Iflara pulled Bai Qingqing's clothes and said softly: "Let's go down, the bastards are scared."


They tiptoed downstairs and entered a room on the fifth floor.

Eve stroked the heads of the cubs to comfort them, and asked, "What are you doing? The ants we specifically found were also released."

"Two ants died there this morning. I'm fine anyway, so I just wanted to see if there was any problem there." Bai Qingqing put the tray on the table, picked up a leopard cub from the ground, and put it on her lap Touch - touch.

Leopard cubs grow very fast, weighing thirty kilograms less than one year old. A leopard sitting on Bai Qingqing's lap raised its head and licked its lips at the barbecue.

Bai Qingqing picked up a piece of meat and fed it to it. "Did you smell anything? Is there any smell on the marks on the stone?"

The leopard, who was eating with gusto, immediately buried his head in Bai Qingqing's plump chest, moaning "whimpering".

Eudora looked at the intimacy between her Zai Zai and Bai Qingqing, smiled with unknown meaning, and translated: "Zai Zai said it smells like snakes and beasts."

Bai Qingqing paused in stroking the fur, lowered her head, and was obviously absent-minded when stroking the cub's fur again.

Curtis must have done it last night!

Bai Qingqing had no intention of petting the cub anymore, so she put it down and covered her head in distress.

Although the world is accustomed to polyandry, the possessiveness of males has never weakened and is much stronger than that of modern males. It's really sad to think that such a domineering personality has to accept sharing a partner with others.

Bai Qingqing vowed to herself that she would never have another partner!

The three leopard cubs were so greedy for the smell of food that they put their front feet on the table and sniffed it. Eve slapped their heads in turn and shouted: "Come down, if you eat Qingqing's food, she will starve."


The little leopards came down obediently as soon as they heard this.

Bai Qingqing calmed down and said with a smile, "I've just eaten. You can eat together."

After that, she fed each little leopard a piece of meat, rolled the meat with vegetables to make a vegetable roll, handed it to Eve and said, "Try it, it's delicious."

Eve leaned back in disgust, "I don't eat grass."

"It's very delicious." Bai Qingqing took a bite herself and said while eating, "If you don't believe me, try it."

Eve doubtfully took out a small piece of green vegetable, rolled up the meat and took a small bite under Bai Qingqing's encouraging eyes.

"How is it?" Bai Qingqing looked at Eve expectantly.

Eve chewed twice and her face immediately wrinkled. She wanted to spit it out but didn't know where to spit it out. She looked around in her mouth and finally had no choice but to swallow the whole mouthful.

"That's not true." Bai Qingqing took another bite. It was delicious. Freshly picked vegetables are so refreshing.

With a grimace, Eve smashed her mouth, picked out the meat from the vegetables and gave it to the little leopard to eat, and put the leaves on the table, "I am a female of the leopard tribe, and I am not from your ape tribe. But you ape tribe The females are really easy to raise, they just give you leaves to eat when there is no meat."

"Uh..." Bai Qingqing had nothing to say and ate the vegetable rolls silently.

After finishing the food, Bai Qingqing was going to go to the top floor to accompany Curtis. When Eve saw that she was leaving, she quickly said, "Don't you want to play with me anymore."

"I want to take a nap."

"Just sleep here. It's hard not to be disturbed." Behind Eve, three leopard cubs jumped excitedly, as if they agreed with her suggestion.

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