Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 442 Alice attracts worldwide attention (6K)

Alice started the trial, which was the day she officially sneaked into World No. 16. Bai Ye came to Shen Sui's villa. As a previous agreement, she would send her soul card Cheryl to meet Alice in World No. 16. .

Consider that remote communications may cause errors in the transmission of information.

In such a major event that threatens the survival of the two worlds, the slightest error can be fatal, so Bai Ye decided to come to Shen Sui's side so that both parties could communicate directly if there were any problems.

"Isn't Miss Qisara not here?" Bai Ye said slightly disappointed when he saw Shen Sui coming over with tea.

Shen Sui put the tea in front of Bai Ye angrily: "Are you here for business, or are you here to see Qisara?"

"These two things are not in conflict." Bai Ye curled his lips and said.

"Qisha returned to World No. 1 and prepared to meet Alice." Shen Sui said.

Bai Ye sighed in disappointment.

Shen Sui had despaired of this guy and ignored her decadent look and asked, "Has Teacher Lin gone back yet?"

"Well, she still has classes, so she will go back to Qali under the escort of the Exploration Bureau. But in the next few days, Wang Ming will send personnel to protect her." Bai Ye said.

Shen Sui felt a little more relieved.

When Bai Ye saw Shen Sui like this, he immediately said unhappily: "I said, Ke'er is the same age as me, right? Why do you treat my relationship with her so differently? I always feel that you and I are just like Ke'er." It’s like a generation apart.”

Shen Sui rolled his eyes and said, "You are not my teacher."

"Damn it, if I had known earlier, I would have become a teacher too." Bai Ye curled his lips and said.

Shen Sui's duel instrument made a slight signal sound, which was Qisara calling him.

He glanced down at the duel instrument, and then said: "Alice is ready."

Bai Ye calmed down her expression and became serious. She still knew the importance of this matter and could not treat it casually: "Okay, I'll ask Cheryl to make preparations as well."

With that said, she took out her duel instrument and planned to communicate with Cheryl.

["Huh? Is Mr. Shen Sui's soul card coming?" Cheryl heard your news and said with a slight hesitation, "But I have something to do and I can't leave now.\

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