Legendary American Tycoon

Chapter 154: Silvas's advice

They reached the destination that Silvas said, and under their sign, the two women did not get out of the car. White finally turned his head and glanced at Evelyn, and got out of the car with Silvas. The sixty-five-year-old man drank alcohol, his body was very weak, and he walked staggeringly.

Silvas sighed and stroked his hair in general, and said: "Sure enough, I'm not forgiving when I'm old. I'm like your age, so many cups won't sway like this now."

White smiled when he heard the words: "You are old and strong, and your posture does not lose to young people."

Silvas laughed and said, "I mean, I'm over sixty, not over forty. I can't say that I am in the prime of life."

There was a security guard at the gate of the community, and when he saw Silvas, he stepped forward to welcome him and opened the door enthusiastically. Silvas walked forward, surrounded by vegetation, and White followed, constantly looking at the environment here.

Silvas looked very majestic with his hands behind his back, but White knew that he was trying to keep his body balanced. Silvas turned into a building inside, walked into the long dark corridor, and said as he walked: "I bought this place three years ago, but there has been no movement. Just when I thought it was going to be a loss, you Here it is. It's really my lucky star, White."

White fumbled on the wall for a while, but couldn't find the light hole, but found a hand ashes. Hearing the words echoed: "On the lucky star, I dare not be it. We are mutually benefiting, and I hope Mr. Silvas will relax more on the price."

Silvas laughed loudly and said, "You should be both emotional and rational. That's for sure. Don't worry."

Silvas walked straight up. The place was as quiet and dark as a narrow alley, and the sound of footsteps echoed here, except for White who could not hear any other sounds. After a while, Silvas went to the top, leaning on the railing and looking down.

"Is this place too far away from your company?" Silvas said, "There is a business park nearby. You can also consider building a branch there."

"Thanks to your kindness, all this is reasonable." White replied politely, following in Silvas's footsteps, and stepping up to it.

Silvas first showed him the style inside. No door was installed, only the water pipe channel was installed. Through the light of the flashlight, he could see the general structure layout inside. Silvas said that White could continue to come here after dawn the next day.

"But at that time I might still be sleeping."

Silvas shook his broad shoulders with a humorous smile.

"Appropriate relaxation is too necessary." White said, but he secretly added a sentence for him, it should be put his arms around the petite and beautiful young female celebrity, and fell asleep under the warmth of her body.

Silvas is really old and strong. His heart is far less weak than his appearance. Especially the sharp sharpness revealed in his eyes, which ordinary people can't have. He has gone through the vicissitudes of life, tasted the cold and warm, and has been in the real estate industry for decades. Experience and insight.

Silvas brought White to the rooftop and stood by the railing to blow the air. There was a vast expanse of wildness underneath, far away from the city, the wind and the forest were quiet, and there was the loneliness of the evening breeze.

From here, you can still see the extended Bentley, and you can vaguely see the skirt corners of the two beautiful women sitting in the car. Silvas stared at the place for a long time before turning to face White.


"She is beautiful and young, isn't she?"

White hesitated for a long time before he understood that the woman in his words was the young female star in her early twenties. With a special head and attaching the sentence "You look good," Silvas couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and White also laughed at his flattery.

He may be wrong, they don't seem worthy at all. White is saying that this female star is not worthy of Silvas. Regardless of the value, or from all aspects, Silvas' favor is like a great gift to the female star, and I believe that female star thinks so too.

White thought of Silvas's family marriage ended eight years ago. After the divorce, Silvas is now relaxed.

"The young girl is energetic, energetic and vigorous. She chats and likes to talk to you non-stop. Even in the room, she can pretend to look like she enjoys it, even if there is not much happiness at all." Here, Silvas paused for a while and said, "They are really good about this. Their attitude of giving everything for money is fascinating."

White just listened quietly, with no sound of the evening breeze on his face, with a chill.

Silvas, who was leaning on the railing, faced White with his back to the moon, and his white silver hair curled up a small pile of piles on his head: "I can't remember my school love. It was in fifty years. Before... I was twelve years old for the first time, three people, two boys and one girl, and a cramped room. I looked shy and cramped. I couldn't feel anything in that environment, but as I got older It’s getting easier for me to recall what happened at that time. Bit by bit, it’s clearly engraved before my eyes."


"By the way, you, White—" Silvas asked, "can you remember, when was the first time?"

Before White could answer, Silvas laughed first: "This question is too rude and straightforward. Maybe I should ask, do you remember the girl you like for the first time, or the feeling of heart-warming?"

At this moment, all White thought of was Evelyn, whether it was the slightly cold cheeks or the mocking eyebrows, he was fascinated by her.

But White hesitated and shook his head slowly.

Silvas smiled like a person coming by, walked over and patted White on the shoulder, hugged him, like a big brother, speaking in an old and slightly bleak tone.

"We are really similar." Silvas said with a smile, "you will understand in the end that no first love **** can be real and happy without physical comfort. So remember, never be obsessed or sad because of a woman. Because there are too many women here, when you succeed and reach the top of your wealth, such women will swarm up, and there will never be a shortage of one or two."

"..." White was silent for a long time, and finally responded with a smile.

"You may not understand now, because you haven't tasted that kind of taste." Silvas let go and said in general with a sigh, "You may be wondering why I told you this. The reason is very simple, that Evelyn, she Very smart. But a smart woman is not suitable for nostalgia. In other words, she is more difficult than a woman who is close to you for money."

White was speechless.

Silvas said: "My ex-wife is this kind of woman. She was born in a parliamentarian's family and ran for parliament by herself. We were very harmonious at first, but soon I couldn't stand it. You can stand a woman who always uses calmness. And do you look at you wisely?-Please, I can't."

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