League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 757 Silver Light of Dawn


A small town that looks very ordinary and is not very conspicuous on the map, but it is an important town in the north of the Fadirha Kingdom.

Compared with most of the small towns in the northern defense system, Dover is like a beating heart, continuously pumping blood for every defense hub of the northern front, as well as the Wag Sky Fortress at the forefront.

Under the gray sky.

This dimly lit town seems to be a small island in the boundless sea, floating alone, with no one to care for it.

The pervasive darkness is slowly eroding the activity space of the town from all directions, intending to swallow this crumbling, isolated island that no one cares about.

A few wisps of dim starlight permeated the amiable clouds, splashing on the city wall like pattering rain, dipping a tinge of blood into the dilapidated wall.

Seen from a close distance, the towering dark gray city walls have an obvious and unique church style. Two pointed black towers are dotted on the city wall, and vertical ribs are outlined on the surface.

Drowsy light illuminates the walls of the tower through the scattered windows.

On the front of the city wall, there is a narrow, narrow and dark passage. The sharp-ribbed vault is arched upwards under the thrust of the four keystones, forming a semicircle.

And under the vault is a huge heavy iron door covered with fine traces.

The surface of the giant door with uneven and broken iron sheets depicts a magnificent picture.

It's just that now it's covered with dried blood, and looking up, you can faintly see many temple warriors engraved on the door, fighting bloody battles.

The irony is that in each picture, the supreme god sitting upright in the sky has abandoned the believers who carved the portraits.

Dover, this once peaceful and peaceful town, has also fallen into chaos of death.

The frequent attacks of abyssal monsters have brought endless suffering to the surviving kingdom civilians, which is far more tragic than the departure of the gods.

Dongdong! Dongdong! Dongdong!

Under the deep night, a huge trembling sound, like a mountain overturning, resounded loudly, breaking the rare silence.

At almost the same time, piercing magic sirens sounded from the black tower.

In an instant, the dimly lit town was awakened.

A little bit of brilliant fire, like a prairie fire, lit up the majestic city wall, and then a soldier dressed in gray armor and holding a variety of weapons appeared. Stay tired.

Hugh! Hugh!

In the end, the piercing sound of piercing the sky streaked across the night, as if two bright moons were rising into the sky, dispelling the darkness and bringing rare light.


Simple low-level magic, but after being blessed layer by layer by the city wall magic circle, it hangs over Dover, illuminating this long-quiet town, and at the same time reflecting the silhouette of the enemy.

In the dark depths, small figures, like frightened groundhogs, ran wildly, setting off waves.

Looking from a distance, it covers the sky and the plains, boundless.

It wasn't until they entered the scope of the lighting technique that they saw the true faces of these figures.

Subterranean gnomes!

The subterranean gnome with gray skin lives under the surface world, in winding caves and man-made caverns, and survives in difficult environments with stealth, intelligence and tenacity.

Usually, there are hundreds to thousands of dwarves in a settlement, depending on the living environment.

However, there are more than a thousand subterranean gnomes gathered in front of Dover City, overlooking the dark wilderness, densely packed, countless.

And the reason why so many subterranean dwarves can gather is the dark goblin holding a sharp blade behind them.

The dark goblin, who is not much taller than the underground gnome, is the favorite low-level servant of the evil god of the abyss.

Dark goblins themselves are small, humanoid creatures that make their home everywhere: they can be found in caves, abandoned mines, raided dungeons, and other shadowy establishments.

In terms of talent alone, the dark goblin can be said to be the sky's bottom dwarf.

And compared to the deep dwarves, the dark goblins know that they are very weak alone, and after experiencing countless bloody lessons, they understand the truth of numbers (sometimes even overwhelming numbers).

They thirst for power, and with malice and greed as motives, they capture and torture the subterranean gnomes, squeezing them to become their coolies.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

Now, the gnomes are the cannon fodder for the raid!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

As soon as the subterranean gnomes entered the scope of the lighting technique, they ushered in the end of death.

Under the bright sunlight, arrows rained all over the sky, like a river pouring down, nailing dwarfs wearing simple coats and even naked dwarves to death on the road ahead.

The foul-smelling blood infected the land, and the subterranean gnomes who came forward uttered fearful howls, trampled on the bodies of their companions, and continued to meet death with trembling bodies.

They dare not back down.

Because at the back, behind the dark goblin, there are strong figures in armor and holding hideous weapons.

Seeing dwarves and goblins who are cowering and trembling, they will wave their weapons without hesitation, cut off the head of the fearful warrior, and stuff it into their mouths.

Goblin bear!

Naturally born slayers, a type of goblin-like creature, almost a cousin of the dark goblin.

But they simply look down on the dwarf dark goblins and gnomes, and often bully them, treating them as their own servants,

This can also be seen from the side of the powerful combat ability possessed by bear goblins. They are the most common mercenaries in the bottomless abyss, and they especially like to participate in wars.


Goblin bear!

On the walls of Dover, inside the pointed black tower.

The moment he saw the bear goblin, the already silent room was filled with despair.

