Qin looked around and said calmly: "How can I survive in such an environment after you leave? It will be the rainy season soon. Where to live is now a problem."

Saying that, Qin felt that the ocean was better, and she only needed to pay attention to ocean currents and tsunamis. But those threats will be dealt with by the male mermaids and will not appear in front of her at all.

The Ape King fell silent, and after a while, he said: "Okay... I'll take you back."

After saying these words, the Ape King's back bent down, and the sparse hair on his head was blown by the wind, giving off a desolate flavor, as if he had aged twenty years in an instant.

Among the four major races, the ape beasts suffered the heaviest losses. There were not many ape orcs left, and they were not reluctant to leave.

The decision of the Ape King is undoubtedly worse for the surviving orcs. They have realized that Bai Qingqing was wronged by the Ape King, and they also have resentment in their hearts. But at this time, what they need more is the Ape King's ability to help them rebuild their homes. .

But the ape king was indifferent to their requests for help, which completely chilled the hearts of the beasts.

When the Ape King raised his feet and turned around, the Leopard King suddenly spoke.

"If I am sure that Bai Qingqing was wronged by you, I will definitely kill you."

"Let's see how strong we are then."

The ape king said without looking back. He picked up his harp and walked away from the herd step by step.

It's just a small earthquake. Hai Tianya is in a special location and will happen every few years. It's usually nothing serious. The orcs living here have already experienced it.

Look at this big banyan tree. It has a lifespan of thousands of years. Doesn’t it still exist?

The soil of Hai Tianya is fertile, the species is rich, and there is also salt which is indispensable in the life of orcs.

But orcs from all over the world would rather travel thousands of miles to come here to exchange for salt than settle here, just because of these earthquakes that happen every now and then.

The orcs, who can also fly, and the mermaids, the overlord of the sea, have lived here for a long time.

This small-magnitude earthquake was not considered a disaster for anyone.

Bai Qingqing was tired from crying and fell asleep in Moore's arms. She curled up in her sleep, obviously feeling very insecure.

Alva flew to the wooden house and hid his body outside the house, only stretching his head to the door.


Moore glanced at Alva coldly and said in a very low voice, "Shut up, she's asleep."

The few remaining feathers on Alva's tail flickered, and he quickly moved away on tiptoe and flew away.

This eagle beast was so vicious that it even pecked out his beautiful feathers. I wonder if this is the most important thing for a male of their Peacock Tribe? How could he meet Bai Qingqing in his animal form?

Alas, he can only wait until next year for them to grow. He should eat more pine nuts. Maybe he will be able to grow more colorful feathers next year.

It was quiet in the wooden house. Moore kept his kneeling position for a long time. He felt that Bai Qingqing was completely asleep, so he gently hugged her and changed his position.

Moore sat on the door frame, let Bai Qingqing sit on his lap, and slept against his chest. As soon as he lowered his head, he could see Bai Qingqing's small face with residual tear stains. Moore gently wiped the tear stains and looked at her with eyes full of fascination.

"Don't cry. If you're afraid, just lean on me. I'm always here."

"Hmm~" Bai Qingqing suddenly groaned and moved uncomfortably.

Moore immediately put his hands down, feeling remorseful. Did it wake her up?

Even though Moore was as quiet as a log, Bai Qingqing still frowned and opened her eyes, covering her stomach with her hands and moaning: "It hurts..."

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