Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 475 Shen Sui’s dungeon trial plan (10,000-word chapter)

[Goddess of Dawn·Eos].

When he saw the name of this minion card, Shen Sui subconsciously thought of the power of dawn in Alice.

However, there has never been such a name as the Dawn Goddess on the Dawn Continent. The only high-ranking person related to Dawn is the Dawn Savior in the legend of the giants.

"You are really willing to give me the fourteen-star follower card." Shen Sui looked at Louise, "Even if you are willing to give it, I can't accept it."

"If it weren't for your help, I might never be able to use this card. Compared to such kindness, a fourteen-star follower card is nothing."

The extraordinary has invaded, and people's pursuit of powerful life cards has become more and more intense.

But isn't the reason why they pursue more powerful life cards just to save their lives in the era of extraordinary invasion?

Louise was so generous with gifts not only because she was a rich girl and could bear such a thank you gift, but also because she felt that Shen Sui was a person worth getting along with.

Others on the ship may not know how powerful the dead Lark is, but Louise, who was defeated by Lark, is very aware of the terror of this man. This is not only because Lark's deck is powerful, but also because he has strong adaptability to this kind of extraordinary duel.

Ordinary people who suddenly accept extraordinary duels will be deprived of their rationality by the huge pain caused by battle injuries. The fear of pain and death will quickly take away their calmness, causing them to frequently make mistakes in duels.

Louise's strength is actually no weaker than Lark.

In a world with free capital like the United States, a deck made with money is definitely no weaker than the deck of any ninth-level life card master. What's more, Louise's deck is still the number one life card master in the world. Constructed under the guidance of Tiese, its strength can almost surpass most of the life card masters in the world.

But Louise just lost.

It wasn't that her strength was not good, but because her brain was occupied by fear and the pain of the duel. Under Lark's repeated blows, she lost the dominance of the duel.

Based on this ability to torture Lark to death in an extraordinary duel, Louise dared to conclude that Shen Sui would definitely shine in the future era of extraordinary duels.

This fourteen-star life card is not only a thank you gift from Louise, but also an investment from Louise.

If you can gain Shen Sui's friendship through this, then this will be a profitable business.

There are still many smart people in this world, and no one will take advantage of them.

"This [Goddess of Dawn Eos] is a god in the Greek pantheon of World No. 2." Louise also introduced it to Shen Sui.

The daughter of Theia, the goddess of light, and the sister of the sun god and the moon goddess.

Was it just the same name? I thought it had something to do with Dawn's power.

Shen Sui looked at the card in his hand.

However, does the god of World No. 2 only have fourteen stars?

Maybe it's because she is not a very powerful god in World No. 2.

In fact, level is not the only criterion for measuring strength. With the same fourteen stars, Chisara and Fremea can easily win when facing some fifteenth level gods.

Of course, a fourteen-star follower card cannot be wasted casually.

It just so happens that Alice has a form related to Dawn. Maybe in the future, a lineage with the [Dawn] field can be expanded. This [Dawn Goddess Eos] can then join this big family with its noble field advantage. .

Louise glanced at Vivian in Shen Sui's room. She had also been here. Of course, she knew that at this time, there needed to be enough space for the two of them to get along, so she said goodbye very knowingly.

"Sure enough, capital is always the first group of people to smell changes in the world." Vivian watched Louise leave the room and said slowly, "They have already begun to invest in advance."

Louise gave Shen Sui a fourteen-star follower card. What was the purpose? Vivian can still see this.

"An intelligent race that can be passed down to this day cannot be stupid." Shen Sui inserted the follower card into his deck.

"Don't be fooled by her proud appearance." Vivian glanced at Shen Sui.

"Why do you use arrogant to describe appearance?" Shen Sui complained, and then said, "But you really can't be fooled by this woman's appearance. These children of foreign families are not easy to use."

The [Goddess of Dawn Eos] given to him by Louise is an ownerless card.

A life card without an owner can already prove a lot of things.

"Sure enough, following you here to participate in the competition is a very correct choice." Vivian sat on the edge of the bed, swaying her legs and said to Shen Sui, "You also said that Alice has a busy body, but in fact you are no less. let."

