Let you make games, you directly shoot blockbusters?

Chapter 305 This game can be so perverted?

Enter the house.

At a glance, he saw four beds placed inside.

A workbench and furnace were also brought in.

There are several boxes for storage on the side, which are very simple and very warm.

"These are all made of the materials you brought back, especially the bed, which can be used to sleep and skip the night. After being bound, the resurrection will appear here."

Xun'er is indeed the one with the highest IQ among the four. She has studied so many things in just two days in the game.


This is also because she loves this job very much.

As for Ouyang Xiao and the others, they seemed more carefree.

As soon as he entered the cabin, his feminine nature was revealed and he started jumping around and shouting inside.

After a while, he said very solemnly:

"I decided that we must create a world of our own! Make it beautiful!"

"Haha, then we will keep the archive of this room. In the future, whoever is free can come up and build it. Wait a year or two or three to see how much it has changed from now."


Since then, a quartet of home builders have been formed, treating this world archive as the home they built on the Internet.

After thinking about it like this, I suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of belonging to this game.

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room were infected by their words and yearned for this little virtual world of their own.

"Although I really want to play 3D Mario, this game really appeals to my liking."

"I also want to have a virtual world of my own."

“This feeling of building up bit by bit is really overwhelming.”

“I’ve decided, I’ll buy a powerful third-generation console!”

"I like Mario very much, but this time there is really no comparison..."

As a cartoon level-breaking game, Mario is undoubtedly the pinnacle of its kind, there is no doubt about this.

If they encounter other competing games, they may place an order for it without hesitation.

But in front of "Minecraft", a huge gap can be felt.

It’s not the gap in game quality and gameplay, but the deeper core of the game!

To put it bluntly, Mario just solves puzzles and saves Bowser.

It is a relatively procedural game. There is basically not much content to play once you clear the level. It is also very fun and relaxing to play.

But I have to admit it.

No matter how good it is, it has not broken away from the core of ordinary games and can be replaced by other breakthrough games.

But "Minecraft" is different.

There are no substitutes, and the style is unique.

More importantly, it has something that other games don’t have, which is the player’s sense of presence and gain!

Every move of the player will have an impact on the world.

Not to mention that this is a world they built brick by brick, which is equivalent to their other home in the virtual world.

The meaning is completely different.

It goes beyond the scope of ordinary games.

to be honest.

You can tell from one glance that this game will last longer.

Of course it is more cost-effective when the price is similar.

It's that simple.


It’s only been one day since the release of the third-generation giant console.

"Minecraft" spread in the gaming circle and quickly occupied the market share of "Super Mario 64".

Most of the live broadcast rooms that were originally broadcasting Mario were broadcasting building houses with small squares.

Even many anchors outside the game area have started to go online, shouting about zombie spiders, exploring the wild, and collecting materials to build their own world.

It's obviously just a pixel-style game, but it seems to have some kind of magic, attracting many players with completely different hobbies, having a great time playing it, and filling every corner with laughter.

And the momentum is very strong.

Far faster than Tang Jun imagined.


He didn't even think of it at first!


The conference room door opens.

An employee from the Juhard Branch pushed open the door and entered with excitement on his face.

"Director! Good news! Great news! Sales of the third-generation console exceeded 750,000 units on the first day!"

"Say it again! 750,000 units!?"

A group of senior executives, including Tang Jun, stood up suddenly and hurriedly took over the data reports from the employees.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be 750,000 units.

You must know that Nintendo's first-day sales were only 400,000, which was almost half of theirs!

Even as the regional leader.

I have never seen such exaggerated first-day results!

Not to mention the other senior officials, all of them looked like they had seen a ghost, and at the same time they were extremely excited.

Because the Asia region is mainly responsible for the release of the third-generation console this time, and even the quota for the Escort masterpiece was negotiated by them.

Once you fail, you will inevitably be held accountable by the higher authorities.

He was already prepared to fail.

But now.

But it gave them such a big surprise.

How could they not be excited?

"What exactly is going on?"

Tang Jun raised his head and tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart.

But even so, there was still deep shock in his eyes.

Because even for the escort masterpiece that we broke up with before, the best estimate is that it will be equal to Nintendo, but now it is twice as high, which is simply unbelievable!

It was far beyond his imagination!

"Yes, it's "Minecraft". That game provided by Honghuang has exploded in popularity! Now almost all platforms are broadcasting this game! It's even more exaggerated than when "Red Dead Redemption" came out!"


Everyone took a breath when they heard this.

As a game platform, they know "Red Dead Redemption" very well, and the total sales have reached more than 40 million.

Are you telling him it's more exaggerated than this game?

Just a pixel game? ?

If they had known that this game was so overbearing, they wouldn't have had to humbly make guarantees at the headquarters.

I fucking flipped the table over.

Let’s see who dares not to agree!

"Okay, okay!"

Tang Jun said three good words in a row, his face turned rosy.

"Go, use all the resources we have to promote this game globally! Then contact other branches. If you dare not cooperate, I, Tang Jun, will go to the headquarters tomorrow to set their tables on fire!"

That's right!

It’s confidence.

The game Honghuang gave him full confidence!

Others were also extremely happy when they received the order.

They have been suppressed and looked down upon in Asia for so long, and finally they are making a comeback.

Without further ado, he hurriedly left and went outside to prepare.

Not long after that.

