Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 107 Congratulations, you have graduated from preschool (please order, please support)

The queue assessment this afternoon actually ended before four o'clock.

Originally, Wu Jianfeng asked everyone to rest for an hour, and then assembled at five o'clock.

I didn't want the fifth class to go in and come out.

Of course, it's not just their class.

Other classes, except for the class that won the first place in the queue, almost all other classes came out.

The difference is that some squads came out to work overtime with only the soldiers who were deducted from the queue, and some were pulled out by the whole squad.

"Huh~huh~Brother Wang, I can't do it anymore."

On the runway, the fifth class ran forward hand in hand.

At this time, Qin Li, who was on Wang Ye's left hand, was panting like a cow, his steps were messy, and his running posture was shaking from side to side.

If it wasn't pulled by someone on both sides, he would definitely fall to the ground immediately.

"Exhale, pay attention to breathing, and coordinate with your steps!" Wang Ye was also panting at this time.

If it was just him, he wouldn't be like this, but now he has to pull other people to run like this, and the physical exertion has increased dramatically.

"Hurry up. Class 9 and Class 9 are going to catch up!" Ye Sanshi said that the guy he punished was also in the team. At this time, he looked back and rushed forward while pulling his two hands by his side.

Enran and eggs.

There are eleven people in the whole class, how could he be able to pull it alone.

"Everyone is running fast. Class 9 is going to catch up!"

"I can't catch up to the class. Squad leader, don't. Don't yell, really. I can't run anymore!"

Liang Fan, who is a sports student, is about to stick out his tongue now.

There is no way, the few of them have good physical strength, and now they really bear the motivation to pull the whole class to run together.

This consumes too much.

However, just like what Liang Fan said, the ninth class in the back is not much better.

They also ran hand in hand, just like Class Five.

Because otherwise, someone will definitely be left behind.

Soldiers can't give up their comrades in arms, so they can only run like this.

But because of the rivalry between the two classes, from the beginning the 100 meters was regarded as a 100-meter sprint, and the 400 meters was regarded as a 400-meter lap. Now everyone really couldn't support it.

Usually, three kilometers is not so long.

Gritting your teeth, plus pushing and pushing with good physical fitness, you can survive after pulling and pulling.

But today is five kilometers.

It's too difficult, too difficult to get through these two kilometers.


In the end, Wang Ye, who was lying on the slightly wet runway, looked up at the sky, stretched out, breathing heavily, and cursed helplessly in his heart.

He didn't want to lie here by himself, nor did he run five kilometers.

It was because someone fell down beside him, and then the other people's strength was exhausted, and they all fell on the runway together.

"Get up!" After Ye Sanshi fell down, he still wanted to get up and grab someone.

But it couldn't be pulled, and no one got up.

In fact, the nine classes behind were all down on the runway at this time.

It was originally supported by the running bodies of the people in the fifth class in front.

When Class 5 fell, they were also discouraged.

Naturally, in this case, Wang Ye's five-kilometer skill failed.

I didn't run five kilometers at one time at all, how to succeed in skilling.

Lying on the runway, Wang Ye looked sideways to the back.

At this time, the two classes were more than 20 meters apart.

No one said anything, they were all breathing heavily, like when they first started running, they were still talking harshly, but now it is impossible.

You can't win even if you are gasping for breath, how can you have time to mock

After resting for about 50 or 60 seconds, the two squads stood up again after the two squad leaders insisted on shouting and dragging each other, and saw the other recruits get up one after another.


In the military camp, it is absolutely impossible to give up if the goal is not achieved.

Although basically everyone has not recovered any physical strength now.

But five kilometers is the goal set first, and now that it is set, it is a task.

Even if he fell down halfway, but he didn't die, and he can still get up now, then this mission must continue.

"Come again later!"

After the five-kilometer run, the fifth class arrived in seven or eight seconds. Ye Sanshi took a big breath after the run, trying to calm his fast-beating heart.

At this time, after Class Nine arrived, Ye Sanshi uttered a complete sentence of cruel words to Class Nine who was still panting heavily.

Afterwards, he left with Class Five.

He didn't give class nine a chance to take a breather before answering.

This made squad leader Ninth, who was still panting heavily, look up helplessly at Ye Sanshi's back.

He actually wanted to say that you didn't win either.

Your class itself runs ahead of our class, and it is not the same starting line.

But now he was panting heavily, unable to utter a complete sentence at all.

Stuttering what to say is even more emboldened.

So be it.

Anyway, he was already used to this black boy.

five o'clock.

Everyone in Class 5 went back to the dormitory without changing their clothes, or even sitting on the warm stools, and the assembly whistle sounded downstairs.

"Do you think that you can breathe a sigh of relief after passing the queue assessment?"

different from usual collections.

Usually at this time, Wu Jianfeng seldom talks nonsense. After the assembly, he basically just said a few words and directly led everyone to start physical fitness.

But after gathering downstairs today, Wu Jianfeng was not in a hurry.

Looking at the recruits from the whole company in front of him, Wu Jianfeng shouted loudly: "Tell you guys, actually you shouldn't relax, because the real test is about to begin.

Get a line up and run for three kilometers. Is this considered training?

This can only be counted as the kindergarten stage and the preschool stage of the reading stage.

It is to train you from a wild child to a student who knows how to sit in the classroom. "

Speaking of this, his tone slowed down, and he said with a smile on his face: "Of course, I still want to congratulate you.

Congratulations on graduating from preschool today! "

Wang Ye didn't know how other people felt when they heard this, anyway, he heard it very awkwardly.

Is there such a metaphor?

After a month of exhausting work, all the sweat from training was collected, and it was afraid that it could fill a bucket.

But when it came to his mouth, it turned out to be a preschool kindergarten.

A little speechless.

At this time, Wu Jianfeng opened his mouth again: "Are you not convinced, thinking that I compare you to preschool children, you think it is inappropriate, that it is inappropriate?

Ha ha, actually what I want to say is, don't be unconvinced.

A real soldier needs to be able to fight and have combat effectiveness.

what about you?

Now you can only say that you are a soldier who can stand, walk, and sit.

Do you have the strength to fight?

You have never touched a gun, you can't fight, what are you not in preschool? "

Wu Jianfeng didn't care about everyone's inner feelings, and hit everyone hard.

However, his attack was actually just for the sake of the following words.

"But don't worry, as I just said, you have graduated from preschool, and naturally you will enter elementary school next.

From now on, we will train you from a soldier who can only walk, stand, and sit into a soldier with combat effectiveness. "

"stand at attention!"

A platoon leader came out with a loud roar.

Immediately, the team was led by him and headed in the opposite direction of the training ground where everyone had been staying before.

I’m a bit stuck today, so I may not have time for the next chapter before twelve o’clock, but there will definitely be more tonight. If you can’t wait, you can watch it tomorrow.

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