Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 206: Case closed with Microsoft Corporation

  Chapter 206 case closed with Microsoft Corporation

   "Thanks to your plan of action, Roan."

  Looking at the detonators and other items on the ground, Ryder's mouth was dry and he felt lingering fear.

  If you follow the previous mode of action, blow up the warehouse gate directly with plastic bombs, and then forcefully break into and arrest the target person.

  In case there is a mistake in the whole process, Wilkin and the group of guys have a chance to detonate the bomb...

  Mission failure is just a trivial matter, and it is a major event that some of them will go to heaven to chat with God with a high probability.

  Several SWAT team members next to him also thought of this, and then they looked at Roan with even more admiration.

   "I asked people from the trace inspection department to deal with these things."

  Seeing the dry throats of Ryder and several SWAT team members, Roan chuckled, took out his mobile phone and called the trace inspection department.

   Not long after, agents from the Trace Inspection Division arrived here.

   During this period, Roan and Ryder carefully inspected the depths of the warehouse, and found a bank's floor plan, as well as the bank's monitoring deployment and other information.

   Obviously, Wilkin Brook and his group are planning to rob a bank.

   But unfortunately, the bank that this group of people are targeting is one of the six previous serial bank robberies.

   As the bank's security consultant, Luo An has helped them improve their security and monitoring facilities.

   But Wilkin-Brook and the others didn’t know this. The surveillance recorded in their blueprints were all surveillance cameras deliberately placed on the bright side by Roan.

  If Wilkin-Brook really went to rob that bank with the robbery plan they have now drawn up...

  Ryder grinned and raised his right hand to give Roan a thumbs up.

  After the Trace Inspection Section thoroughly dealt with the situation here, Roan called Augustus on the way back.

  After listening to Roan's narration, Augustus laughed on the phone, praised Roan with great satisfaction, then got up and left the No. 5 investigation team, and strode to the office of the special agent supervisor Corbett.

   A popular congressman died in this case, and was burned alive with a Molotov cocktail.

The death method is so cruel, this case is not surprising, the New York media has long been eyeing the FBI, Corbett has asked about the investigation of the case many times, and the mayor of New York has also called Augustus before. .

Now that the case has been solved and the murderer was successfully caught by Roan's men, the pressure on Augustus' shoulders has been swept away, so his **** face is now full of smiles, and he even showed his own face in front of Corbett. Back molars.

  Corbett: "…"


  Investigation Team No. 5, office area.

  Roan pushed open the door and walked in, which immediately caused a commotion.

  They all heard from William, the most well-informed, that Roan made a plan this time and led the SWAT team to successfully capture the target person without firing a single shot.

   Although this is not the first time in the history of FBI operations, it is also a rare record.


  William raised the coffee cup on his table, and shouted loudly with a smile on his face:

   "A toast to our Agent Roan Greenwood!"

  Hearing this, Lacey and several technical agents laughed, and Qiqi raised the coffee cups on their table:


   "A toast to Detective Luo An!"

   Taking the coffee cup from the smiling Mona, Roan raised his hand to the agents and took a sip, smiling:

   "William, I like how quickly you get the news.

  So next time you hear about this kind of thing, how about replacing the coffee of our No. 5 investigation team with beer? "

  Laughter came from the office area of ​​the No. 5 investigation team, and William waved his hands again and again with the same smile on his face:

   "Forget it, Augustus will probably kill me!"

Ryder next to    laughed when he heard the words:

   "William, you haven't tried it, what if Augustus also likes this way of celebration?"

  Hearing this, William couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and there was a happy atmosphere in the No. 5 investigation team.

  Augus hadn't come back yet, and without any urging, the agents of the No. 5 investigation team started chatting, and some of them made fun of Roan.

  Roan didn't care either, he wasn't glass-hearted, and that's how federal people express humor, just get used to it.

   And after getting used to it, Roan also learned to tease each other instead.

   More than two hours later, Augustus returned to the No. 5 investigation team with a happy face, praised Luo An again for a long time, and then let the detectives start to deal with the follow-up of the case.

Lacey and Mona are in charge of the interrogation of Wilkin-Brook this time. After all, the witness Connor Trenner is in their hands now, and several Molotov cocktails as physical evidence were also found in that warehouse at the same time as the rifle. .

  In the case of all the witnesses and material evidence, the interrogation is just a process, and there is no need for Luo An to take action.

  So just like usual, the detectives of the No. 5 investigation team should deal with documents, and write reports. Everyone started to work with their heads down.

  Only Roan sat on a chair and fiddled with the computer in circles, chatting with a group of people on an online forum about water experience.

  The two days of Saturday and Sunday belonged to temporary overtime work. When it was time to get off work today, Augustus announced loudly that the overtime pay would be paid together with the wages of all the detectives next week.

  William and the others applauded with a smile on their faces when they heard the news, but deep down they were not particularly happy.

   After all, they are all native-born federal people. Although there are overtime pay for overtime work, they still prefer to rest with their families on weekends.

   Mona and Roan were very happy when they heard the news.

   Needless to say, the reason why Luo An is happy, and the reason why Mona is happy is that she is still poor, and overtime pay can relieve her pressure.

  The next day, Tuesday.

  The others continued to go to work until the o'clock, and Roan called Augustus to ask for leave, and then drove slowly to Wall Street.

  In the eyes of the wealthy people in the Federation, if the US dollar remains in their hands, it will only depreciate in value, so the best way is to invest it out and let money make money.

It’s just that investment is risky. No one can judge whether the money thrown out is a huge profit or a loss. Therefore, the stockbroker profession on Wall Street came into being. money.

  But Roan doesn’t need the help of a stockbroker. One is that he understands the methods and operating procedures of buying stocks, and the other is that he doesn’t need a stockbroker to help him distinguish which stocks are worthless and which are valuable.

  The names of several large Wall Street companies in later generations are well-known. At this time, Roan had 1.35 million US dollars in his hand. After thinking for a while, he spent 1.2 million US dollars to buy stocks again.

  Based on the idea that all eggs should not be put in the same basket, what Roan bought this time was not Apple stock, but another big company:


   At this time, the stock price of Microsoft in 2005 has been fluctuating between 15-25 US dollars.

  But in 2021, Microsoft's stock has risen to around $230.

   With such a huge increase, Luo An, whose goal is to earn 100 million first, naturally chose to let the other party help him make money.

  After dealing with the stocks, Roan glanced at the busy figures at work, turned around, and left the building slowly.

   After buying more than a dozen packs of specialty snacks at a stall next to Wall Street, Roan drove slowly back to the Jacobs Federal Building.

   "Good afternoon, guys."

  Pushing open the door of the No. 5 investigation team office area, Luo An said loudly:

   "I brought you some snacks."

  (end of this chapter)

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