League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 485 Katerina Scarlet Banquet

The Daller family mansion, the parlour.

The bright magic lights reflect the red and white floors, the gritty red crystals adorn the gold-sprayed walls, the copper fireplace emits heat, and the crystal chandeliers hanging around the corners are also a little red, like blue flames, rippling in the glaze. dome.

This style is in line with the noble coat of arms of the Dale family: the flaming fire.

At the entrance of the parlour, the servants and housekeepers were abandoned, and the two brothers, Marquis Gardner and Earl Hewlett, stood one after the other, silently waiting for the arrival of the guests.

Compared to Marquis Gardner's calmness, Earl Hewlett's face was slightly curious.

Not long ago, there was news from Valoran that they would arrange for someone to come over to deal with the upcoming division of the nobles in Limontan Lune.

Listening to the meaning conveyed by Horace, it seems to represent some kind of blood.

Earl Hewlett raised his eyes slightly, looked at Gardner in front of him, and sighed inwardly.

No one can stay out of the dark tide of the kingdom.

This is different from the previous battle for the throne, which is an internal matter of the kingdom itself, and now the military offensive launched by the Beshilik Kingdom has already involved the interests of the nobles, and even the inheritance of the nobles.

Most of the blood nobles and meritorious nobles have already made their choices, basically the kingdoms and principalities around the Stoke Kingdom, while the Dale family gave up many olive branches before them and chose the Valoran Territory in the North.

The gamble of fate. Earl Hewlett whispered to himself.

blah blah blah! blah blah blah! blah blah blah!

The sound of light footsteps echoed in the corridor. Marquis Gardner and Earl Hewlett looked slightly adjusted, and looked at the source of the sound. The person they were waiting for had arrived.

A black leather coat concealed her sexy figure, her long crimson hair was scattered behind her back, and the ferocious dagger across her waist attracted the attention of the two of them.

Looking further back, there is a line of almost decorated assassins, 10 people in number.

Marquis Gardner? the crimson long-haired woman said aloud, the scar on her left eye looked a bit fierce. I was ordered to come and get the mission information. The voice fell, and she took out the Fire Emblem from her arms and threw it to Marquis Gardner.

Receiving the familiar coat of arms--a symbol that once symbolized Horace's identity, Marquis Gardner's expression remained unchanged, and said indifferently: I don't know the name of your lord?


Lord Katerina, I've prepared dinner... Marquis Gardner pointed to the living room behind him and said, paying attention to the group of assassins in black leather jackets without a trace.

Under the light, the perfect figure is highlighted, and it is actually all made up of women.

Raising her brows lightly, Katerina immediately refused and said, No, the task is important.

Okay, this is the list of collusion with outsiders this time. Marquis Gardner was not angry, and looked relaxed. From the news he learned, he knew that some strong people in the Valoran Territory had strange temperaments.

Earl Hewlett promptly took out a letterhead stamped with the Fire Emblem and put it in the hands of Marquis Gardner.

It includes some banquet times. It seems that there will be a banquet tonight... Well, it's the tentacles of the Fadirha Kingdom.

With a chuckle, Marquis Gardner continued: I have something to do, and I need to go to the front line. For the mission information, you can contact Hewlett, and he will do his best to help your lord.

Katerina looked at Marquis Gardner with burning eyes, raised her right hand slightly, and the chain-like red life energy wrapped around the letter and retracted it into the palm of her hand.

And without looking back, he led the Unknown Blade out of the living room.

As long as the mission information is accurate, if there is an abnormality, I will carry Hewlett's head to explain to Lord Lord.

For a long while, the entrance to the living room was unusually quiet, and occasionally the lights flickered and sounded up and down.

How do you feel? Marquis Gardner said abruptly, narrowing his eyes slightly, red flames looming.

Very strong! Earl Hewlett pondered for a while. It's not ordinary, at least I didn't feel the fatal danger that existed at that moment from the many powerhouses in Limontanlu.

With a slightly hesitant expression on his face, he glanced at Gardner and continued: It's just that I never heard Horace mention the situation of Lord Katerina.

Marquis Gardner turned around, looked at the younger brother in front of him, and said softly, It's because I haven't seen it before, so this Valoran territory is worthy of the Dale family's allegiance.

I have a hunch that the Dale family will bloom in the most glorious moment in our hands.

Hearing this, Earl Hewlett was silent for a while, with inexplicable emotions flowing in his eyes: Why did you let me go to hand over to her, I realized that her tone just now was not a joke... It really will mention me. brain.

Haha, don't worry too much. Marquis Gardner patted Hewlett on the shoulder and comforted: Everything has been arranged in advance, and in Limontanlu, the reputation of the Dale family still has weight. .

As for me, the situation on the front line is not optimistic. Dakama sent a message that Nuwu Fortress needs support.

We can't put all our hopes on Valoran, at least show our worth, so I will leave Limontanlu tonight and lead the family's Flame Knights to Nuwu Fortress.

Turning to look at the luxury of the living room, Marquis Gardner's current state of Limontanlu appeared in front of his eyes.

Prosperity is no longer, dark tide is surging.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Hewlett, and said in a deep voice, The excuse for being ill before has already raised suspicions, once any accident happens later.

Any bloody incident would inevitably reveal the relationship between the Dale family and the Valoran Territory in advance.

Going to Nuwu Fortress this time will be a very good excuse to get out of sight.

Okay, it's getting late, I should also make preparations, please pay more attention to the affairs of the family.

It won't fail you, brother. Hewlett nodded heavily and promised, and then he seemed to remember something.

I heard that Viscount Brooke of the Perris family is also looking for some help, do we...



It's night, Noble District, Clarence Hall.

The long-lasting magic light illuminates the entire hall, and the golden glass-like eaves reflect the hazy starlight.

The incident of killing the prince before has not affected this famous banquet place in Limontanlu, and looking at the crowded scene at the door, it seems to be more prosperous.

Upon closer inspection, the crowded carriages were mostly engraved with different aristocratic coats of arms, which meant that tonight's banquets were mostly attended by blood nobles and meritorious nobles.

One of the most noticeable is that the sign erected at the entrance of the Clarence Hall, in the shape of a water drop, is the great nobleman in the southern part of the kingdom: the noble coat of arms of the Baker family.

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