Bai Qingqing smiled in relief, stretched out her hands to hold the little snake, and placed it gently on the stone.

"Put out the fire, the eggs should be cooked." Bai Qingqing said without raising her head, using her arm to block the side of the snake that was leaning against the fire.

The little snake raised his head slightly and looked at Bai Qingqing, who was sleeping again.

Curtis' face darkened and he made no move.

how so? In the inherited memory, the snake beast took the baby snakes out, and the baby snakes would swim away on their own. They actually fell asleep after eating.

Could it be that it has been raised for too long? Let them develop the habit of sleeping after eating?

Although Curtis has no affection for his offspring, he still feels that this is inappropriate. If this continues, the young snakes will lose their ability to survive.

But if losing the baby snake would make Bai Qingqing resent him, he would rather destroy the nest of baby snakes. Just keep it like this, Xiaobai likes the baby snake anyway, and it can remind her of him more.

Parker put the fungus down, removed the fire in twos and twos, and said: "I saw a lot of small snakes when I picked the fungus, so I went to catch them."

"Yeah." Bai Qingqing nodded gratefully.

Parker was not dissatisfied with finding the snake alone. Bai Qingqing had to be guarded by someone.

Bai Qingqing pulled out an egg from the pile of charcoal, endured the burning and quickly peeled the shell, wrapped it in leaves and handed it to Curtis, "Here, be careful not to burn it."

Curtis stretched out his hand, but did not pick up the eggs. He placed his palm on top of Bai Qingqing's head and pressed her to his chest: "There are only two, you can eat them."

"I don't like egg yolks, help me eat the yolks." Bai Qingqing raised her head and smiled.

After a while, Parker picked up all the little snakes and slept around the rocks. During their nap time, Bai Qingqing and Parker went to the fields to take a look. When they came back, they had slept well, and the family returned to the City of Beasts.

The same day that Camelback Valley was rebuilt, the leopard tribe orcs moved away, taking with them several tiger tribe orcs who were chosen by leopard tribe females.

The Tiger King's Castle suddenly became quiet. Curtis let the little snakes live on the first floor. They could swim in the yard and occasionally catch small prey.

The previous heavy rain seemed to have overdrawn the entire light rainy season. After the sky cleared up, it didn't rain much. This year's rainy season ended a full month earlier.

The seedlings in the fields are growing very well and have entered the harvest period earlier than in previous years. The noisy cicadas are chirping from the trees shrouded in the heat, signaling the harvest.

At the Tiger King's Castle, Bai Qingqing ran downstairs with bare feet, passed through the backyard of the King's Castle, and leaned against the door frame, panting.

Ahead was a clear river with a row of large willow trees growing beside it. A blond young man was squatting by the river sharpening a stone blade.

It was too hot outside, so Bai Qingqing didn't dare to go out. She said loudly: "Parker! Do you want to cut wild grains today?"

Parker looked back and met Parker's gaze. Bai Qingqing smiled sweetly and ran towards him quickly.

It won't work if you don't want to go fast. Standing on the sun-baked land for a second longer is torture, and the soles of your feet will turn into a teppanyaki in minutes.

Bai Qingqing wore a tiger skin tube top and a leather skirt. Her curly hair that reached the length of her back was combed up and tied tightly with animal skin strips. A bunch of playful curly tails hung down behind her head. Her hair moved from left to right when running. Shake.

Parker's eyes reflected his partner's figure, and he couldn't help but smile on his face. He answered loudly: "Yes! There are too many birds stealing food. If you harvest them earlier, you can harvest more grains."

Bai Qingqing ran to the willow tree closest to Parker, stamped her scalded feet, put her feet into the water, and then felt comfortable.

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