"By the way, why haven't we seen any male peacocks in the past few days?" Bai Qingqing looked at the nest tree. There were only a few chicks standing on the branches pecking, but no adult peacock was seen.

Multon paused for a while and said: "It will rain heavily in a few days. Although it is not as regular as the heavy rainy season in the interior of the continent, there is more rain during this period."

"So this is ah."

Bai Qingqing nodded. She could see the peacock on the tree in the afternoon, and the inexplicable strange feeling in her heart dissipated.

As expected, the heavy rain came after a few days. It was clear sky and day just now, but soon dark clouds gathered, and after a thunderous "bang", heavy rain poured down.

Parker was soaked in the rain, but he lay still in the bush like a rock, motionless, waiting for the nearby peacocks to rush in when they were not paying attention.

But Parker obviously overestimated his physical condition. He had been traveling continuously for a month without much rest and lacked food. Now he got caught in the rain and became shamefully ill.

The groggy head made it harder for Parker to sneak in.

After this rain, it started to rain lightly for three days and heavy rain for five days. Because he often wet his body, Parker's illness never fully recovered.

In desperation, Parker forced himself to find a cave, squat there to recuperate, and at the same time let the other party relax their vigilance.

Time passed quickly in the humidity, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day Bai Qingqing gave birth.

Moore had prepared a lot for this day, but when it came to this moment, his head was empty.

"You... just go out and I'll be alone..."

Bai Qingqing held her belly, opened her mouth and gasped. She was actually calmer than Moore. After all, she had given birth once, and it wasn't very painful.

The amniotic water had just broken, and there was a lot of water accumulated in the cracks of the wooden floor. This didn't happen when the snake eggs were laid, which made Bai Qingqing panic for a moment, but she quickly figured out what it was.

How dare Moore leave Bai Qingqing even an inch, pick up Bai Qingqing from the waist, and let her sit on his lap.

"I won't look, I'll just hold you like this. Make it more comfortable like this."

Bai Qingqing's stomach was churning violently, and she really didn't have the energy to argue with him. After refusing to no avail, she acquiesced.

Fortunately, she was wearing a skirt. Bai Qingqing gritted her teeth, took off her underwear in front of Moore, straightened her skirt, and prepared to give birth to the baby with a serious look on her face.

Moore lowered his head and pressed his face against Bai Qingqing's face, wrapped his arms around her body, and placed a pair of big hands on Bai Qingqing's rolling belly.

Feeling the movement, Moore's tense face was slightly distorted, as if he was the one suffering the pain.

"Huh~ it hurts." Bai Qingqing's face was dripping with sweat, and her small hands were tightly clasped on Moore's strong arms.

The child in the belly was so noisy, moving around as if fighting to be born first.

Bai Qingqing rested her head on the shoulder behind her, closed her eyes, and used all her strength.

Using her strength to the extreme, her vision and hearing were blurred, but Bai Qingqing clearly felt something being pushed into her lower body. She felt a sharp pain in her lower body, and then a sudden relief in her abdomen.

Bai Qingqing's body slumped out of strength, her private parts still stinging faintly, but the pain in her abdomen eased for a moment.

"Giving birth." Moore exclaimed.

Alva's eyes outside the house also flashed with joy, and he scratched the bark of the tree with his hands impatiently.

He also wanted to watch Bai Qingqing give birth to her cubs. This was a sacred moment. As a male, how could he not guard his beloved female?

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