Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 246 Fremea is invading

Qisha returned to Dawn Continent, and Shen Sui's daily life lost a trace of fun.

On days when there was no duel, he just looked at the Soul Card World for fun.


["Fremea. What are you doing?" you asked in surprise. 】

Ever since Fremea became his soul card, this elf queen with novel ideas has clocked in on time almost every day, as if she was afraid that Shen Sui would forget her.

However, similar to Chisara, Fremea, as a fourteenth-level and even once entered the fifteenth level to become the goddess of nature, it is difficult to go further in terms of strength, so unless she does what Chisara did There are some weird things, otherwise the production of new life cards will actually be hindered.

The stronger you are, the more important decisions you need to make before you can produce life cards.

It's like when Alice first became the Soul Card of Shen Sui, the life cards appeared one after another, but now the production speed of the life cards has begun to slow down.

It is conceivable that when Alice reaches the fourteenth level one day, instead of reaching the fourteenth level, she will be at the same level as Isabella, and her life card output will drop rapidly.

[With Aina's help, Fremea cleared up the elves' backlog of affairs over the past thousand years in just a few months. 】

[Fremeia had to sigh that her decision to adopt Aina was the right one. 】

[A daughter who can help her mother solve her problems is really great! 】

Shen Sui didn't need to see what happened at that time, but with Fremea's character, he probably already guessed what happened.


Farewell, during the first week, Fremea was caught by him just to avoid the heavy affairs that the Elf Queen needed to deal with, and ran away from home to play in the human world.

In the Forest of Elves, Fremea could never work without working, leave everything to the Council of Elders, and then go fishing by herself.

Even in order to avoid the Queen's work, she hid in the Fountain of Eternal Life and pretended to be miserable even though she clearly had a way to break Vivian's seal.

How could Fremea work so diligently like this!

[During the time you left, the elves had almost cleaned up the corpses of the world-breaking bugs. 】

[They even used the corpses of the world-breaking insects to build a huge world-breaking insect tower. 】

[The huge worms are used as bricks and building materials. You can even see their feet and tentacles shaking slightly under the action of the nerves that are still active. 】

Ah, this, isn’t this too strange?

When did you elves have such strange habits?

[These bugs were supposed to be Antipus’s food, but Fremea got these bugs from Antipus’s mouth out of some idea. 】

[Antipes is very hungry, but this beautiful elf seems to be one of the master's consorts. She very wisely gave up these rations and left the Dawn Continent to perform the tasks you assigned her. 】

Speaking of which, where is Antipus now?

Shen Sui suddenly thought of this little insect traveling far away.

After Shen Sui sensed Vivian's general location, he released Antipus to explore. When traces of Vivian were found, Antipus should send a message.

It's a pity that Antipus is not Chen Sui's soul card. In the game, she is positioned closer to a pet, so he can sense Antipus' life but cannot check Antipus' status through the duel meter.

["Hey! You're here!" Fremea was very happy to see you. 】

["What's going on with this tower?" You pointed at the world-breaking worm tower in front of you. This strange building is incompatible with the elegance and nature of the elves. It is like a black duck among a group of noble white geese, very abrupt. 】

[Fremeia is very excited. She opens her arms and gestures, and the turbulent waves are rippling in front of your eyes: "This is my masterpiece! Claude!\

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