Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 333: A harmonious and loving couple

Chapter 333 A harmonious and loving couple

Three minutes ago, when Lacey walked to the area where the trash can was with the money, Luo An arrived on the roof of a six-story building southeast of the trash can.

Before coming here, Luo An had quickly checked three places that were suitable for observing around the trash cans and hiding oneself as mentioned before. This rooftop was the fourth place Luo An judged.

When Luo An opened the door and walked to the top of the building, as soon as Luo An went out, he saw a male and female couple hugging each other and kissing passionately not far away.

The couple saw the sudden appearance of Luo An and quickly let go of each other. Then some of the bald men wiped the lipstick on their lips, smiled at Luo An, and prepared to pull the woman in the miniskirt away.

 “You two, please wait a moment, I’m the FBI.”

Luo An stretched out his hand to stop the man and woman, showed the FBI's golden badge, and asked with a smile:

“I wonder if you saw any suspicious people when you came here?”

The bald man glanced at his girlfriend next to him and asked back with a puzzled look on his face:

 “What suspicious person? What does the person you are talking about look like?”

Hearing this, Luo An’s smile became even warmer:

“It’s killers like you who have pistols hidden in your waist, armpits and thighs, and daggers hidden in your calves.”

After Luo An finished speaking, the bald man's face quickly turned cold. He raised his foot and kicked Luo An quickly in the abdomen. The woman wearing a miniskirt next to him also turned cold, and quickly took out a pistol from her waist and prepared to aim at Luo An.


Luo An reacted quickly, raised his left hand to catch the bald man's big foot, turned sideways and pulled him forward to make him unstable. He raised his foot and kicked the knee of the bald man's other leg violently. At the same time, he touched the bald man's waist with his right hand like lightning. pistol.

boom! boom!

The woman in the miniskirt was about to shoot, but Luo An immediately lowered his head to dodge. The opponent's two shots missed, and the bald man's fist hit Luo An's temple.


Luo An pulled the trigger, and the bullet instantly flew into the bald man's thigh. He leaned back to avoid the opponent's attack. He also hid himself firmly in front of the bald man so that the woman in the short skirt could not fire.

Regarding the gunshot wound on his thigh, the bald man's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't feel the pain at all. After emptying his fist, he immediately reached into his armpit, preparing to take out a pistol and shoot Luo An to death.

Luo An saw this and jumped forward, grabbing the bald man's hand that was about to hold the gun. When the other man stopped, he snatched the gun away from him. He raised his right foot and kicked the bald man directly to the ground.

The moment the bald man fell to the ground, Luo An was also exposed to the girl in short skirt. Without hesitation, the girl in short skirt immediately aimed at Luo An and pulled the trigger.

boom! boom! boom!

 Three bullets flew out from the muzzle of the gun, and the expression on the girl's face changed from pride to shock.

Because the three bullets didn't hit Luo An at all, Luo An teleported in front of her at a speed that she couldn't react to, and then squeezed the girl's hand in the short skirt.

Under the terrifying force, the girl in the short skirt was in pain and uncontrollably let go of the pistol. The moment Luo An dropped the pistol, he kicked it far away. He pulled the girl in the short skirt's arm and twisted it backwards. He also hid in the short skirt. Behind the skirt girl.


The joints of both arms were buckled backwards, and the girl in the short skirt was forced to be controlled by Luo An. While she cursed loudly, she raised her head and hit Luo An with the back of her head.


 Then the back of the woman in the short skirt hit the pistol held by Luo An.

 Luo An was already prepared.


The woman in the short skirt who was in pain was just about to continue to curse Luo An, when Luo An raised his pistol and aimed it at the bald man opposite, and laughed:

 “Be civil and don’t say bad words or I’ll shoot your boyfriend.”

The woman in the short skirt was slightly startled when she heard this, and then she cursed louder and louder.