Shen Sui couldn't help but roll his eyes: "To be fair, it's just bad luck on my part, right? When did I take the initiative to cause trouble? Alice, on the other hand, obviously had better choices, but she chose the most terrifying one. options."

However, one thing is that, judging from the aftermath, you cannot say that the outrageous actions Alice made were the worst choices at the time.

This is probably Alice's talent.

When she encounters a problem, she can always choose the method with the most barrages.

"By the way, what did you do to the magic circle?"

"It's nothing, just some physical gains." Vivian said, "It can make the human beings in this world somewhat resistant to the soul pain in duels."

This actually works.

Shen Sui scrolled through his phone for a while, looking at the huge chaos caused by extraordinary invasions in the news, and then looking at the comments on major forums that were completely accustomed to the existence of extraordinary beings. It can only be said that human adaptability is really very powerful. .

Less than half a month has passed, and extraordinary power seems to have become a phenomenon that has always existed in this world, and it no longer surprises many people.

People's discussion gradually changed from panic about the future to discussion about fate card duel.

After many actual battles, people finally confirmed the significant role of life card duel in fighting against extraordinary invasion.

It is like a weapon made by humans in the Stone Age, giving humans the ability to fight against extraordinary forces.

Also because of the effect of Life Card Duel, in just a few days, the price of Life Cards has skyrocketed. What was originally a market for high-star and powerful Life Cards has become a market for all Life Cards. All have the status of being priceless.

It was at this time that Zhang Fang's life card reform was implemented as quickly as possible.

The first is to put ordinary life cards from the exploration game card library and the card libraries of various state-owned life card clubs into the market, stabilizing the price of life cards.

What followed was the lifting of the ban on banned cards and a series of rectifications on the treatment of life card masters.

The education of Fate Card Duel has been included in the scope of compulsory education, and the state will give all dueling students in compulsory education the opportunity to choose a deck of cards for free - the order of self-selection is based on the performance of the simulated duel with cards.

Of course, the free deck will not be too strong, but it is enough to give these students the initial ability to duel.

However, with such a free and large-scale distribution of life cards, the country's card library will definitely face the danger of shortage. Therefore, the Exploration Bureau issued a call to the entire domestic life card master group, calling on everyone to donate the life cards in the form of tax deductions. Idle life card.

On the other hand, students who have received the compulsory education of Fate Card Duel and received a free deck of cards from the country are required to submit at least one Fate Card to the country every year for the next sixty years, with no limit on the star strength. In a sense, this is similar to a student loan, although the interest rate is slightly higher, but the loan period is as long as sixty years.

This is the popularity of Fate Card Duel decks.

Because of the characteristics of the Life Card Duel, a large number of ordinary Life Card Masters are completely unable to stop those terrifying extraordinary beings. Therefore, the country still needs to cultivate a group of powerful Life Card Masters to resist the invasion of these powerful extraordinary beings. This is not only to improve the treatment of the existing powerful life card masters, but also to consider the training of powerful life card masters in the future.

Once a supernatural invasion is opened, it is like a Pandora's box that has been opened. There is no possibility of taking it back. Therefore, in the future, the real world will long struggle with the invasion of supernatural beings from other worlds.

The existing powerful life card masters may be able to maintain peace in the real world, but what if they all die? If there are no strong successors, how can mankind continue to fight for a long time?

Therefore, the training of life card masters must not only solve universal problems, but also solve the problem of elite training.

Shen Sui got the news from Aragaki Tanchun that in the future, players who get ranked in all professional life card competitions across the country will have the right to choose an unspecified number of life cards.

This self-selected card library is different from the self-selected card library of the free deck. They are all powerful life cards.

As mentioned before, many members of the Exploration Bureau chose to join the Exploration Bureau because they were suppressed in the professional arena. Therefore, they had many life cards that were banned by the Life Card Association in that era. These banned cards are this set of powerful cards. The main components of the life card library.

The self-dedication of the members of the Exploration Bureau is naturally worthy of praise, but Zhang Fang is not the kind of leader who only mentions dedication without mentioning rewards.

