Legendary American Tycoon

Chapter 167: public opinion

In the following process, White learned that this young man was indeed a native of the Red Sea, with a slightly darker complexion and a shy smile.

What's more surprising is that he is still a loyal user of White LB.

The young man asked White for a group photo, and Evelyn took the photo.

At the end, White pointed to Evelyn and asked the young Cairo youth: "Do you know her?"

The young man blushed and shook his head again and again.

White smiled: "You didn't even dare to look straight."

The adolescent young man's face turned red. Seeing his appearance, White stopped joking. At this time, the young man talked about the morning demonstration.

"Many people around me like LB, and the Internet restrictions ordered by the Minister of Communications are obviously excessive. So our users on LB organized and carried out this event."

Having said that, the young man stood out proudly.

"I am one of them too."


Hearing White's praise, the young man became even more proud. But what White needs to warn is: "This is too dangerous for you. If something happens, the consequences will be disastrous. I don't think it is very desirable. For your safety—"

Evelyn chuckled in the back seat.

White turned his eyes, Evelyn raised her hands as if begging for mercy: "I'm choking on water, please ignore me."

After the young man left, White walked back to his seat, and Evelyn said, "On the surface, he is still very good at polite words. In fact, he is worried that his platform will be affected, right?"

"Of course." White said with a sip of water, "I didn't expect them to be so crazy."

"At least it shows that your user loyalty is very high. And it shows that they are relying on your platform to resist some things." Evelyn said, "This is a good thing, don't be too anxious, then we will go nearby Watch the fireworks display."

Huai nodded.

The episode in the resort hotel made White pay attention to the current situation in the Red Sea, and Evelyn also said that he was really worried.

For such a country, if the demonstrators are arrested and tortured, although White is far away from the United States, it can be said that business activities in this place are basically cold dishes.

The demonstration continued on the next day. Looking out the window of the resort hotel, those people outside are still holding signs. White couldn't read the local script, but he could finally read the words LUMBLAR.

On the third day, the vacation was almost over. White and Evelyn are preparing to go back, packing their luggage in the hotel. The hotel’s TV is on, broadcasting the latest local news.

"Under the pressure of huge public opinion, the Minister of Communications finally decided to remove this restriction. This is a success for people..."

The solemn male announcer said such a sentence in English.

Evelyn was carrying her underwear into the suitcase, and then threw another underwear to White, "You should rest assured? The power of the masses is powerful."

auzw.com White picked up his clothes, took a deep breath, felt relieved, and nodded: "Yes, yes, you are right."

They returned to the US from Cairo. White sent Evelyn back to the villa and went to the company non-stop. I told Iverson and Benjamin about this faraway event, and the latter both grew their mouths in surprise.

Benjamin even said that such a major event would happen where they could not understand the situation.

What's more terrible is that the restrictions on the Internet do not only point to the LUMBLAR platform, but the demonstration was completely organized by LB users.

"This can only show that the platform is still a platform, but it is no longer just an entertainment platform." Benjamin said.

White special kind of nodded: "You are right. This is our advantage over other platforms, and this advantage obviously needs to be built on a large number of benchmarks to show."

It is because of the large number of people that it is powerful to gather together, so that others have to look sideways and even make concessions.

"I was still worried about the growth of users, but I am not at all anymore." White said, "I can't stick to this data. I should focus more on other places."

"In the past few days you have been away, nothing has happened. Anyway, everything is fine, and then continue to proceed steadily, paying close attention to user feedback."

Benjamin is right. The product enters the mid-term stage, which is an important period of bottleneck. They began to pay more and more attention to user feedback, and completed a monthly feedback form.

The content presented on the feedback sheet is varied, some are really serious in answering, and some are completely clever.

And here also needs a dedicated staff to provide customer service. But this customer service is not a voice, nor is it a face-to-face.

White's main consideration is that most people gathered in this place come from different places, regardless of the number of immigrants. In short, what voice call is used is very stupid and may cause language barriers.

So White still considered the traditional form of reply by email.

But as soon as the service was activated, White quickly discovered that thousands or tens of thousands of emails were coming from all over the world.

Almost the entire mailbox was filled, and the temporary agents in the company didn't have the idle time to look through the letters one by one.

Perfunctory things obviously won't work, White needs to recruit people who specialize in email replies and feedback to programmers to fix problems.

If you recruit specifically, the salary can't be low, but obviously the threshold for this profession is very low, and anyone can do it. Raising the salary to the number of ordinary programmers will definitely not work.

And they cannot sign long-term contract workers, at most they can only be said to be labor workers.

After discussing with everyone, White thinks that online recruitment is a good choice.

The basic reply to an email represents a platform's gratitude to its users, so usually the email needs to be answered within two weeks.

Through LUMBALR, White launched a call to people all over the world. However, the age at which applications are finally applied via email is mostly concentrated in the age group of college students.

Although college life is relatively difficult, because some universities force students to rent houses and move out of dormitories after entering the junior year, financial problems have become one of the major problems among college students.

And the dozens of emails that White requires to read a day is not particularly difficult compared to other companies.

So soon, White received application emails from all over the world.

One phenomenon that makes White feel interesting is that from the contact information he was asked to write down, many people sent him emails from the same university.

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