Advertisements for "Minecraft" began to appear in the host markets of various countries and were pushed indiscriminately.

We will also hold an event where you can draw a limited edition pixel-style handle using the code on the purchase invoice, limited to 10,000 copies worldwide.

A series of promotions like this made "Minecraft" the focus of countless players around the world, with 4.2 million copies sold that week.

You know, this is a game console that costs thousands of dollars!

Even the heads of other branches within Juhard who were dissatisfied with Tang Jun all shut their mouths when they saw this horrific result.

The headquarters even called personally to commend Tang Jun with an extremely polite tone.


When the first and second generation consoles were launched, their results were less than half of what they are now.

Now that the third generation of consoles have been sold, the market share has soared to 20% in just one week, 2% higher than before, and it is a global market!

No matter how stupid they are, they still know the importance of Tang Jun.

After all, who can have trouble with money?


The drums and gongs are beating loudly here.

But someone is clouded.

That is Furukawa in Nintendo.


"Who can tell me what is going on!?"

Angry roars echoed in the president's office.

A group of high-level officials lined up inside, their heads lowered and their ears drooped, too scared to move.

The sales volume in the first week was 1.8 million copies short, and this was even when they were launching a sequel to their blockbuster IP.

Such a huge gap, even when they first heard about it, they were shocked and speechless.

Because they can't believe it.

My own Mario sequel.

He actually lost to a pixel game!

A good while.

Only then did a man with a mustache step forward.

"President, the results in the first week don't mean anything. Besides, our total sales are still ahead. What we have to do now is to get the situation back as soon as possible, otherwise..."

"Kangtian-kun, are you teaching me how to do things?" Furukawa looked at the man coldly.

But in the end, he still suppressed his anger: "Immediately! Immediately! No matter what method you use, we must suppress them!"

The market share of the host side.

It has always been Nintendo 5: Sony 3: Hardware 1, and the remaining 1 are other brands, which is not a concern.

In other words, Nintendo is the unshakable overlord on the console side, which is why they can be so domineering.

Although everyone outside calls Ju Hard one of the three royal families.

But it was built with money, and its strength belongs to the weakest family.

But now, with a game and a new console, the proportion has suddenly increased to 20%. Naturally, they are the ones who are most affected.


They have dominated the console side for so long.

It will definitely not get hard easily.

After being scolded and cursed, the people below began to formulate countermeasures.

It didn't take long.

Nintendo's NS console platform is launching a discount event. Hundreds of popular games are all discounted, and only for the third generation console!

For a time, the entire host community exploded.

Even those who already have second-generation consoles have upgraded to third-generation consoles, causing Nintendo's console sales to skyrocket.

And with the advantage of being released one month in advance, the total sales directly rushed to more than 10 million units, widening the gap with the giant hardware again.

This is an overwhelming advantage in the number of games!

Because even if you want to do this, you can't come up with so many popular games at once.

"Hundreds of cosmetic games are offered at discounts. This old guy Furukawa is really ruthless."

Tang Jun frowned and looked at the news reported below.

"With a gap of 6 million copies, it is probably difficult to equalize."

Other senior executives nearby shook their heads helplessly.

At this point, they don't have many ways to get around the big mountain of Nintendo. They can only wait and see what happens and see how great the game's stamina is.

After all, fight for capital.

They are not necessarily much better than Nintendo.

Fortunately, the current results have met their original requirements. Even if they lose, they will not be unable to make a difference.

Being able to take 20% of the market away from Nintendo and Sony is already pretty good.

And at this time.

Within each player circle.

Discussions about "Minecraft" are still ongoing, and they are getting more intense, with various strategies and new discoveries emerging one after another.

"Brothers, I found a way to automatically farm iron ingots. You can get three sets of iron ingots after hanging up for an hour!"

Suddenly, a message appeared in a certain game group.

The group of friends who were still discussing the difficulty of iron suddenly exploded.

"Damn it! Three groups in one hour?"

"I spent an hour grinding monsters and almost vomited, but it's only one set!"

"Just hang up?"

"Come on! How did you do it?"

"Boss, please give me advice!"

Seeing such a violent reaction in the group, that person was very excited and explained his discovery process vividly.

turn out to be.

While he was exploring.

Find a village with villagers in it, and a monster called an iron golem will spawn. If you kill it, you can drop the finished iron ingot without synthesizing it!

So he thought, could he refresh the iron puppets in one place and kill them to get unlimited iron ingots?

After several days of research, he really discovered it!

As long as there are 20 beds and more than 10 villagers, iron golems will be refreshed!

Then he used a boat to pull 10 villagers into the dug pit, set up beds, and then separated a layer of stones on the top of the room. Sure enough, an iron puppet spawned within a short time!

Finally, it went through numerous improvements.

He brought a piece of magma to the edge of the stone slab, placed a funnel, and spread the water under his feet.

The iron golem that is refreshed will be carried to the magma next to the funnel by the water flow and burned to death.

Place a storage box next to the hopper, and the iron ingots will fall into the storage box on their own.

The automatic iron brushing machine is done!

After listening to the explanation and watching the demonstration video, the group members were all shocked.

"I'm super, is this okay?"

"What an animal. He can think of such perverted ways. No, this game can be so perverted!?"

"It's low, we're under-developing the game."

"It turns out that I opened it the wrong way!"

"Master, I understand!"

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