Luo An was speechless when he saw this. He looked at the bald man opposite and asked:

“What’s going on? Are you having a conflict?”

At this time, the bald man had already stood up from the ground, turning a blind eye to the gunshot wound on his leg, and raised his pistol and pointed it at Luo An.

Hearing Luo An’s question, the bald man chuckled:

 “She is like this, she wishes I would die soon.”

Luo An suddenly understood and nodded:

“They are really a harmonious and loving couple.”

 “Damn it, we’re not a couple!”

When the girl in the short skirt heard this, she struggled and twisted in Luo An’s arms very dissatisfied:

 “I have nothing to do with him, I just came to him to learn something!”

Hearing this, Luo An looked at the bald man and his eyes moved slightly:

"It's actually a relationship between teacher and student?" The bald man grinned, gave Luo An a "you know" look, and then said:

"Mr. Detective, you let her go, and I let you go. How about we just pretend that neither of us has seen each other today and we all go our separate ways?"

At this time, Luo An’s face was still covered with makeup, and the bald man and the woman in short skirts did not recognize who he was.

Luo An did not answer, but glanced at the scene at the trash can in the distance, then turned on the contactor and said:

 “Arrest the homeless man immediately and get the money back, I’ve caught the killers.”

Hearing this, the bald man and the woman in short skirts looked at each other and immediately understood each other's eyes.

The next second, the woman in the short skirt suddenly tilted her head to the side, revealing Luo An's head behind her. The bald man did not hesitate, pointed directly at the position where the woman in the short skirt's head was just now, and pulled the trigger of the pistol.


boom! boom! boom! boom!

Five gunshots rang out, but Luo An's head was still behind the woman in the short skirt, unscathed.

The bald man looked at his body in astonishment. His left and right hands and left and right shoulders had each been shot once. After looking at Luo An with a complicated look, he fell backwards to the ground.


Seeing the bald man lying on the ground in a pool of blood, the woman in the short skirt turned pale instantly. She shouted loudly, regardless of the fact that her joints were being buckled, and she struggled frantically to break free from Luo An's control and ran to the bald man.

 Seeing such a touching scene, Luo An also expressed emotion and was quite touched.

So he took out two handcuffs, cuffed the hands and legs of the woman in short skirts together, searched all the weapons on her body and the bald man's body, and finally allowed the woman in short skirts and the bald man to lie in a pool of blood together.


 “Lacie, it’s me, Roan.”

Selectively ignoring the yelling and murderous looks of the woman in the short skirt, Luo An took out his mobile phone and called Lacey:

 “Call an ambulance and come to me as soon as possible.”


Not long after hanging up the phone, Lacey arrived here with the ambulance crew.

Roan and Lacey left with the ambulance and were responsible for guarding the bald man. Mona and Michelle drove back to the special investigation team with the woman in the short skirt.

 In the hospital, Luo An looked at the operating room boredly, waiting for the operation to end. Lacey came over with a few bags of food.


Luo An took the food and took a big bite. Lacey sat down next to him and asked:

 “How did you find out something was wrong between these two people?”

 “Because I found they had a lot of weapons hidden.”

Luo An swallowed the food in his mouth, indicating that the two men's hiding methods were really average. He glanced at the opponent and saw the weapons on the other side.

Lacie was a little surprised when she heard this:

"It's that simple?"

 “Of course...it’s not that simple.”

Luo An gave Lacey a big gasp, and then said with a smile:

“Remember the surveillance that Mona checked when we went to the crime scene before?

When I returned to the Special Investigation Team, I took a closer look at the people captured by the surveillance cameras. The woman in the short skirt caught today was among those people. "

Hearing this, Lacey gave Luo An a thumbs up with admiration. Just as she was about to speak, Luo An's cell phone suddenly rang.

 “I’m Mona.”

Mona on the other end of the phone sounded a little strange:

“Luo An, the woman we caught has a problem with her identity.”

 (End of this chapter)

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