All members of the Exploration Bureau who have donated banned cards can obtain a permanent rental quota for the powerful card library based on the number of donated life cards. As long as the life cards in the powerful card library have not been taken away, you can rent this card for a long time. The number of rentals is equal to the number of banned cards you turn in.

According to the consultation in the "China National Card Library Management Measures (Interim)" published by the Exploration Bureau, when the number of life cards in the national card library reaches a certain number, the life cards you rent from the national card library will no longer It appears in the interface where others choose their life cards.

In other words, as long as you do not take the initiative to return the rented life card, you can own this card indefinitely, but nominally it belongs to the country.

The establishment of a national card library has now become the most heated issue in the Chinese Life Card Duel Forum.

As long as you donate banned cards or powerful cards, it means that you will temporarily have a huge deck of powerful life cards. Although it is rented, it can be occupied for a long time as long as it is not returned.

As this card library is enriched, you can find the powerful cards you need from the card library that suit your deck construction.

This is equivalent to using life cards that you don't need in exchange for life cards that suit your deck. In essence, it is an official exchange of life cards. It is another level of exchanging cards for cards. Of course, there are also disadvantages. The life cards in the national card library belong entirely to the country's assets. After your death, the life cards you rented no longer belong to you and cannot be inherited by your descendants.

This also means that as time goes by, the number of powerful life cards in the card library will definitely continue to increase. Subsequent life card masters will have more diverse choices to build their own decks, and also avoid the need to compete with professional events. held, the winning player's self-selected behavior caused a sudden decrease in the number of life cards in the deck.

Of course, this kind of donation is completely voluntary. If you want the life cards in the deck to be completely your own, you can also buy the life cards you want from the market through normal life card transactions.

The reason why Shen Sui turned on his cell phone while Vivian was taking a shower was because many people in the small group that Tan Song had dragged him into were discussing whether to donate their idle life cards to the national card library.

The national card library has an audit system, and it is not possible to just donate life cards to get a borrowing quota. At this stage, the national card library only accepts donations of powerful life cards.

But there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

Different people have different definitions of powerful life cards. Some life cards that are very powerful in other decks may be very useless in your deck.

Similarly, some of the powerful life cards in your deck may be useless in the eyes of others and have no use other than carding hands.

If it were any other system, you could completely classify the strength of cards by star rating and rarity, but Life Card Duel is the system with the most serious star-rating fraud.

One-star divine cards and ten-star useless cards are never a joke.

Once some one-star follower cards have effects, it will definitely not be easy.

Similarly, many ten-star or even twelve-star life cards may be pure blank slates, pure mortal followers.

There is no criterion for judging the strength of life cards, which is an issue that needs to be considered when establishing a national card library.

It is precisely because of the difficulty in defining strength and weakness, especially when there are no clear regulations when starting a card library, that is precisely when the benefits are greatest. Maybe you can use what you think are weak cards in exchange for the right to rent this powerful national card library.

In the small group established by Tan Song, there are some people he has made friends with.

And those who can form a friendship with Tan Song are definitely not that weak in life card duels. It is normal to have some unused life cards in their hands.

Shen Sui glanced at the news and then at the small group. Almost everyone had submitted some powerful life cards that they didn't need for review. Once the review was passed, they could take the real cards to the nearest Exploration Bureau to collect them. Upload your own life cards to the national card library and obtain a corresponding number of rental quotas.

Shen Sui didn't have that much demand for the self-selected card library, but he still found some life cards from the card library that he couldn't use and submitted them for review.

It's not that he has any expectations for the national card library, it's just that he simply doesn't want such a good plan to fail because of the small number of life cards.

How to explain this mentality?

It's probably like the mentality of rich players who are afraid that their favorite games will be shut down, but krypton gold supports it.

Shen Sui likes fate card duels and a world with such a strong duel atmosphere. He doesn't want this world to be destroyed so easily by extraordinary invasions from other worlds.

Of course, with him here, there is a high probability that this world cannot be destroyed, but he still hopes to see the life card master's system mature and perfect.

Well, maybe I can add a little spice to the world.

