Dark, cold, dead…

The spaceship disintegrated, turned into countless cosmic garbage floating in the universe, colliding with each other, and moving away from each other in different directions, immersed in dark space, never reunited.

The silhouette of a sitting plate is hidden, and the body is loaded with a miniature mecha-suit. The outside has a faint ice crystal, and there is no smell.

Feng Lin turns into a stone tire, keeps on himself, and does not move, resisting the pressure from people within the body.

Yes, human body pressure!

The universe is without any pressure!

The pressure that comes with the body of the body will squeeze the skin and the bones, causing the body’s material to quickly lose and eventually disintegrate.

So once you enter the vacuum of the universe, it is often not the outside environment that kills you because there is nothing.

But you killed yourself!

Feng Lin’s skin is like the essence, the radiance of the faint radiance, the whole body does not leak, such as the stone does not move.

The darkness of the universe is now a long-lost excitement.

From time to time, the sparks of the cockroaches burst out.

The refuge chambers are small, but each is a small spaceship, which is a complete space battle with those ghost creatures who have fought in space.

Lasers, energy cannons, space missiles… all kinds of technological weapons are fired and burst into a spark.

A group of powerful interstellar cultivators wandered into space, slamming around three giant ghost creatures.

From time to time, the rescue capsule was swept by the aftermath, bursting into a smashing spark in the air, completely dissipated and turned into a ruin of the universe.

Those people smashed into a group with the ghost race, and gradually drifted away. Each of them was killed and wounded, and there was no one left, dissipating in the cruel space.

There is no room for relaxation between race and race. The meeting is the killing of Chiro, irreconcilable until death.

The cruelty between the cosmic races has always been a well-known message for Feng Lin, but now it really feels the cruelty and ruthlessness.

Even the Great Wall University, one of the top ten in the universe, was also besieged. Most of the candidates who had just recruited a ship were killed or injured.

If it weren’t for Feng Lin, he would really fall into the cruel universe this time.

There is still a ghost life in space, swimming from time to time, wandering in various wrecks, looking for a fish that escaped the net.

Feng Lin converges all the breath, motionless like a stone.

It is not difficult for him to kill these ghosts, but once they start, they immediately become like a horse.

In space, he can’t survive, unlike these ghost creatures.

Fortunately, the ghost creatures patrolled for a long time, and without any traces, they quickly left.

Feng Lin’s body drifted away in the distance by inertia.

The black curtain was gradually opened, and the stars of the rays of light gradually emerged. This is a completely strange starry sky.

Feng Lin is alone, I don’t know where I am?

Absolute ice cold space has been supported for a long time, stone fetalization will maximize the body defense of the stone monkey, but also can not help, water loss, accumulation of less, skin, flesh, bones … began dehydration and crystallization .

Can’t wait any longer!

Feng Lin raised his hand in front of him, a silver ring between his fingers shot rays of light, void twisted, a silver shuttleous spaceship slowly exited, the door opened, and Feng Lin was inhaled.

“I found that the host was facing radiation in space, life was dying, and I immediately started a first aid program!”

In the Flower Fruit Mountain spaceship, the light brain sounded an alarm, and the mechanical arm extended the rigid and unmoving Feng Lin into the rescue capsule, and a large amount of oxygen-rich water vapor rushed in.

Rub and rub!

The body began to thaw, and Feng Lin’s stiff body gradually began to soften, but still motionless, as if dead.

It wasn’t until ten minutes later that he had a chest ups and downs, and he spit out a cold sigh and exported it into an arrow, freezing it into frost.

Cough cough cough…

He coughed again and again, began to drink water and replenish the lost water.

so close!

There is a big terrifying between life and death!

This time, Feng Lin really realized the terrifying of life and death.

The level of human life is far from reaching the level of cosmic creatures.

Even if the interstellar cultivator can evolve itself step by step, sublimating life is also a distant process.

Feng Lin is exposed at the level of Elite Cultivator in the cosmic environment. Even with the miniature mecha-suit and the stone monkey body and the stone-fetalized triple-body, it is also very damaging.

He just recovered a little Essence Qi, and he hasn’t had time to take a break.

The light brain sounded an alarm again.

“Warning, warning! I found traces of ghosts from alien races, and are approaching at an ultra-high speed of 1 10,000 kilometers per second!”

Come fast!

This starry sky has been monitored by ghost creatures, and the Flower Fruit Mountain spaceship has just appeared and immediately alerted those ghost lives.

This is still the case when Feng Lin deliberately hides and paralyzes them.

At this time, I didn’t think much, Feng Lin said, “Open the wormhole and sail at full speed!”

The Flower Fruit Mountain spaceship suddenly turned on full load, all the energy was mobilized, and a wave of energy was shot, opening a striking black wormhole, like a fish sneak into it.

Thousands of shadows behind him chased after.

The wormholes suddenly close and keep them all out.

Feng Lin climbed out of the rescue capsule and lay up on the ground, tired enough.

The battle of the cosmic race is too terrifying.

This time, I was born and died, and I was taking my life to take risks.

But fortunately, the final fight won!

These ghost races kill human geniuses. Obviously, they must kill and kill the human beings and destroy the future of mankind.

It is a blessing that I can escape safely.

The three ghost monsters and most of the ghost creatures were attracted by those people, and he had the opportunity to escape.

In the wormhole tunnel, the scene of the stars quickly crossed.

Feng Lin barely stood up and began to enter the coordinates of Great Wall University and went straight through the wormhole.

“Warning! Vigilance! Warning! There are large energy fluctuations in front, suspected ghosts and beasts, and quickly flee!”

“What?” Feng Lin rushed to the place in the front cabin and looked at it. A huge monster appeared.

In this space-time tunnel composed entirely of energy, the ghost beast shows its true appearance, its shape is long and sturdy, and it can not see the end. The head is full of root barbs, no head, just like flowers. Opened, revealing the big mouth of Senhe, and screaming in the distance, to ruin everything in front of him.

“Full speed!” Feng Lin issued the order, and the next Flower Fruit Mountain spaceship turned into a silver spurt.

Ghost python swayed, follow closely from behind.

The Flower Fruit Mountain spaceship is the best technology in interstellar, and the speed of sailing is incredibly fast.

But that python follow closely from behind.

I don’t know how long it took for Feng Lin to completely open it.

This ghost python is a natural creature that can survive in wormholes. It is simply its nest.

In case it catches up, Feng Lin controls the spaceship and gets out of the wormhole.

All around The stars are unfamiliar and can’t find the road!

Where am I?

Feng Lin’s heart sinks.

he’s lost!

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