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. . .

Sakura wishes male readers:

Diligent and hardworking, romantic and affectionate, handsome and unrestrained, mature and stable, docile and considerate, broad-minded, sunny and handsome, gentle and elegant, beautiful and unrestrained, coquettish and suave, Yushu Linfeng, young and rich, brave and mighty, invincible in the world, first in the universe, lonely master, invulnerable , I am the only one, Jade-faced Langjun, the benevolent is invincible, the brave is not afraid, the King Kong is not bad, the wise and martial, the chivalrous is extraordinary, the righteousness is thin, the past and present, unparalleled, humble and studious, not ashamed to ask questions, intelligent and intelligent, active and lovely, warm to friends, to the enemy Indifference, going through fire and water with friends, never giving up, sticking a knife in both sides, moving forward bravely, being generous, shrewd, immortal blessings, longevity and heaven, never giving up, never dying, heroes among heroes, dragons and phoenixes among people, Affectionate and righteous, courageous and colorful, unparalleled in the world, cool and handsome, role model, honest and trustworthy, generous in speech, elegant in style, arrogant, noble in temperament, single aristocrat, majestic Saipanan, outwitted by Kongming, brave Bi Zilong, Yichao Guan Yu, Qiaoyue Luban, supreme and holy, supreme, rich and cruel, incomparably brave, moral model, not drunk in a thousand cups, not chaotic, knowledgeable, talented, arrogant to all living beings, outside the world Tall, bright and upright, fair and selfless, sword eyebrows and star eyes, fresh and handsome, straight nose and thin lips, romantic and suave, unrestrained and handsome, calm and elegant, elegant and peaceful, looking for a fan and smiling, handsome without Tao, imposing, personable, appearance Dignified, looks like Pan An, majestic, graceful, clear-eyed, dignified, with bright eyes and white teeth, handsome and unrestrained, a talented person, majestic, clear-eyed, dignified, handsome, well-dressed, Xu Gong in the north of the city, bright eyes and white teeth, throwing fruit Pan An, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, jade-like and golden-looking, radiant, handsome, elegant, well-dressed, graceful and moon-like, jade tree facing the wind, face like a crown of jade, talented and beautiful, talented, gentle and elegant, gentleman, good-looking Extraordinary, talented and beautiful, amazing, talented, elegant, and profound!

Sakura wishes female readers:

Happy New Year, drink more hot water and wear a mask frequently~(???????)???????


The above is a harmless joke~~(???????)???????

The following is official:

Sakura wishes all the readers and gentlemen to have endless smiles of rat, endless banknotes of rat, endless happiness of rat, and endless harvest of rat. May all good luck be rat in you!

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