"What are you thinking about?" When Vivian came out wrapped in a bath towel, she happened to see Shen Sui looking at his phone and thinking.

Shen Sui raised his head and looked at the steaming Vivian, his eyes widened.

The problem I was thinking about was immediately forgotten.

"Oh! My hair isn't dry yet." Vivian complained.

A night of silence and rest at sunrise.

When Shen Sui opened his eyes, Vivian walked in with breakfast.

He looked at the energetic Vivian and sighed in his heart: The power of the succubus is so terrifying.

Vivian's changes are not just similar in appearance. Her body has the same special configuration. This is another way to use the candlelight phantom.

Although this way of use is full of various styles.

Shen Sui looked at the organizer's information.

This afternoon, the St. Imiti will arrive at its destination, the Nemo Sea.

At Louise's insistence, the Pacific Cruise Championship will go ahead. In fact, the event itself is not that important. There is no real audience anyway. It is entertainment for a small circle.

The reason why the players come to participate in the competition is essentially to socialize.

Except for Shen Sui, the other seven contestants are all children of powerful families from all over the world. They can exchange feelings during the duel, even if there is no exchange of interests on the spot, they can have more intersections later.

Shen Sui estimated that he was the only one who came simply to participate in the competition.

But he was not disappointed at all.

Although their real purpose is not the duel itself, it does not mean that they are weak.

In the past, life card duels were still a time when money could be spent to make money, and these powerful children were all big money makers.

Shen Sui was very curious about the strength of these krypton money bosses.

After eating breakfast, Shen Sui began to rethink the plan in his mind.

"You mean, you want trials to happen in this world?" Vivian cleared the table.

Shen Sui put down the mobile phone in his hand and said, "Well, I create some trial events around the world that are directly connected to other worlds."

"What's the point?" Vivian frowned, "Let them get life card rewards? Do you have so many life cards to start the trial event?"

"In fact, there is." Shen Sui glanced at his duel instrument.

Vivian was suddenly speechless.

Because of Alice's outstanding contribution, Shen Sui seems to have such strength.

"Of course." Shen Sui crossed his hands and held his chin, "The essence of the trial is to let the life card master really come into contact with his soul card, so that both parties can cultivate their relationship, and in the process create their own unique soul card. The life card that binds them.”

Vivian suddenly became interested: "What are you going to do?"

"Randomly select the life card masters and let them and their soul cards enter the temporarily created copy world." Shen Sui dipped his hands in water and gestured on the table, "The life card master's entry into the trial event is essentially the arrival of the body's consciousness. On top of their own projection in the soul card world. In this way, they can communicate with their soul cards in person and enhance their relationship with their soul cards."

Shen Sui has dueled a lot, and he can clearly feel the impact of the bond with the soul card on the duel.

The deeper the bond, the greater the probability that you will draw key cards in the duel.

Since it is a trial, there will naturally be rewards for the trial.

However, only one person can receive the trial reward.

In this kind of forced opening event, whether the life card masters are trying to obtain rewards or simply survive, their struggle with their soul cards will definitely bring a large number of life cards.

Because it is a created dungeon world, death in the dungeon world will not result in true death, but it is not completely costless. The souls of the life card master and soul card will still be damaged to a certain extent, but this is also a quick way to gain life. The price of the card - after all, if the current purely random method is followed, many life card masters will not be able to obtain stable income from life cards on their own.

"Let Antips do this." When Shen Sui conceived this plan, he had already thought of the person who would execute it.

As the Queen of World Breaks, Antips has the ability to travel across all realms and also has the ability to build temporary worlds. In other words, building a temporary world is the most basic ability of the Queen of Worlds.

"What do I need to do?" Vivian asked.

"You are familiar with the world consciousness of this world. Just ask for permission for me. It will allow Antips to screen the life card masters to enter the dungeon trial."

If Shen Sui's plan succeeds, it will be equivalent to artificially creating a way to obtain life cards, and it is believed that the probability of obtaining life cards will be increased.

