Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 528 Shen Sui makes a move, and his opponent throws half of his shots (4K)

Looking at the life card in his hand, Shen Sui was particularly excited now.

An unprepared and completely unexpected duel was quite in line with Shen Sui's wishes.

Of course, you like it, but if you don't understand the opponent's information before the duel despite knowing that there is a way to find out the opponent's information, Shen Sui wouldn't be so stupid and deliberately increase the difficulty for himself.

"My first strike."

Shen Sui drew a card from his hand.

"Pay soul points to normal summon [Pure White Horse and Golden Ship] from my hand."

Perhaps because it had not appeared in Shen Sui's arena for a long time, the Golden Ship couldn't wait to appear in Shen Sui's starting hand. Shen Sui was not polite and went straight to the classic Golden Ship starting hand. .

"Activate the effect of the golden ship and draw a card from my deck." Shen Sui drew a card and displayed it. Because the card drawn was not Alice, Shen Sui followed the effect and drew [Magic Apprentice· Alice】Special summons.

Immediately afterwards, he paid 5 soul points to transform the form of Alice on the field into the 5-star form [Ghost Cold Flame·Alice].

Later, because of Alice's form transformation, the effect of the golden ship was activated, and Shen Sui could specially summon a 5-star follower from the deck.

With the light of summons, [Cursed Doll Natasha] was brought onto the stage.

In this duel, Shen Sui used a doll deck.

After all, he was heading to the eighth-level promotion stage, so Shen Sui naturally wanted to use the most reliable deck.

In fact, both the puppet deck and the psychic deck can take on this important task.

Shen Sui finally chose the doll.

Because all the follower cards in the doll deck are all kinds of beautiful girl cards.

Alice has a certain obsession. Even the self-destruction dolls that look like disposable consumables are made to look like lolita.

In her words, cute loli can lower the enemy's vigilance towards self-destructing dolls, thus causing casualties in all senses.

However, for some unknown reason, Alice made some of the self-destruction dolls' clothes and hair styles more neutral, with short hair parted in the middle in a suspender belt. At first glance, she thought he was a cute little boy, and then called her They are "self-destructing dolls for priests".

After completing the special summons of the cursed doll, Shen Sui turned to Alice on the field: "Activate the effect of [Ghost Cold Flame Alice], once per round, pay me 2000 health points to activate, discard the opponent One hand card. If the discarded life card is a spell card, discard one hand card from each side."

As the effect of [Ghost Cold Flame Alice] was activated, Shen Sui's health dropped from 6000 to 4000. Then he pointed at his opponent and discarded a card from his hand.

Spell card: [God's Will Ihe].

As a result, the second half of Alice's effects entered the execution stage.

Shen Sui directly discarded the [Stand-in Doll·Jiami] in his hand into the graveyard, and then discarded a card in his opponent's hand.

"Free the [Cursed Doll Natasha] on my field." Shen Sui raised his hand to liberate Natasha on the field, and then began to process the effects in the cemetery.

Shen Sui first activated the effect of [Stand-in Doll·Jami] in the graveyard, removed it from the graveyard, and added [Merman Guardian Goddess Martina] from the deck to his hand.

Because a card effect was activated in the graveyard, the effect of Alice's form [Death Apostle Alice] was triggered, and Shen Sui converted Alice's form on the field into [Death Apostle Alice].

As Alice's form changes, the effect of the golden ship is also activated. Shen Sui can specially summon a follower with the same star rating as [Death Apostle Alice] from the deck.

Shen Sui chose to specially summon [Liquid Bomb Doll·Barbera] from the deck.

"Activate the effect of [Liquid Bomb Doll·Barbera]. It can only be used once in a duel. I can choose a [Doll] follower card from the deck to display until the end of the duel. Barbera gets the displayed follower. effect." Shen Sui said as he turned over his deck.

Display: [Armed Doll·Sonya].

In this way, until the end of this duel, Barbera will have the same effect as [Armed Doll Sonja].

"Activate the effect of [Death Apostle Alice] on my field, once per round, choose a graveyard to activate, select up to three life cards in its graveyard and return them to the deck, and then I restore the soul points of the sum of the star levels of these life cards .”