The gods abandoned us, but we persevered. Now, have we finally ushered in our destiny?

A deep and hoarse voice sounded, and Valentin Rist crossed the sand table placed in the center of the room, walked to the window, and looked at the bear in the darkness with a pale expression.

The bear goblins active in the bottomless abyss are born supernatural beings, and they thirst for blood.

And Dover possesses extraordinary...

Since the God of Strength abandoned Fadirha Kingdom, this place of faith has been completely in chaos.

Not only Wager Sky Fortress, Dover City, but also the rear of the Kingdom, and the central bustling area.

This is the consequence of out-of-control beliefs, and the kingdom that should have been ordered has completely fallen into chaos.

The invasion of the bottomless abyss was more like the last straw that broke the camel's back, dragging the Kingdom of Fadirha into boundless slaughter.

Compared with Wagga Sky Fortress, which has military force to suppress.

Dover, the logistics base that supplied the northern defenses, experienced even more tragic loss of faith.

The most eye-catching temple of power in the city center was turned into ruins, and fanatical believers sacrificed death in an attempt to restore the departed god of power.

If it weren't for the sudden attack of the bottomless abyss, this important military town would even fall apart due to the issue of belief.

Even Valentine Rist's efforts to turn the tide were only delaying the destruction.

Give me an order to let the Cavaliers' reserve team go up. Valentin Rist put away his sorrow, turned his head and ordered, and a smear of blood appeared on his pale face.

After experiencing the abandonment of the gods, he has long looked down upon death, but the civilians living behind the city are innocent, and they should not be the nourishment of the abyss.

Rather than fleeing, Valentine, the lord, still had the courage to fight to the death.

This is the responsibility of the lord, and it is also the quality of nobility.

No matter what, the bear goblins must not be allowed to raid the city.

My lord, the knight reserve team is reserved for you... On the left side of the room, a sturdy middle-aged man in armor stepped forward and persuaded softly.

Kabo, I will not leave Dover. Valentine knew the meaning of the strong middle-aged man in front of him, and said in a concentrated voice.

This is the fate of the Lister family, and it is also the responsibility entrusted to me by the Kingdom.

Kingdom? Responsibility? Capo glanced at the determined Valentine in front of him, recalled the chaos in the city before, and sighed softly. The collapse of the Temple of Power took away the only hope.

The most important thing is that the countless disasters that happened on the Kaladimos continent use the bloody facts to tell the world a truth.

Only the gods can resist the bottomless abyss.

I will personally lead the knight reserve team to guard the city walls, and never let those filthy dark creatures set foot in Dover.

The sound of firm words echoed in the silent room, and Kapo stepped away. His burly figure disappeared through the door and into the blood-red dark light.

This is the promise of a high-ranking knight!

How could Valentine not know the meaning of this promise at the moment.

Go? Where can I go? Valentine looked at the subterranean gnomes and dark goblins approaching like a rolling wave outside the city wall, and shook his head slightly.

Will Dover still exist after tonight?

He seems to have seen the end.

Is there any news for the sentinels sent out?

Perhaps holding on to the last ray of hope, Valentine listened to the sound of fighting and killing slowly in his ears, and asked the butler beside him.

And what he waited for was soundless silence.

Haha! Hahaha!

Valentine laughed, laughed, and the tears ran down his cheeks and stained his clothes.

Damn the abyss, damn... gods!

Never doubt how crazy a man of faith is.

But at the same time, don't wonder how terrible it is to be a man who has lost his faith!

From the fall of Fadirha Kingdom, we can see the terrifying effect of losing faith.

A kingdom, even if it is torn apart from the inside, shouldn't lose resistance so easily, but the facts are in front of us, the darkness brought by the bottomless abyss swept across this kingdom where gods once lived so easily.


The dark night obscures the vision of the stars.

Amiable clouds, like a gray curtain, cover the sky.

The roaring shouts filled the sky above the city of Dover, and the extremely strong smell of blood attracted countless monsters lurking in the darkness.

With the fearless charge of the subterranean gnomes and dark goblins, the towering city walls are gradually filled with blood.

A sharp arrow pierced through the gray clouds, pierced through the armored vest, and splashed

Blood was scattered in the air, and under the clash of swords and swords, there were shrill screams everywhere.

It's not just subterranean gnomes and dark goblins, as far as the eye can see, the dripping flesh is sprayed and watered the soil.


On the city wall, like dumplings, corpses that were still warm fell, and the soldiers' heads rolled to the ground. Before they closed their wide eyes, they were eaten by dark creatures scrambling to get ahead.

The lingering heroic soul seemed to be still roaring in the cloudy sky, and pairs of blood-red eyes flashed with hatred on their ferocious faces, and the air was filled with an increasingly thick smell of blood.

In just half a day, the dark wilderness was already strewn with corpses, blood flowing like rivers.

Compared with the relative peace and tranquility of the Kaladimos continent, the Abyss is the jungle of the jungle.

Bloody fights are staged all the time, and many forces attack each other.