Of course, after Antips becomes familiar with this process, she can bring some extraordinary creatures or extraordinary beings from other worlds that she doesn’t want to confine to the dungeon world. If the abilities of those life card masters are sufficient, they can be obtained from the dungeon world. These are the followers of extraordinary beings.

But that’s a story for another day. After all, it still takes a long time for Antips to come up with a wonderful dungeon plot.

As for the current dungeon format, Shen Sui directly threw several Holy Grail War scripts to Antips, asking her to study and digest them.

After all, the format of the Life Card Master commanding his Soul Card to snatch a prop in a limited space is a very classic Holy Grail War script format.

"If it were purely random," Vivian glanced at Shen Sui, "would I have drawn you?"

"Probably not." Shen Sui said casually, "Am I so lucky?"

The next step is to wait quietly for the St. Imiti to arrive in the Nemo Sea area.

Shen Sui hugged Vivian and watched the sea scenery for a while on the balcony of the room.

On the endless sea, black shadows leap from the sea from time to time.


This doesn't look like a dolphin or a whale, does it?

Shen Sui took a closer look.

Oh my god, these are all the seafood that Martina caught from the sea of ​​World No. 8.

Martina is training them.

These sea goods all have extraordinary powers.

Soon, Shen Sui saw Martina's figure among the jumping sea monsters and fish.

The beautiful mermaid was swimming happily on the sea, and Shen Sui was moved by her free and happy smile.

Shen Sui's unabashed gaze finally caught Martina's attention.

She raised her head and looked at the cruise ship that appeared in front of her in surprise.

"Why are you here? Martina" Although for people in the real world, Martina is very far away, but for extraordinary people like Shen Sui and Martina, this distance is enough Communicated.

Martina knew some of the situation on the Shen Sui cruise ship and did not rush over. Instead, she directed the sea beasts and fish to keep a certain distance from the St. Imiti.

"I'm training pets." Martina said truthfully, "Mitor has caused harm to all the pets in my room. I want to add a new batch."

"They just lost their extraordinary power." Shen Sui paused, then asked, "By the way, what do you do with the fish that have lost their extraordinary power?"

"Leave it to Keesara for harmless treatment."

Harmless treatment.

Is it harmless treatment as I understand it?

"It's quite delicious." Martina commented, "If I have a chance, I'll catch a few more."

Good guy, it’s really served to the dining table!

Shen Sui complained in his heart.

Martina did not get involved in the world of Shen Sui and Vivian. After chatting for a while, she left the sea with her pets.

This is not because Martina does not want to sink into the age of old age.

In fact, meeting Shen Sui on the sea made Martina very happy. If possible, she was very much looking forward to rolling around with Shen Sui in this vast sea.

Martina simply gave up her current life to Vivian.

This is a tacit understanding between several women. Chisara, Fremea and Martina all deliberately create opportunities for Shen Sui and Vivian to be alone for a long time.

It was at this time that there was a knock on the door of the room.

The staff came to invite Shen Sui to the dining hall of the cruise ship.

The Pacific Cruise Championship has officially begun.

Shen Sui and Vivian walked to the hall under the leadership of the staff.

Not surprisingly, this staff member was also a member of the Advent Society, and Shen Sui could feel a strong aura of extraordinary power on his body.

And it's still the aura of the God of War.

This also means that the person in front of him is still a core member of the Advent Society.

When Shen Sui came to the hall, other players had already arrived.

He didn't have much interaction with the other contestants. Among them, he only knew Kyouichi Fujimoto and Louise.

Although it is an entertainment event for the rich and powerful to socialize, it is still a registered Class B professional event, so it still needs to have the configurations required for a professional event.

In a game with only eight people, there is no need for bubble matches or group matches.

At the same time, although the players came to participate in the competition, their main purpose was not the duel itself. Therefore, the competition did not use a round-robin system, but directly conducted a simple and crude lottery group BO1 promotion system.

Louise was assigned to Group A, while Shen Sui and Fujimoto Kyouichi were assigned to Group B.

Although he and Fujimoto Kyouichi did not meet in the first round, if Fujimoto Kyouichi works harder, there will still be no problem for the two to meet in the second round.

If Shen Sui wants to meet Louise in the competition, he may have to wait until the finals.

