“The things I send out are never withdrawn. I just delete them when I don’t want them.” An Jing drove and said without looking back.

Zhou Wen heard the words and put the USB flash drive back in his pocket. A USB flash drive is worthless. There is no need to give it back to An Jing . Although the Sun The Secret Art inside does not know the truth, it is just like An Jing. According to, delete it.

Without a word, An Jing quickly drove Zhou Wen to a place.

Originally, Zhou Wen thought Li Xuan was already a local tyrant, but when he saw it, Zhou Wen knew what a real local tyrant was. It was like a park.

An Jing drove the car in. Among the exquisite and elegant gardens, there are a lot of modern buildings, but they are perfectly integrated with the surrounding gardens. They are patchwork and are clearly designed by famous artists. .

In front of a small three-story building, An Jing stopped the car and took Zhou Wen through the main entrance into the small building.

Just walking into the lobby, I saw a mature and elegant woman sitting on the sofa with Zhou Lingfeng.

Zhou Wen looked at the woman and saw that she was very similar to the photo sent by Zhou Lingfeng. It should be Ouyang Lan, but True Master is more beautiful and more temperament than the photo. It looks like she is about 30 years old.

“Aunt is good.” Zhou Wen greeted himself. At one point, he didn’t want to make Zhou Lingfeng embarrassed. At the other, it showed that he didn’t intend to recognize Ouyang Lan as a mother.

“Little Wen is here. True Master is much more handsome than the photo above, but his face is not so good. I just cooked ginseng soup and waited for a drink.” Ouyang Lan stood up and took Zhou Wen’s hand, pulling Zhou Wen Sit on the sofa.

“Thank you Aunt.” Although Zhou EQ is not high, he will not be stupid enough to reject Ouyang Lan’s good intentions. He just wants to pass the face, he just wants to finish the meal smoothly, and then quickly go back to play games See if you can kill that Silver-Winged Flying Ant.

Ouyang Lan is obviously the type of people with high emotional quotient. Even if they met for the first time, Zhou Wen didn’t feel the distance. It seemed to be a kind person who had known him for a long time.

Zhou Wen originally thought that Zhou Lingfeng was already a very talkative person, but with Ouyang Lan, Zhou Lingfeng turned out to be a little dumbfounded, which surprised Zhou Wen.

“This is the fresh persimmon just delivered. Little Jing, you like to eat Hangzi first. Try it first. It’s sweet.” Ouyang Lan seems to be angrily An Jing , and took a red through herself To An Jing through a very attractive persimmon.

An Jing took the persimmon, took a bite after peeling it, it was really sweet.

“Come here and eat another.” Ouyang Lan saw An Jing after eating, and took another one to An Jing .

An Jing took the persimmon and deliberately glanced at Zhou Wen. Although she didn’t speak, Zhou Wen understood her meaning.

“My mother is my mother.” An Jing seems to be saying that, because Ouyang Lan not at all gives persimmon Zhou Wen around.

Zhou Wen didn’t care. Ouyang Lan was An Jing ‘s mother. It was normal to love An Jing . He didn’t need to be jealous, and he didn’t want to be integrated into this home. Natural It makes no sense to care.

“Madam, the meal is ready.” Ouyang Lan talked to Zhou Wen when someone like Steward came over.

“Wait so long, you should be hungry, and eat more later.” Ouyang Lan took Zhou Wen to the restaurant and asked Zhou Wen to sit next to her. Instead, An Jing could only sit It’s far away.

When Zhou Wen saw the dishes on this table, they were full of color and fragrance. He had never seen many, but one of them was a big lobster. Zhou Wen recognized it at a glance.

Since the Dimensional Storm, most of the Sea Territory have become Other-Dimension Fields. The creatures inside have mutated. Now it is much more difficult to eat seafood than before.

Zhou Wen has only seen such things as history books, biology books, and the Internet. He has never seen the real thing, let alone eat it. Especially in inland areas like Virtuous Resurgence Prefecture, it is almost impossible to eat seafood. Even more how is such a big lobster.

“This lobster was just airlifted this morning, or I made it myself. Little Jing likes this lobster most.” Ouyang Lan said.

Because there is only one lobster, as Ouyang Lan said, Zhou Wen thinks she wants to make herself more interesting and don’t rush to eat lobster with An Jing .

An Jing was also touched by the news, and finally a smile appeared on the frost-like face, and he looked at Zhou Wen provocatively.

However, Ouyang Lan said with pity again: “However, lobster, a seafood, cannot be eaten with persimmon, otherwise it will cause diarrhea and diarrhea. In severe cases, food poisoning may occur. An Jing has just eaten persimmon. This lobster Just give Little Wen something to eat and try my craft. “

With that said, Ouyang Lan sandwiched the lobster into Zhou Wen’s plate.

In an instant, An Jing , who was about to go to lobster, petrified directly there, and Zhou Wen was also shocked.

“Intentionally, definitely intentionally …” What Zhou Wen thinks of Ouyang Lan had previously deliberately ate persimmon to An Jing , which is clearly the routine.

No wonder Zhou Wen felt weird before. For people like Ouyang Lan with a high emotional quotient, there were several persimmons on the plate. An Jing could not finish eating alone. How could she not give Zhou Wen one by hand?

“Is this really An Jing ‘s mother?” Zhou Wen looked at Ouyang Lan with bright eyes and elegant eyes, full of doubts.

In any case, Ouyang Lan seems to be really good to Zhou Wen. If you do n’t know them, you think that Ouyang Lan is Zhou Wen’s mother-in-law, and An Jing is the tow bottle born by that ex-wife.

An Jing ‘s face is not very good-looking, but it can be seen that her tutor is really good. Despite the grievances in her heart, she did not leave the party without anger, but waited until the dinner was over.

It was just that she was in a very bad mood and ate only a few things.

What is home away from home, what is spring breeze, and what it feels like to be home, Zhou Wen finally felt it today.

Even someone like Zhou Wen who is a bit dull and alienated in emotion has to admit that Ouyang Lan is indeed a person who makes it difficult to have a bad feeling and even is willing to be close to her.

“Little Wen, I heard that you have passed the Sunset Institute, so you must have suffered a lot? Students from other places want to pass the Sunset Institute, but it is not easy, and I have nothing to give you. This is a meeting gift. Let ’s finish it. ”After Zhou Wen was about to leave, Ouyang Lan took a card to Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen originally thought it was a bank card or something, and was trying to reject it, but he heard Ouyang Lan saying, “This is the dormitory card of Sunset Institute, the kind of single room. I heard Lingfeng say you like An Jing , so Just ask the Principal to prepare one. After you enter school, you can go to the dormitory according to the card number. You must accept this small gift. Don’t let me think that this gift is prepared too casually? “

“Thank you Aunt, I like this gift very much.” Zhou Wen thought about it, and accepted the gift. Since Ouyang Lan has expressed goodwill, he is also unwilling to be a villain. A dormitory card is nothing, and single room For Zhou Wen, it was really useful.

This gift from Ouyang Lan made Zhou Wen’s affection for her rise a bit, and even the gift was so comfortable. This Ouyang Lan is really a thoughtful person.

“By the way, you are not allowed to call Aunt in the future, will I be so old? It will be OK to call Sister Lan in the future.” Ouyang Lan faint smile said.

Zhou Wen can obviously feel that when she talks about Aunt 2 words, the tone is much heavier, and she obviously really cares.

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