Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 417 Alice starts a shameless sneak attack (4K)

Alice was actually a little disappointed.

She originally thought she could find the headquarters of the Pseudo-Twilight Council on this icy lake, but she never expected that it was just a small team that came to look for the Giant Crown.

However, her depression quickly dissipated.

Her current main task is to find the Giant Crown and then visit the Giants as a gift.

Since Ragnarok, the giants have been living in the Baishan Mountains in the snowy region of the North. They have never been born again, so much so that among the people of Dawn Continent, stories about giants have become legends.

In the legends Alice had heard since childhood, those giants were as huge as a mountain and could easily destroy an entire city with a wave of their fist.

Although Isabella corrected Alice's wrong idea, Alice's curiosity about giants has not diminished at all.

However, there is no need to lead so many people when entering the mine to find the treasure box Shen Sui left inside.

In addition, if more than a hundred people go to visit the giants, it will easily cause other people to misunderstand.

After much consideration, Alice took out the dragon scales and temporarily sent these snowfield warriors to the dream world, where their protection was obviously needed more.

Alice, who was alone again, did not stay on the glacial lake for too long.

Shen Sui originally thought she would catch a wave of fish on the ice lake before leaving, but Alice did not choose to do that.

Since those crazy Twilight believers were able to analyze the approximate location of the Giant's Crown through Claude's past actions, there is no reason why others can't analyze it.

The Giant Crown is the symbol of the Giants' rule. Even if they cannot directly become the King of the Giants, giving it to the winner of the Giants' civil strife can still gain their favor and help.

The power of the giants has been well proven more than a thousand years ago. The forces on the Dawn Continent will not ignore such a powerful fighting force.

Shortly after Alice entered the snowfield, a message was sent from the Lord of Thunder Church, hoping that Alice would go to Baishan Ridge to see if there was a chance to recruit the giants.

Today, the Lord of Thunder Church is in a state where it is possible to go to war with other churches at any time. If the giants help, it will be a gift from the gods for these radicals.

The truth turned out to be just as Alice expected.

As news of the civil strife among the giants spread, countless forces seemed to see the opportunity to win over this powerful race, and sent people into the ice lake to search for the legendary giant crown.

Back then, the Giant Crown was presented to the Twilight Bishop by the giant king at that time as a symbol of the giants' surrender to the Twilight Bishop.

[It is said that a beautiful giant girl was also sacrificed together. Can Claude really do it? 】

[Alice listened to the man kneeling in front of her begging for mercy, and began to tease Claude in her heart. 】

Seeing this scene, Shen Sui had to speak out:

["She was sent to me to discipline her because she was too naughty." You said to Alice. 】

["Ah! Claude, you're awake!" Alice said in surprise, "I thought you were afraid of meeting your old lover from the giants, so you hid.\

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