Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs (Leisurely Beast World)

Chapter 397 The eldest, second and third eldest brother

The children had just finished eating, and Alva came with the food he had prepared for the children.

"Qingqing, I've caught some bugs." Alva took out a bag of leaves and opened it as if he was offering a treasure. Inside was a big, fat, white bug, squeezed together and squirming, with two rows of legs like black sesame seeds. They also clicked on the white worms, baring their teeth and claws.

Bai Qingqing trembled, and said with great disgust: "Hey, bring it quickly, it's disgusting."

"Why is it disgusting?" Alva couldn't understand. When he found that the leopard cubs were full, he felt a little disappointed and grabbed the bugs and stuffed them into his mouth.

Seeing the half-worm squirming violently near Alva's mouth, Bai Qingqing's eyes widened and her expression cracked.

Although Alva didn't understand where Bai Qingqing's aversion to bugs came from, he also knew that it was inappropriate for him to eat something she found disgusting in front of her. He swallowed the food in his mouth, wiped his mouth and stopped eating. .

"Qingqing needs to rest." Moore said pointedly.

Alva was about to eat the bug behind Bai Qingqing's back, and followed Moore's words: "Then I'm going back, Qingqing has a good rest."

After he left, Bai Qingqing asked with lingering fear: "Muir, you are also a flying orc, do you also eat such bugs?"

Moore raised his eyebrows and stared at Bai Qingqing with his narrow eyes, with a faint smile, "My food is relatively monotonous."

It's monotonous... In other words, if you eat raw meat, the taste is not light. Bai Qingqing chose to shut up.

Moore got the leopard down and tied it to a tree with a cane.

The cubs had slept a lot during the day, and now they felt energetic and moved around the house.

Moore came up again, and the cubs stumbled to his feet and stepped on Moore's stone-hard insteps with their little plum claws.

Moore's heart seemed to be crushed by the little feet, and he bent down to pick one up.

Bai Qingqing was sitting on the animal skin mattress with her back against the wooden wall. When she saw Moore, she asked, "Do you still remember the order in which they were born?"

She remembered Parker saying that the cubs' names before they reached adulthood were based on their birth rank, and she didn't pick a name until they reached adulthood.

Names are of great significance to the orcs. Bai Qingqing followed the local customs and decided to leave the names to them.

Moore said: "Of course I remember, the youngest one is the third child."

He gently plucked a cub off the ground with his feet, eliciting a milky cry from it.

"This is the boss, and the one with the erect ear is the second child."

Bai Qingqing nodded and secretly noted their characteristics.

As he was talking, Moore felt a heat in his palm, and a slimy substance fell on his hand. He picked up the cub and took a look, and found that it had indeed pooped.

There was a gust of wind blowing from the door, and Bai Qingqing shrugged her nose, "What does it smell like?"

Moore put down the cub and said, "It seems like we need to prepare a basin of sand at home."

Bai Qingqing realized it immediately. Seeing Moore holding a hand with nothing in it, he shouted: "Did it hold your hand? Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, give it to me quickly."

"It's okay." Moore put down the third child and picked up the second child and the eldest child. "Take my hand first, and I will get the sand basin later."

Bai Qingqing was shocked. Moore was not the father of the leopard cubs, but he was so kind to them. He didn't even dislike the daddy, and even picked them up with his hands...

"Really... thank you so much."

"I do."

Moore put his two hands together, and the eldest and second child sniffed the third child's excrement, then flexed his hind legs and pulled on Moore's palm.

Moore then put them down and went down to the tree to wash his hands.

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