There were about thirty or forty of those densely packed pink eggs.

Bai Qingqing was shocked.

Wocao has so many children, the scorpion beast is more awesome than the snake beast!

Before she could wake up from the shock, Bai Qingqing felt a darkness above her head, and the hairs on her back suddenly stood up: Something is coming!

Before she could escape, a tall male figure penetrated her directly and walked to the edge of the bed.

"Kris, thank you for your hard work." The man sat on the edge of the stone bed, gently touched Chris's face, and wiped away the sweat on her face.

"Hmph!" Chris's voice was full of hatred, and she shrank to the top of the stone bed, not touching the pile of eggs, as if those things would contaminate her.

"Take these things away!"

Saint Zachary's dark aura was stronger, and he had obviously disguised himself in front of Chris, but no matter how much he disguised himself, the aura that came from his bones would not disappear.

"If you want to be angry, then be angry with me." St. Zachary's voice was unnaturally soft and incompatible with his temperament. "These are your cubs, don't anger them."

Chrissy glanced at the eggs, a look of intense pain flashed in her eyes, "Their father is a rootless beast, so they will be born as rootless beasts. They will be tortured from birth, so they might as well die!"


St. Zachary suddenly punched the stone bed. The stone bed broke and a pile of scorpion eggs fell to the ground.

St. Zachary's hidden violence exploded in full force, and his whole body was filled with an aura of danger.

Chrissy's body trembled and she immediately shrank to the head of the bed.

Bai Qingqing also recalled the intercourse scene she saw at that time, and received the information that Chris had been beaten many times by such Saint Zachary for no reason.

But this time St. Zachary took control and vented his violence on the stone bed.

"If you don't like it, just kill them!" St. Zachary suddenly shouted loudly, which frightened Chrissy's body and shook violently. Bai Qingqing, who was not within the range of St. Zachary's roar, even jumped up.

Scared to death!

After St. Zachary finished speaking, he turned around and left. His back disappeared at the door, and another deep voice came: "I'll go find food for you."

The voice was steady, and you could tell that the whole sentence was spoken while standing quietly.

St. Zachary obviously still loved Chrissy, but they could never go back to the way they were before. He won his partner's love, but lost to his own pride.

His level is already above that of a king, and he has absolute self-confidence. But feelings cannot be exchanged for these things.

Bai Qingqing suddenly felt pity for this scorpion beast. He was originally the proud son of the emperor, but he became a pitiful creature after a fight.

Suddenly sensing something, Bai Qingqing immediately looked at Chris.

"don't want!"

Chris picked up the gravel on the ground and smashed it on the pile of scorpion eggs.

Bai Qingqing's footsteps stood still.

But Chris raised her head and her eyes fell accurately on Bai Qingqing.

"Why not? They shouldn't have been born in the first place." Chris' expression was numb, and she beat the scorpion eggs again and again, and a milky white flower splashed on the stone floor.

The wet sound made Bai Qingqing's scalp tingle.

She reached out to grab Chrissy's arm, but she seemed to be just a phantom, and her body passed directly through Chrissy's body.


There was a furious roar from outside, and as soon as the sound fell, the figure of Saint Zachary appeared in the stone room.

Seeing the residue on the ground, Saint Zachary roared in pain, grabbed Chris's arm and threw her out.

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