League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 772: Starfall: God of War God of Strength

Dapeng rises with the same wind one day,

Skyrocket to 90,000 miles!

The cloud-drinking whale flying on the wind, waving its snow-white wings, soars in the sky, stirring up the white clouds in the sky.

In just half a day, we traveled from the lush virgin forest to the cold northern region dotted with snow.

Looking down at the ground, the bitter cold wind ravages the field of vision, the snow-white color is mixed with the gray-brown soil, like graffiti, muddying the ground.

The door of sorrow!

Drinking the cloud and flying the back of the whale, 'Modrian' sat upright on the fluff of a carpet, looking curiously at the towering fortress standing in the snow-white.

The dark gray walls stretch between the peaks, the towering towers go straight into the clouds, and the flying imperial flag pulls out blue light and shadow.

As the clouds passed by, Modrian saw a tall figure wearing a dark red cloak and holding a giant bow at the top of the tower, as well as Avarosa archers on both sides of the guard.

Ice Archer Ashe!

The supreme commander of the Gate of Sorrow, leading the Avarosa Legion to guard the northern border of the empire.

Eagles chirping!

It seemed to cater to the ethereal voice of the giant whale, startling pieces of snowflakes.

Ashe looked up at the whales swimming above the sky, and walked in the air. A hazy blue giant eagle flickered and loomed, wrapped around a tall figure, and landed behind Swain, standing with hands down.

Sky blue eyes looked towards the front, the figure sitting on the back of the flying whale drinking clouds.

A hint of curiosity filled the air, and finally Ashe suppressed her inner thoughts, and a biting chill emerged from the bow of Avarosa she held tightly.

Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo! Hoo hoo!

Passing through the gate of sorrow, the bitter autumn wind became more and more rapid, blowing the flock of whales moving forward.

'Modrian' just sat upright like a sculpture, keeping his arm on his chin, looking at the world of ice and snow that came into view.


As if sensing something, the smart eyes of 'Modrian' blinked, and the silvery white brilliance was reflected in the dark boy's hole.

In the far distance, the cold wind fluctuates, and in the sea of ​​clouds hidden in the dark gray mountains, wisps of silvery white brilliant light meanders down the mountain, ignoring the cold wind, crossing the peaks and mountains, approaching in front of you.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The roaring dragon's cry sounded, setting off a storm all over the sky, dispelling the white mist, revealing a group of silver-winged dragons soaring in a fan shape.

The slender body of more than ten meters is densely covered with silver scales, shining brightly in the cold wind. High-set eyes and whisker-like spiny fins on the lower jaw complete its regal appearance.

A tuft of prickly frills towers over the head and runs down the neck to the tip of the tail.

The huge silver wings spread out on both sides cut through the air, and transparent ripples appeared in the air.

Silver Dragon Knights!

The absolute trump card army of the southern army of the Alan Faro Empire!

The white wind and waves all over the sky subsided in front of him, and the look of 'Modrian' moved, and he regained his solemnity and majesty. His calm eyes looked down at the purple-haired middle-aged man sitting on the back of the silver dragon.

Commander of the Silver Dragon Knights, His Royal Highness, Welsh Barras!

Wales Ballas came to meet and escort His Majesty Modrian according to the oracle of the temple.

The deep voice crossed the wind and waves, and the bowed Welsh lowered his eyes, offering the highest courtesy to Modrian.

In the depths of his invisible eyes, Wales couldn't hide his astonishment, but within a few years, the former territorial nobles had completely become the existence he looked up to.

'Modrian' looked at the Knights of the Silver Dragon spreading out in front of him with pity, looked over Wales, and looked up at the sky, with a dignified expression.

Guards on both sides!

Follow your orders, Your Majesty Modrian! Wales replied in a low voice, then raised his arm, waved it lightly, and commanded the Silver Dragon Knights who wandered back to the sky and dared not move forward.

Above the clouds, the cloud-drinking flying whales, like islands in the sky, gave the silver dragons an extremely heavy sense of oppression.

The silver-white child hole reveals fear, the slender body shrinks back, and the waving wings are gathered in front of the body as much as possible, for fear of disturbing the huge monster in front of it.

For a while, under the command of the dragon knights, the silver dragons walked at low altitude, but because of fear, they could only surround the scattered whales, like birds, and the formation was a little flustered.

Modrian and his party rode on the cloud-drinking flying whale and continued to move forward. The deeper they went into the north, the colder the cold wind became, and there was only a vast expanse of whiteness left between the sky and the earth.

However, this time, the group of lonely whales had only traveled more than a hundred miles, and they refused to flap their wings to soar again.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The ethereal sound of the sky sounded, and the cloud-drinking whale raised its head, looking up at the empty sky with its giant eyes like hills.


Thunder in the daytime, the sky echoes!

A streak of golden lightning appeared out of thin air, shattering the sky with a bang, stirring up the wind and waves in the sky, and rolling up pure white snowflakes.

With the falling of lightning, the torrent of restless elements surged, and the cracks in the dark space extended. With the scattered whales as the center, countless golden divine lights descended, like a prison, trapping everyone firmly.

Tsk... the show, after all, can't it go on?

Drinking the cloud and flying on the back of the whale, 'Modrian' got up and stood up, as if looking forward to it, his eyes fell to the sky.

The heaven and the earth seemed to be split at this moment, and the immeasurable divine light was scattered, infecting everything.

Behind the divine light, there are projections of the Kingdom of God that look like crimson suns hanging in the sky, wrapped in terrifying coercion.

They are almost materialized, appearing on the main material plane, and the buildings of lights and shadows stand in the kingdom of God

Among them, great beings wake up, and their extended spiritual perception interferes with the law.

The biting cold wind dissipated, and the dancing snowflakes stopped in the air.

They set their sights on the cloud-drinking flying whale, and on the 'Modrian' standing upright!

Outsiders, meet the destination of death!


The extremely majestic divine voice overwhelmed the rolling thunder.

Across the projection of the Kingdom of God, one can see figures of people, old or young, male or female, sitting on the throne, with indifferent eyes overlooking the restless flock of whales.

And it was Modrian's old acquaintance who made the angry voice.

The God of War? The God of Strength, Dunn!

'Modrian' frowned lightly, his face was full of majesty, like a mountain, weighing down on his body.

Recalling the vast amount of information she had learned in advance, she recognized the pantheon of the gods descending in front of her, as well as the glaring god of strength, Dunn.

Did you know something in advance? Or act recklessly?

'Modrian' sighed softly, his slightly sad eyes fell on the northwest region.

The azure blue light permeates the air, layers of ice crystals solidify the space, and the hazy world of ice and snow behind is faintly visible.

The God of War appeared in the place of belief of the Ice and Snow God, which meant that the previous covenant was a complete scam.

The Valoran Empire and the Ice and Snow Gods together carried out this performance to the extreme.

Also, for the gods of order, the sudden rise of the Valoran Empire made them have to be scruples when they were fighting against the bottomless abyss, and they would even be in a dilemma

The seemingly reckless action at the moment is actually the confidence of the gods of order in their strength.

Conspiracy? Conspiracy? trick?

In the face of the crushing power and the turmoil of the general trend, there is no way to stop it.

In this regard, it can be seen from the crude alliance agreement that they are extremely confident in their own strength.

In the continent of Kaladimos, the supreme god can dominate all life.

In their eyes, Modrian and the others who fell into the trap were nothing more than food on a plate and meat in their mouths.

However, who is the prey is still unknown!

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