Bai Qingqing's sudden outburst stunned both Bella and Alva for a while. Bella hid in Alva's arms and recovered first.

"That's my favorite dress, and you dare to still put it in the river." Bella pointed at the river and complained.

Alva half hugged Bella, glanced at her face, strode towards Bai Qingqing, grabbed Bai Qingqing's arm without any explanation, and pulled her forcefully to the river.

"Pick it up for her." Alva put a hand on Bai Qingqing's back and pushed her head into the water.

"Hmm!" Bai Qingqing's first reaction was to protect her stomach, holding her stomach with one hand and supporting the ground with the other to reduce the burden on her body.

Bai Qingqing held her breath and tried desperately to raise her head, her brown curly hair floating in the water like seaweed.

It's so stuffy, I can't breathe.

Feeling the feeble struggle of his men, Alva's heart softened, and his strength relaxed a little. Looking back at Bella, seeing Bella's expression of waiting to see him teach her a lesson, her heart became hard again, and she pushed Bai Qingqing deeper into the water.

Bai Qingqing couldn't hold it in any longer, so she removed her hand that was holding her stomach, touched Alva's back, went all the way up, grabbed his long, smooth hair, and pushed forward.

With a "pop" sound, Alva fell into the water unprepared.

Later, Bai Qingqing also rolled into the river because of her body imbalance.


Amid Bella's screams, Bai Qingqing and Alva emerged from the water one after another.

Alva looked a little silly.

He was pushed into the river by a female! If the news spreads, he will definitely be laughed at by the females. Bella must not dislike him.

But Bai Qingqing is really strong. Did she use her partner's ability? It seems that her partner is very capable.

But when Alva looked up at Bai Qingqing, his expression, which had not yet fully recovered, became completely dull.

The female in the water has curly wet hair, which sticks wetly to her fair skin. Black and white form the ultimate contrast, and the background behind her suddenly becomes eclipsed.

There is still a slight trace of purple on Bai Qingqing's face, which is getting lighter and lighter with the water flowing down from her head.

Without the "birthmark" and hair covering it, the small oval face reveals its beauty, and the delicate and soft facial features become clear.

The slightly drooping dog eyes at the corners of her eyes are not as charming as those of the peacock tribe, but they are clear and pure, with a childlike innocence that makes it even harder to look away.

"Alva, what have you been looking at her for?" Bella stood on the shore and could only see the back of Bai Qingqing's head. Seeing Alva's dull face, Bella felt baffled.

Alva's eyes were focused on Bai Qingqing's face. The expression on his face was dull, and his body had forgotten to move. However, he seemed to feel that he was flying freely, like invisible gas, surrounding the beautiful female in front of him.

It wasn't until Bai Qingqing suddenly lost all strength and fell limply into the water that Alva's spirit possessed her and he hurried over to catch her.

"Bai Qingqing?"

Holding the soft female, Alva seemed to be in a dream.

Carefully reaching out and touching the skin with a trace of purple on Bai Qingqing's face, the color was completely wiped away with one touch, and the palm-sized face became white and flawless, without even a trace of blood, and the lips were no longer flawless. Extremely pale.

Alva didn't notice this, he was still immersed in the exquisite beauty and couldn't extricate himself. He felt that the tears rolling down from those big eyes were so beautiful that they were full of dreams.

Wait, teardrops? Bai Qingqing cried?

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