Leopards are not good at water fighting, and mermaids cannot fight well in narrow rivers, so the two beasts are fighting equally.

Hearing Bai Qingqing's cry, Parker's heart felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle. He ignored the fight and turned around to chase the person.

Lanze raised the corners of his mouth with a "chi" sound, and quickly swung the fish's tail, quickly leaving behind the leopard who set off first.

He admitted that leopards are fast, but in the water, they, the mermaids, are the dominant ones.

And the leopard has four long legs, so it is useless no matter how fast it paddles in the water.

Bai Qingqing pressed her face against the bubble. When she saw the blue figure in front of her, she immediately shrank back. Then she was flipped over by the overturned bubble, fell to the bottom of the bubble, and was hit by her own cub. One face.


The cubs still couldn't figure out the situation. The third child lying on Bai Qingqing's face opened his big round eyes and looked here and there.

If the mother hadn't looked so panicked, they would probably have cheered.

After a more violent water wave passed, Bai Qingqing felt that the bubbles had stabilized a lot, and turned around to look around. It's over, it's drifting into the sea.

"Aow! Aow!" The leopard roared hoarsely, and its whole body sank in the water, except for its small head floating on the water.

Seeing his partner floating away from him into the sea, Parker's eyes were filled with tears and his eyeballs were bloodshot. It was very scary.

Lan Ze hugged Bubble, looked back at the leopard provocatively, and took the female into the water.

Parker chased him into the sea and dived after him.

The sea was calm for a while.

After a while, a leopard's head appeared on the surface of the sea. It opened its mouth and gasped for breath. It stayed there for only two seconds and plunged in again.

Qingqing! Don't leave again, I can't bear it.

Parker howled inwardly.

Having tasted loss once, he was already frightened. Bai Qingqing's figure could not be seen with his eyes. The despair in his heart was like the sea water that enveloped his body, leaving no room for breathing.

Bai Qingqing held the cub and moved to the farthest place from the figure, tearing the bubbles desperately.

I don’t know what this bubble is. It feels as smooth as glass, but as tough as cowhide. Even if it is filled with air, it can sink into the water easily.

Lanze looked back at the sea and spit out a string of bubbles with relief.


"Qin, what are you doing? I'm already a three-striped fish. My bubble is very strong and won't break easily. Don't worry." Lan Ze thought the female was doubting his ability and immediately said proudly.

He is already qualified to mate with her. He saved her today, she must feel that she is powerful.

Maybe...she will be able to lay his eggs this year.

Thinking of this, Lan Ze had a silly smile on his face.

The mermaid's voice was extremely pleasant, and it was clear and sweet in the water. Bai Qingqing's attention was immediately drawn to it, and she turned to look.

In an instant, Bai Qingqing froze and even forgot where she was.

The face in front of me is very beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful.

His facial features were so perfect that they seemed to have been carved out through careful calculation. The shape of his eyes was a little less sharp than an eagle and a little less coquettish than a peacock. He was somewhere in between, both dangerous and charming.

It seems to have a magical power that seduces people, making people want to get closer.

Lanze smiled shyly. The female looked at him, dumbfounded.

"We will arrive at the mermaid clan soon, I will inform everyone right away." Lanze said with a smile on his lips.

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