Shen Sui chose two cards from the opponent's graveyard and returned them to their owner's deck, then recovered 12 soul points.

In this way, it would be enough to summon Martina's soul points.

"Pay 14 soul points." Shen Sui showed the Martina in his hand, "Special summon the [Mermaid Patron Saint Martina] in my hand to the field."

Martina yawned and appeared on Shen Sui's court with sleepy eyes.

The blue fish tail slapped the sea surface, creating a bubble for itself that would not come into contact with the outside world.

Shen Sui also knew that Martina didn't like the feeling of being in the public eye, so he directly activated Martina's effect without any pause, liberating her and sending her to the cemetery.

In this way, Shen Sui can choose a spell card from the deck and send it to the graveyard, and then it will be regarded as the effect of sending this spell card.

Shen Sui opened the deck and chose a spell card: "I choose to send the spell card [Kleisan Changes] to the graveyard."

Following this, the effect of [Protean Change] is activated.

This card is [Alice's] exclusive card.

It can only be activated when there is an [Alice] follower on the field. You can directly make Alice perform a form transformation and let Shen Sui draw a card. But the only limitation is that Alice can only change each form once using this effect.

Shen Sui directly transformed Alice's form into the form of Red Lotus Fire. After drawing a card, he used the effect of the golden ship to dispatch the real [Armed Doll Sonya] from the deck to the field.

Although the effect of [Protean Change] is activated, there is no physical card for activation this time, so the effect of Armed Doll cannot be activated.

But it doesn't matter, it won't work this time, don't we have a next time?

It's time to show off the intensity of the ultimate otaku Martina.

Shen Sui activated the effect of [Mermaid Guardian Martina] in the graveyard, and directly activated the effect of [Kaleidoscope] that had just been discarded into the graveyard.

Alice's dress-up show begins again.

Shen Sui drew a card and then unfolded Alice's form.

Form transformation [Pirate Queen Hozewell].

"Activate the effect of [Pirate Queen Hozewell]." Shen Sui looked at his opponent again, "Once per round, let the opponent choose one effect to activate."

"1. Give me a card in your hand."

"2. Discard two cards in your hand."

Guan Shan felt numb as he looked at the choices in front of him.

Although from the knowledge and experience he gained, he knew that it was normal for both parties to tell stories in the fate card duel, but you have been talking for almost five minutes, right?

This is why Shen Sui plays cards so fast, otherwise ten minutes would have passed by now.

The problem is, you can tell the story, why are you trying to steal my card for no reason?

There were only five cards in the initial hand, but two were discarded by the effect of [Ghost Cold Flame Alice] at the beginning, and now two more are discarded by the Pirate Queen.

As for the option of handing a card to Shen Sui, Guan Shan would never choose it.

His deck was all about grabbing Zi Bu Pei's inventory. Bu Pei is obsessive about collecting life cards. If this life card can only play its greatest role in the corresponding ecological field, he will spend money on the corresponding deck.

But obviously, few people would sell their decks like this, so many of Bu Pei's collections are very versatile life cards. Who knows what will happen if they are handed into the hands of the opponent.

He discarded two cards based on their effects.

But Shen Sui is not over yet.

Because the activation and settlement of the effect of [Protean Change] has been completed, the effect of [Armed Doll Sonja] can be triggered.

Shen Sui activated the effect of the armed doll and took the [Kaleid of Changes] back into his hands.

[Armed Doll Sonja], which had already activated its effect, was of no use. Shen Sui directly released [Armed Doll Sonya], which also triggered her exit effect.

When the armed doll leaves the field, Shen Sui can cause a soul card on the field to change form.

So, our Miss Alice’s dress-up show started again.

This time, the one who appears is [Golden Demon Alice].

The effect of the golden ship was activated, and Shen Sui randomly summoned a puppet from the deck.

The effect of [Golden Demon Alice] is simple and crude. Check and place a card in your opponent's hand on the top of his deck.

Guan Shan had only one card left in his hand, so naturally he had no choice, and was directly controlled back to the top of the deck by Alice's effect.

Cold sweat oozed from Guan Shan's forehead.

"Who are you?"

Such terrifying repressive power does not exist at all in the knowledge and experience he has absorbed as a life card master!

