Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 670: previous phone call

  The phone call before Chapter 670

 In the federal army, the rank is lieutenant, and above the school rank is general, distinguished by the number of stars on the shoulders.

 The most famous five-star general is the man who likes to hold a pipe and pot in his mouth.

Appeared in front of several people in Luo An. He looked like a white man in his fifties, with a serious face and a star on his shoulder. He was ranked as a brigadier general.

According to the eastern level, it is roughly equivalent to the division commander's advisor or deputy commander, assisting the division commander in commanding a division, and assisting division-level units in supervising the planning and coordination of operations.

 Seeing the other party approaching, Chenille and Michelle, although they were not in the military system, subconsciously put away their pistols and stood up straight with serious faces.

Sobian on the ground was very shocked. He was originally lying on the ground, looking in a state of ruin, but now his eyes were full of confusion, and he subconsciously put his hands on the ground to get up.

The brigadier general walked up to a few people surrounded by a group of soldiers. He did not pay attention to Chenier and Michelle, nor did he look at Sobian on the ground. Instead, he looked directly at Roan and said expressionlessly:

 “Are you Roan Greenwood?”

 “Yes, Mr. Brigadier.”

However, Luo An is relatively clear about the activation process of a bomb explosion, that is, detonating the ingredients that will actually explode through an detonating device.

Looking at the Apache helicopter gradually rising into the sky in the distance, Luo An smiled and said:

Luo An nodded in a neither humble nor condescending manner. Since he didn’t know the other party’s name, he could only call him by his military rank. Then he pointed at Sobian on the ground and said:

“This is the man who stole the nuclear warhead.”

The brigadier general said the first words to Sobian, and the next words to the soldiers.

The brigadier general nodded without saying anything, and waved his hands casually. A group of soldiers behind him immediately swarmed up, pulled Sobian up from the ground, and held him firmly under control.


From a macro perspective, the initiation process of a nuclear warhead explosion is not much different from that of an ordinary bomb explosion.

Just when a soldier was about to stuff something into Sobian’s mouth, Sobian quickly shook his head to avoid it, and at the same time looked at Luo An and shouted loudly:

“I succeeded, right? The nuclear warhead has exploded, right? I succeeded!”

The soldiers beside him were too lazy to talk nonsense and directly stuffed something like a rag into his mouth to prevent Sobian from biting off his tongue, and then pulled him quickly towards the helicopter in the distance.

 The chemistry, physics and other principles behind nuclear bombs are too profound. Luo An has not studied them deeply, which is almost as if he has not done anything.

 “I made a phone call last night.”

Sobian almost broke his voice because he was so excited. The brigadier frowned slightly, turned around and glanced at him, and said coldly:

“That nuclear warhead won’t explode, take it away!”

When Sobian heard this, he struggled fiercely, his face turned red with anger, and he tried his best to figure out what was going on.

“I asked someone to help me contact the Deputy Minister of Defense.”

 Hearing the Brigadier's words, Chenelle and Michelle also looked puzzled, so they turned their attention to Luo An.

Michelle blinked. She did understand the theoretical principles behind nuclear bombs. Chenille discovered another problem:

 “How did you know about this?”

"Wait a moment!"

Last night while waiting for the helicopter, Chenille and Lacey were taking a nap back-to-back. Because they were worried that the nuclear warhead had been transferred by Sobian in advance, and he was unable to do anything, Luo An planned to find someone to help intercept it.

Luo An smiled and explained:

“I don’t know the specific situation. I only know that the detonation device inside the nuclear warhead has been damaged.”

 The FBI can't provide much help in this regard. It's not that Veranith doesn't help, but the FBI itself only targets simple explosives, such as TNT, plastic bombs, etc.

Nuclear warheads are beyond the capabilities of the FBI's Explosive Ordnance Disposal Department. They can identify and even dismantle them, but they are not capable of dealing with nuclear radiation in the event that it occurs. The only organization capable of dealing with nuclear warheads is the military.