Although extraordinary power determines the final ownership, the killing will never decrease. Even in order to please the general consciousness of the bottomless abyss, the demon lords will let the cannon fodder under their command fight first.

Correspondingly, war weapons and siege equipment for killing have naturally developed.

Even if it is not as good as the war weapons of the Kaladimos continent, it is enough to deal with the walls of Dover.

In the increasingly bloody and chaotic war mill, the crude and hideous war siege equipment was pushed under the dark gray city wall, followed by ant-like subterranean gnomes and dark goblins, one after another, facing death, climbing up the wall.


The giant sword pierced through the armor stomach, and cut open the body of the goblin bear. The ruptured organs were covered with stinky blood, and drenched the ground.

Gasping heavily, Kapo took a step back, and the huge sword in his hand circled around his body, cutting up the dark goblin who was trying to approach him.

He is so tired.

As a high-ranking knight, Kabo has never been so tired before. The life energy everywhere in his body has been exhausted, leaving only the control of skills.

But relying on skills alone, he was no longer able to lead the team to defend the gap in the city wall.

Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!

Like a shattered fan, Kapo panted heavily, and with his body almost reaching the limit, he once again led the few remaining cavalier reserves to charge forward, repelling the bear goblin team.

This time, Capo felt the powerlessness that came from the feedback from the city wall battlefield.

The blood-stained Tong Kong looked around, and Kabo could only see some soldiers struggling with the help of the tower terrain, and a large area of ​​the city wall had already fallen into the hands of the dark goblin.

Ha, Valentine, it looks like I won't be able to help you this time.

Looking back at the dimly lit black tower, Kabo clenched the battered giant sword in his hand, and the last brilliance burst out from his blood-stained eyes.

I would like to use my remnant body to resist the darkness and move forward!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Maybe it's fate.

Perhaps it was because Dawn couldn't bear it, and those who held up the torch in the darkness just fell under the bloody wave.

A sharp and loud eagle cry pierced through the clouds, and instantly suppressed the roaring and fighting sounds that resounded in the sky over Dover.

Looking from a distance, only a few bright silver traces broke through the blood-colored sky.

The next moment!

The silver trace was approaching the battlefield, like a meteorite from the sky, carrying terrifying power, surrounded by the sound of howling wind, facing the desperate eyes of the dark goblins and subterranean gnomes, and facing the tired eyes of the soldiers of the kingdom, it crashed down on the battlefield.


The blood-colored battlefield trembled with dull thunderous roars.

The brilliant silver light is like fireworks in full bloom, intertwined and burning, engulfing a large piece of darkness.

Looking down from the city wall, the turbulent dark wave suddenly stopped, and the disappeared part left corpses all over the ground. Amidst the mournful wailing, the remnants rolled, trying to escape from the silver fireworks.

Boundless as far as the eye could see, in the bloody battlefield that seemed to be a purgatory on earth, the silver light reflected the sky a blood red.

Then, in the center of the pile of corpses, the wings of the silver-white scales stretched, cleaning the stained flesh and blood fragments, and the knights sitting on the backs of the Demacia dragon birds slowly got up, flicked their lances lightly, and rolled up a few strands of fishy smell. wind.

Demacia dragon bird knight!

Kapo looked surprised. He recognized the identity of the silver armored knight because the Demacia dragon bird was so eye-catching.

The next time, Capo witnesses a real massacre.

The dark goblins who once brought endless suffering to Dover, and the goblin bears who can be regarded as extraordinary soldiers, faced the most ferocious predators, they stayed where they were, waiting to be killed as if they had no power to fight back.

The silvery wings spread out, and the scales like sharp blades cut through the flesh and blood of the goblin bear; the sharp and sturdy lance, like a pillar of the sky, propped up the sky called dawn, sweeping away all the deep darkness.

And this is only the result of a seven-member Demacia dragon bird knight team.

With their absolute strength, they pierced through the dark wave, slaughtered all living forces, and easily solved the plight of Dover.

Tap! Tap!

Dull footsteps sounded in his ears, Kabo turned around, and the blood-stained silver-white armor first came into view, and then he saw the cold gaze falling on himself, and he forcibly suppressed his thoughts.


Ignoring the tired soldiers around him, the Demacian Dragon Bird Knight planted the flag of the Valoran Empire on the tower.

Under the pale moon, everyone was watching the flag fluttering high, with a huge golden sword standing on the back of the shield, and the white wings on both sides stretched out, as if embracing and guarding the person holding the sword and shield, Bring an indescribable sense of security.

Valoran Empire!

Inside the pointed black tower, Valentine standing in front of the window realized something, his eyes crossed the darkness, looked north, and muttered to himself.

Mitchelson, have you made your choice?

Then Valentine looked behind him, overlooking the quiet and dilapidated small town of Dover, and looked at the many civilians who walked out of the house with panicked expressions, with a bit of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

Where is there a choice.

The only thing he expects is that the arrival of the Valoran Empire can pull the kingdom that is falling into destruction under his feet back from the grasp of the bottomless abyss.

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