroes are on the verge of enemies.

Black Modinger, holding his breath, his bones are cold.

Casting the Star Dragon King looks at the light, solemn and solemn

Ai Xi's face is white and his body is stiff.

Victor was shaking and he was uneasy.

Ritz was taut and he was ready to flee.

All the other heroes, also staring at the light curtains that collapsed with the various types of gods, fell ready to evacuate.


The cracking sound became more and more compact. At this moment, the entire Valoran galaxy is like an eggshell, and outside this eggshell, there seems to be something horrible, eating wildly and wanting to rush in.

"Fast, retreat!!!!"

The lava giants roared and the face was full of fear.

The rest of the heroes, including Black Modinger and others, are also flying back hundreds of light years, watching the light curtain shell that is falling silently.

Finally, with the final "snap", including the entire Valoran galaxy, its diameter has reached tens of billions of light years, the light curtain shell, shattered, time, a thrilling white, printed In the eyes of all heroes.

White waves, endless white waves!

Encroaching on this light curtain shell, it turned out to be a white wave that almost filled the whole universe. These white waves are white and white, but the white ones are shocking. At this moment, the heroes are like being in a world full of whites.

No black, no green, no other colors, only... white.

How powerful the heroes are, they can observe the entire Valoran galaxy between them, but in the face of this white matter, they are powerless, whether it is their gaze or perception, they are Endless white waves.

At this moment, as soon as these white waves appeared, they were like the raging tsunami of the sky, picking up the waves of light years, and roaring all the heroes with sorrow.

The abyss giant and the king of the troll are the closest to these white waves, but they are relatively close. They are actually hundreds of light years away from them. However, when the white waves rushed in, they turned and fled, suddenly felt When I saw it in front of me, I was caught in the confusion. I didn’t seem to listen to the place.

"what happened!!!"

"No! They are more powerful!"

In the distance, some heroes screamed.

When the two heroes recovered, they were horrified to find that they did not know when they had fallen into the endless white waves. The body of the abyss and the king of the trolls were in this white wave, like the snow in the spring. In general, rapid ablation is coming.

In the white waves, they are like babies, they can't unite any power.

There was a smirk on the faces of the two heroes. They looked at their fast-melting body and felt the sense of rapid ambiguity. They vomited from their mouths. "The rest... handed over to you... what……"

"Must be...successful!"

"We want to...resurrection..."


After the white waves rolled up hundreds of millions of stars and swallowed the two heroes, the white waves seemed to be getting stronger.


"Hurry! Hurry up and meet Ye Qi!"

"The time we have left is not much..."

The remaining 134 heroes, who did their best, did not stop, and quickly rushed to the place where Ye Che was.

Behind them, the white waves are getting more and more crazy and getting bigger and bigger. After the "egg shell" of the Valoran galaxy is broken, these white waves are like eclipse ants, eroding from all directions at the speed of light speed. The edge of the Valloland galaxy.

Almost a blink of an eye, there are tens of thousands of light years, completely collapsed, and turned into a part of the white wave.

In less than ten seconds, the place where the Valoran galaxy fell has reached millions of light years!

With the spread, the speed of these white waves is increasing geometrically!

They are like a big net that covers the sky, and after fiercely shrinking the mainland of Valoran, they are fiercely contracted. Under the big net, everything is turned into nothingness.


At the same time, the 1285 star area battlefield!

Feeling the devastating atmosphere brought by the dragon and the snake, Ye Che’s eyes are condensed. He actually stood still and did not move. It seems that he intends to resist it. You must know that the strength of the enchanted can only be with Dai Fan. In the Demon Legion, it is hard to resist the attack of the gods, which makes everyone raise their hearts.

At this moment, Ye Che moved, there is no move, he is only a stretch of body, and then slammed from the bottom up against the British magic, its speed will be blessed to an unimaginable moment.

Looking at this scene, everyone has widened their eyes.


Seeing this little bug actually dared to take the initiative to find death, the leading British magic monster screamed, pressing the thumb suddenly accelerated, just like penetrating the starry sky, actually pressed directly on Ye Che.

When it was said that it was too late, in the moment when the thumb of this enchanted man had just touched Ye Che’s body, his body surface suddenly appeared golden golden powder, and they swept away, and the body of King Kong was not bad, and Ye Che started it to the extreme. .


At the moment of contact between the two sides, the elements of hundreds of light years rioted.

The sinus thumb epithelial meat was broken by the body of King Kong, but at the same time, a powerful anti-shock force, along the surface of Ye Che, was introduced into the interior.

This anti-shock force is powerful to the extreme, turbulent and endless, Ye Che's point of heroic power, affected by the power of the earthquake, instantly burst! Then, the force of the anti-seismic force penetrated his body and rushed into his blood vessels and visceral bones. In an instant, his blood surged, his elements were disordered, and some of the body's meridians, fascias, and muscles and tendons appeared. damaged!

If Ye Che's body does not inherit the essence of Li Qingyun's power of qi, this is the next, it will make his five internal organs burst, the whole body bones broken, this inferior, has been completely comparable to the god!

"It's so strong, it is the most proud masterpiece of Black Modinger. After two or three resurrections, it will be promoted to the gods by the strength of the Star Jun."

Ye Che's eyes are dignified. Fortunately, he has a body that is not bad in the body, and there is Li Qing's blood body in the body. There is nothing wrong with it. A breathing effort is intact.

(End of this chapter)

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