 Luo An initially took out his cell phone and called Veranith about this matter, hoping that Veranith would contact the military.

As a result, the military side kept trying to make detours with Veranith for some reason. Veranith was so angry that her body was shaking but there was nothing she could do. After hearing this, Luo An pondered for a while, took out his mobile phone and made another call. The person contacted this time was Louise, a female reporter with a fox-like face. Her father was a deputy minister of the Federal Ministry of Defense.

 After listening to Luo An's brief description, the deputy minister's phone was silent for a long time, and then the voice rang again after a few minutes.

The deputy minister told Luo An that the nuclear warhead would not explode, and said that the military in the Texas area would be ready to deal with the nuclear warhead. Luo An only needed to lead people to arrest Sobian and confirm The specific location of the nuclear warhead will suffice.

Because of this, Luo An didn't panic at all when Sobian shouted arrogantly. He had already asked Mona to send the message, and the army would send people to deal with the train.

After listening to Roan's explanation, the doubts in Chenille and Michelle's minds not only did not decrease, but also became more, such as what happened to the military group that was going around with Veranith.

Luo An couldn't answer. He didn't know the matter yet. It happened that the brigadier general hadn't left yet, so after a few words of greeting, he asked about the situation in this regard.

 “You did a good job on the nuclear warhead incident, Captain Greenwood.”

The Brigadier General reached out and patted Luo An's arm, praising him expressionlessly:

"There are very few outstanding young people like you nowadays, even in the army."

"Emotional Perception" sensed the other party's friendly attitude and what he said was true. Luo An accepted the other party's previous compliments with a calm face. As for the subsequent sentence about the number of outstanding talents in the federal army being reduced, he was noncommittal.

 As the wave of political correctness intensifies in the future, there will definitely be a large number of people of one of the 97 genders in the federal army.

With the participation of LGBTQIAPKDXREW+ and others, the federal army will surely have an endless supply of outstanding talents in the future.

Without saying much on this matter, Luo An brought the topic to the point and asked about the military who had been trying to make detours with Veranis.

The Brigadier General picked up the phone and looked at it. He did not answer Luo An's question and said:

“The nuclear warhead has been successfully disposed of. There was no explosion or radiation leakage, and it was very well preserved.

 Leader Greenwood, let my people help you briefly treat your wounds, and then take you to a nearby city to rest. "


Seeing that the other party did not answer, Chenier and Michelle, who had been listening silently, frowned slightly. Roan and the Brigadier looked at each other for a few seconds, then agreed with a smile:

 “Then thank you, Mr. Brigadier General.”

The brigadier general nodded without saying anything, and waved his hand to summon a captain, asking him to lead troops to help Luo An and the others.

Lacey was still at the big rock before, carefully guarding Sobian's men who were stunned and injured by the explosion.

The brigadier general also sent people to **** them all away, and Lacey and Luo An and others took a car to a nearby city.

  Successfully arrived in Austin, the capital of Texas. Not long after everyone rested, Winslow also returned to a few people from Colorado and introduced the situation he met:

“…Captain Joslay finally led his men to conquer the farm, and when he was about to lead his people away, a new group of soldiers appeared and took Captain Joslay away directly.”

 In the private room of the restaurant, Lacey took a big bite of the lamb chop, turned to look at Luo An, and guessed:

“Is it another factional fight within the military?”

This kind of thing is not uncommon within the federal military. After all, some people have factions. Coupled with a number of arms companies and some members of Congress, even within the federal military-industrial complex, there are a lot of contradictions due to different divisions of interests.


Luo An put a piece of beef into his mouth and said while eating:

“Let’s leave the internal affairs of the military alone. This case is over. Let’s eat something first and have a good night’s rest. We will return to Washington tomorrow.”


A few people nodded and started eating. At this moment, Luo An suddenly made a move, looked up at Winslow, and asked:

“Winslow, did you let the people in the SUV go?”

 “People? What people?”


 (End of this chapter)

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