But judging from the way Louise casually took out a fourteen-star minion card as a gift for Shen Sui, at least in terms of the strength of the deck, Louise still has no problem. The rest depends on her luck. - means don't get stuck.

"Please give me some advice." While Shen Sui was in a daze, his opponent had already arrived in front of him.

Shen Sui turned his head and looked at his opponent, which actually made this very young man tremble slightly.

The opponent in the first round happened to be one of the pretenders of the Advent Society. His original identity was the old man who died tragically on the first day.

"Don't be nervous." Shen Sui showed a friendly and polite smile.

Little did he know that it was okay if he didn't smile, but his smile almost scared the man to the ground.

Looking at the smiling Shen Sui, Hu En only felt terrified.

The tragic scene of Lark's death instantly appeared in his mind.

As a member of the organization, Hu En naturally knew Luck's mission goal that day.

The first target is Louise, and the second target is Shen Sui.

Moreover, the killers sent by the organization to kill Shen Sui were not only Lark, a life card master who relied on duels to kill target persons, but also killers who directly used firearms to assassinate.

However, Shen Sui appeared in front of him so normally.

Hu En is very clear about Lark's dueling method.

This was something Lark was proud of, and he took pleasure in torturing them in duels.

But now, Lark himself is part of the fun.

Hu En knew how much he was worth. Not to mention Luck, he couldn't even beat some of the new life card masters in the organization. Facing Shen Sui, it was just a pure gift.

What if Shen Sui discovers my identity?

What if Shen Sui used the same method he used to deal with Luck to deal with him?

The painful death scene seemed to have caused Hu En's soul to feel the same pain.

Damn it!

I don’t want to die yet!

"Can we start?" Shen Sui looked at his opponent strangely. From the moment he walked in front of him, he had been in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking. Shen Sui, who was impatiently waiting, finally spoke. Speak.

Who knew it wouldn't matter if I didn't say it? Hu En's urine almost came out when he said it.

He raised his hands very decisively: "I surrender!"

? ? ?

Seeing this scene, Shen Sui was full of questions.

no. Why did you fall down before I even exerted any force?

Even if you are going to lose, you have to struggle at least!

What kind of trouble would it be to just surrender without even making the most basic struggle? If this is a duel in public, do you know that if you perform this kind of operation, you will be sent a razor blade?

But no matter what Shen Sui was thinking, it was a done deal. After confirming the opponent's intention, the referee confirmed the outcome of the duel.

Shen Sui won the first round of the duel so easily, and at this time, the duels of the other three groups had not even begun.

"What are you doing?" This made Kyouichi Fujimoto, who was in the same group, very unhappy. "What's the point of surrendering? Does your family know that you surrendered in this kind of competition? Bastard! You surrender so casually?" My fate card master, you need to be ashamed!"

Compared to Fujimoto Kyouichi's direct insults, the other people were much more reserved. Some of the smart people had even begun to guess whether this person was real or fake.

After all, Hu En's original body was the son of a famous noble in his country. The proud education he received should not allow him to surrender at will.

Shen Sui, who was suddenly free, immediately felt bored.

He sat next to Vivian, looking unhappy.

"It's really rare to have a bad face after winning." Vivian handed Shen Sui a bottle of water.

"If the opponent surrenders, it cannot be considered a victory." Shen Sui ended up taking several sips of water.

He still couldn't figure out why his opponent surrendered.

If you want to say that he is afraid of being exposed, that's not right.

After killing the original body, he has obtained the opponent's deck. Although the soul cards in it cannot be used, other life cards can still be used normally. Although he is not able to exert the full strength of the original body, he can still use it. You still have the ability to fight a duel, right?

Is it even okay to just pretend to be stuck and have no choice but to lose?

Why surrender?

Wouldn't you like me to have a duel?

The more Shen Sui thought about it, the more depressed he became, so he decided to turn on the duel device to see what was going on with Alice to adjust his mentality.

Apparently, Shen Sui had forgotten one thing: looking at Alice had always strengthened his blood pressure, and had never had the function of adjusting his mentality.