At this moment, it actually doesn't matter what Shen Sui does next. He has lost all possibilities since he has lost his initial hand and has already been charged for drawing cards in the next round.


If I had known earlier, I would have filled my deck with pitfalls!

Guan Shan thought regretfully.

Although it is very stupid to do this, it is better than facing this destined defeat.

Why is this guy's deck so terrifying?

"Is this guy's deck so terrifying?" It wasn't just Shen Sui's opponent who sighed like this.

"Hello, Miss Qisara." Wang Ming's eyes moved away from Shen Sui, who was dueling, and looked at Qisara, who was waiting for Shen Sui to finish the duel.

Qisara's face was expressionless, but she still politely returned the gift to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming was not angry at all at Qisara's indifference.

Facing the legendary Queen of the Dragon Clan, the legendary Xingyuan White Dragon, Wang Ming did not think he had the qualifications to be angry.

Although Qisara didn't say anything more after returning the gift, Wang Ming still went on to explain his purpose to Qisala.

Wang Ming just tracked the location of the last intruder.

Before he came, he knew that Shen Sui would most likely block a personal duel.

He was not surprised at all by Shen Sui's victory, nor was he even surprised that he was able to exert suppressive power.

However, despite all the expectations in his mind, he was still shocked when he saw Shen Sui's duel.

With such first-attack suppressive power, even the world's number one Tiese would have to kneel down without being interrupted by a hand pit, right?

All the cards in your initial hand will be discarded, and the cards drawn in the next round will also be blocked. Unless your graveyard resources are enough for you to expand, you will just wait to die.

This guy was really clumsy in his previous duels.

The key is that when this step is achieved, the effect of Shen Sui has not yet been completed.

After executing the effect of the golden demon Alice, Shen Sui drew out the [Kaleidoscope] that was picked up by the armed doll and activated it again, and Alice's thousands of forms appeared again.

At this point, Guan Shan finally collapsed.

He surrendered to Shen Sui almost as if begging for mercy.

In this kind of forced duel where your life is at stake, you might survive if you surrender, but if you are really knocked out of health by the opponent, you will only die.

Obviously, Shen Sui was not in a very good mood today. He was not happy enough. How could he accept the other party's surrender?

He refused the opponent's surrender, and then activated the [Kaleid of Changes] effect, causing Alice to transform into a form, and then draw a card.

The effect of the golden ship is also activated again, and Shen Sui can perform another special summons.

This is not over yet.

You must know that there is a [Liquid Bomb Doll Barbera] on the field that replicates the effect of the armed doll.

The [Kaiwan Change], which had just finished settling and was about to enter the cemetery, was picked up again by Shen Sui.

If it were any other deck, I'm afraid there would be no soul points left at this time.

But Shen Sui, who had the golden ship present, was not worried about this at all.

After Alice's form transformation, the followers specially summoned by the golden ship can be released and exchanged for soul points after the effect is activated.

With Shen Sui's style of play, you never have to worry about soul points being tense.

Fortunately, this is also the last time [Kaiwani] is activated.

Shen Sui thought for a while, considering that Bu Pei's collection might contain scary things, and what magical effect would it have if he couldn't keep the two cards in his opponent's graveyard together.

He activated the effect of [Cursed Doll Natasha] in the graveyard, removed her, selected three [Doll] followers from the deck and sent them to the graveyard, and activated the spell card [Doll Clearance] from the deck. 】.

The effect of [Doll Clearance] is that Shen Sui selects up to five [Doll] follower cards from the graveyard to banish, and then selects a corresponding number of life cards from the opponent's graveyard to banish them as well.

Shen Sui excluded all the [Doll] followers in the graveyard. After clearing the opponent's graveyard, he set his sights on the [Liquid Bomb Doll·Barbera] on the field.

Next, he can liberate Barbera, activate her copying effect, and make Alice perform the final form transformation after leaving the scene.

And this time, Alice will appear in the form of [Puppet Creator].

However, before Shen Sui could perform the operation, he felt something flying over.

If you can't beat them, just resort to outside moves?

Shen Sui was annoyed. He looked up and saw Guan Shan's head flying past him, and the ugly parasitic beast was twisting around Guan Shan's headless neck.

This guy couldn't bear it anymore and chose to kill himself.

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