When the music started playing, Rorschach realized that this was really the song he had just improvised. Before he could figure out what Bezenia was going to do, the light hit him

"What does this old woman want to do?"Rorschach didn't know why and looked at Bezenia. As a result, the old lady looked at Rorschach with encouraging eyes and motioned for him to speak.

Now he knew that he wanted Rorschach to sing this song by himself. Rorschach didn't hesitate to take it. He played the organ, inserted in the middle of the tune, and then started singing.

At first, these noble ladies, young masters and ladies all looked at Rorschach, who was wearing rags, with some contempt, but as his singing sounded, there were many expressions in these people's eyes. He felt a hint of appreciation, but what he appreciated was still Rorschach's singing, which had nothing to do with anyone.

After the song was sung, polite applause rang out, and Rorschach took off his hat and saluted before sitting back in his seat. Immediately afterwards, the stage play began. , the grand orchestral music opened, and pairs of barbarians wearing animal skins came onto the stage. At first glance, they were the ancestors of the Noxians, the group of barbarians called Knox... There was obviously magic in the presentation of the stage play. The effect makes it appear more real.

And this performance did not avoid the terrifying demon-Morde Caesar, from Morde Caesar's rise to power, to the battle and the final fall.

Rorschach admired Svi very much. Because of his strategy, in the final analysis, such a performance would do some damage to the empire's rule, but Swain didn't seem to care.

Seeing the nobles all watching with excitement, Rorschach silently recorded this in his heart. I want to do this kind of performance or film in the province after I go back. The integration of ideological fields needs to be strengthened.

Large-scale stage plays are very time-consuming. After the entire stage play is performed, the silver moon is already in the sky..

Rorschach watched Bezenia send off the nobles, and then came to the old lady and asked:"Why do you want me to sing that song? Improvised?"

"No, no, I'm just helping you achieve your goal," Bezenia showed a wise smile.

"Um? My purpose?"Rorschach doesn't understand.

"Mr. Hugo, when you sit at the door of the theater and sing that song, don't you just want to enter the theater and have a chance to perform in front of the nobles?" Bezenia said with a smile:"You are from Kulsala. , is a bard. I know you also want to go somewhere else, but since you have made the choice to perform in the theater, it means that you need to obtain some resources in the Immortal Fortress. I will help you realize your wish!"

"This old woman is so powerful." Luo Xia was shocked. She saw through her plan at a glance.

""Don't be surprised, Mr. Hugo," Bezenia continued:"I said, I am also from the south. I struggled here for decades before I got a foothold. I saw in you the reflections of my youth. shadow"

"Of course, if you feel you owe me a favor, you can write a few more songs or tell some stories and let me turn them into stage plays as repayment," Bezenia said calmly and finished a long paragraph in one breath.

"Indeed," Rorschach nodded:"I want to gain a foothold here. So, thank you very much for your help. As for stories or songs, it’s easy to say that I have been to many places, seen many different scenery, and heard many interesting stories. I can write them down as a repayment!"

"Agreed and happy to work together," Bezenia stretched out her hand

"Happy cooperation!"Rorschach gently shook Bezenia's hand.

After that, Rorschach stayed in the theater and wrote a story. Of course, this story was Shakespeare's"Hamlet", but it was changed by what happened. The location was changed to ancient Shurima.

Rorschach relied on his clear memory to write out the play and gave it to Bezennia. After reading the first chapter, Bezennia was immediately attracted and didn’t even want to eat. After eating, she read this story all morning.

After reading the story, she found Rorschach, an eighty-year-old old lady. There was a light in her eyes. She took Rorschach's hand and asked:"What is this story about?" Real? How come I've never heard of it"

"Have you been to Shurima?" Rorschach asked back

"No!"Bezenia shook her head

"That's okay. When I was traveling in Shurima, I heard what the waste collector said. Of course, I added some dramatic elements to it," Rorschach began to fool the old lady.

"You are really a bard," Bezenia said with some confusion.

"This can be false, I haven’t written the story of Bilgewater yet," Rorschach curled his lips.

"Then you write well and I will arrange for someone to rehearse this play." The eighty-year-old old lady suddenly burst out with great enthusiasm and left in a hurry.

Luo Xia shook her head and returned to her room. The old lady was temporarily If you don’t have time to look for yourself, you can go to the city to do some activities, and get some news by the way to see if there is any news about Samira’s parents. There is no curfew in the Immortal Fortress, but there are guards patrolling at night. They will wander around. Drunk people are dragged under a shed at the city gate, covered with a layer of hay and left alone. If they encounter criminals, they will be arrested immediately.

So relatively speaking, the Immortal Fortress is still very safe at night, but the construction No one will go down to the deep levels, not even the guards. There are the ruins of the old city built by Mordekaiser.

Everyone knows that this old city is a dirty and terrifying world. This is a forgotten place The corners of the city are full of sin and darkness. As soon as you walk into this underground city, you will feel a stench coming to your nostrils, as if it is the breath of death. The surrounding walls are covered with filthy graffiti and are full of violence and malicious symbols. The bricks on the wall are dilapidated, showing cracks, as if they will collapse at any time. Thick piles of garbage and waste are piled on the ground, exuding a disgusting stench. The air is filled with The disturbing smell is suffocating. There is no sunlight here, only darkness. In the darkness, you can hear low moans and painful wails, as if the devil is whispering in your ears. Rorschach stood at the entrance of the step well and said I looked down and was hesitating whether to go down or not when I heard someone shouting:"Help, that devil has taken my daughter!""

Rorschach originally didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but a blood-red shadow hit him directly. After Rorschach dodged, the shadow got into the stepwell and disappeared.

Although it was night, Rorschach saw It was very clear that it was a vampire, but it was definitely not the Vladimir who lived in the upper class.

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