After opening the duel instrument and seeing the first sentence, Shen Sui couldn't hold back:

[Alice lights up Rollin City. 】

What the hell are you doing! Alice!

I remember when I saw you before, you were still reading Aviya-related information, right?

Why did you burn down Luolin City as soon as you opened the duel instrument now?

And why did you burn down Luolin City and there was no prompt to obtain a life card?

Could it be that from the duel instrument's point of view, setting fires in the city is already a common thing for you, so you don't need to obtain a life card?

Gan! Why on earth has it become like this?

Shen Sui patted his forehead, feeling that his already depressed mood was now even more depressed.

Sure enough, improving Alice's strength is not all a good thing.

At least the improvement in strength has significantly increased Alice's threshold for obtaining life cards. This has led to the same outrageous thing. In the past, she might have been able to obtain a series of life cards, but now she has not obtained even one life card. .

This would make Shen Sui miss many critical moments, and there would be no way to catch Alice at the critical moment.

Just like this matter now.

Why did Alice set Luo Lin City on fire?

How did Alice set Luo Lin City on fire?

Shen Sui's head was filled with questions.

This little girl is so naughty!

With a hint of anger, Shen Sui began to look through the previous records, wanting to see what the cause of this incident was.

Then Shen Sui realized that he seemed to have wronged Alice.

For Alice, all this happened very suddenly.

After Alice completed the papal ceremony and officially succeeded the Pope of Thunder, within a few days, the imperial army in Luolin City rioted, and then a large part of the Thunder Knights in the Thunder Church also surrounded the church where Alice was.

Although the previous Pope was turned into a vegetative state by the wrath of the Lord of Thunder, the faction he left behind is still there.

As a person in power, the most important thing to master is to control the army.

Alice had just officially taken office. The original Dragon Knight Legion of the Dragon God Order had become a thing of the past with the demise of Dragon Valley. This also resulted in her actually not having much military strength.

In fact, in normal times, these thunder knights would not betray Alice. After all, Alice was officially recognized by the Lord of Thunder during the papal ceremony, and she was very recognized.

However, things went unexpectedly unexpectedly.

Alice never expected that the current emperor of the Luo Lin Empire, who had been firmly controlled by the Thunder Church, would reveal his ambition at this time - he wanted to become the first emperor in history to combine politics and religion.

Thus, unknown to Alice, a transaction of interests began.

Emperor Luo Lin used the simplest words to convince the top knights of the Thunder Church in Luo Lin City to betray Alice.

The reason is very simple: Edoma attaches more importance to the Elm City faction, and you will be replaced and transferred to the indifferent parish to spend the rest of your life.

Then, Emperor Luo Lin promised huge profits.

In the eyes of those who hold power, faith is nothing in the face of interests.

Soon, the knight leaders chose to betray Alice.

When Alice came out of the intelligence department and saw a group of Thunder Knights pointing their fangs at her, she was stunned.

But Alice, as expected of Alice, quickly judged the situation, refused to accept the invitation from these knights to come for talks, and ran away decisively.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Luolin City began to search for Alice in the name of catching a fugitive with a serious crime.

In fact, Alice can solve this matter by calling the Lord of Thunder.

Although the gods will not interfere in the church's internal battles, Alice is not a true believer in Thunder. The relationship between her and the Lord of Thunder is closer to a transaction.

In the same way, since it is a transaction, you must let the other party see your strength and role.

Alice briefly deceived the Lord of Thunder. If there is no way to solve this matter, then the Lord of Thunder will doubt whether Alice is really capable of usurping Vivian's twilight power.

In order to avoid the pursuers, Alice had to use her flame invisibility in Luolin City.

From the opening sentence [Alice lit up Luo Lin City], it is not difficult to see that her flame invisibility technique can be said to be extremely effective.

Moreover, Alice was very vindictive, specifically going to the houses of the great nobles and priests, which directly caused chaos within Luolin City.

Alice took advantage of the chaos and entered Ekaterina's room.

[Alice sees Ekaterina taking a bath. 】

["Alice?" Ekaterina looked at Alice in surprise, "Why are you here?\

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