Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 178 Night Attack, Anti-killing (please order, please support)

"Do you regret not being a secretary for the head of the regiment?"

In the evening, several large tents were erected on a large open space in the mountains.

But Wang Ye was not in the tent.

At this time, Wang Ye was standing in a corner of the periphery with a steel gun in his hand.

The recruits who have been recruited for more than two months have never stood guard.

But tonight, each class has to have one person on guard, and it's the kind that takes turns.

Different locations are assigned, with light and dark on the outskirts of the camp area.

Now, Wang Ye is the clear post.

And the above sentence was asked by Wu Jianfeng standing in front of Wang Ye when he came to investigate the post.

"Report, no, I don't want to be a clerk!" Wang Ye said with a smile.

Wu Jianfeng also showed a little smile: "I also don't think you are suitable to be a clerk, so I never thought about asking you to be my clerk.

Okay, let's not talk about this, I'm going back to sleep, you kid stand up by yourself, don't sleep on guard. "

Wu Jianfeng turned around.

This time, Wu Jianfeng still didn't say that during the day, Wang Ye deliberately gave up the third-class merit and failed to complete the ring.

Because there is no need to say more about it.

Wang Ye's attitude became clear when he fired the fifth shot.


Wang Ye stood at attention, watched his back, held the gun, and continued to stand with his eyes wide open.

Standing guard, he is the deputy squad leader, so he stands on the second to fourth, which no one wants to stand on.

After all, cadres lead by example is not.

Although his cadre is just a deputy squad leader.

But the deputy squad leader is also a cadre.

As for why the squad leader didn't come, it was because during the training period, he was training soldiers and training recruits.

The veteran squad leader is only responsible for calling people up and down.

At around 3:30 in the morning, a dark whistle came from the periphery.

A figure squatting in the grass by the side of the road was drowsy at first, and his eyes were almost completely squinted. He only occasionally opened his eyes and looked up in surprise, but then slowly lowered his head and dozed off.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from behind and covered his mouth violently, while the other hand directly locked his neck.


This sudden blow frightened him until his eyes widened.

The drowsiness disappeared in an instant.


His mouth was covered, and he could only make a little whine.

"Don't move, rookie, you are already dead." A soft voice came from behind.

And at this time, the recruit whose mouth was covered recovered from the shock.

Tilting his head slightly, he could see that the man with camouflage on his face was also wearing a military uniform at close range under the night.

But it is different from him, not to mention the steel helmet on his head, and the night vision device on the steel helmet.

Moreover, at this second, two figures nearby walked through the night and came to the side without making any sound.

"Okay, I will let you go now, but you are not allowed to say anything or move.

Remember, you are now a dead man, please respect the rules of the game! "

The soldier who grabbed the recruit spoke in a low voice, and after finishing speaking, he controlled him to sit on the ground and let him go.

"You are?" After being released, rubbing his own neck, the class assistant of the fourth class whispered with lingering fear.

"Shh~ rookie, you are already dead, don't force us to knock you out!"

Immediately, he shut up.

On the side, the three well-equipped unfamiliar veterans gathered together didn't even look at him at this moment.

One of them said in a low voice: "The three secret whistles should all be resolved, it should be clear now."

While talking, one of the corporals looked at the deputy of the fourth class who was carefully standing aside and really didn't move.



"Twenty-eight minutes."

In the upper left corner of several large tents where the camp is set up is Wang Ye's sentry post.

Standing here at this time, Wang Ye couldn't help but secretly raised his hand to check the time on the watch on his wrist with the help of the light from the burning bonfire not far away.

For this training, he specially put on his watch, and he took it out and put it on when he had to stand guard at night.

But looking at the time at this time, Wang Ye complained in his heart.

It's too uncomfortable.

A circle was drawn on the ground. As Ming Gang, he couldn't even move.

Just stand here and keep your posture.

One stop for an hour and a half.

If it's the middle of the night or during the day, it doesn't matter, the military posture has been standing for a longer time before.

But at this point in time, it's really uncomfortable.

After a day of exhaustion, even if he took a nap at noon, it was useless.

Now, the eyelids keep fighting too.

Up to now, he is completely relying on perseverance to keep his eyelids closed.

At this time, Wang Ye hadn't noticed that in the darkness, a dozen meters away from the front left, a guy wearing the same military uniform as himself was quietly hiding behind a pile of weeds.

Raising his hand, the man also looked at his watch.

After another dozen seconds, he got up from behind the weeds and walked out.

"Hey, brother, I'm very urgent to urinate, I'll go and solve it, and you can help me with the investigation later."

The voice was neither too low nor too loud, but it was enough to cheer Wang Ye up.

Watching a figure coming from the darkness.

Wang Ye remembered that there was a secret whistle in that direction.

"You can solve it on the spot, anyway, there is no one there." Wang Ye opened his mouth and said with a smile.

However, when he said this, Wang Ye was suddenly startled.

He wasn't completely sluggish yet.

In other words, when Wang Ye was on guard, he kept reminding himself that he was on guard and could not sleep.

So Wang Ye did not lose his vigilance.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the voice of this person did not seem to be the voice of the deputy squad of the fourth squad, or even the voice of any recruit in his memory.


Wang Ye was vigilant with his gun in his hand, and gave him a low drink.

"No, I don't have any paper, brother, do you have it? Give me two"

The man was still approaching, but he just finished speaking in the next second. He suddenly exploded, and the whole person rushed towards Wang Ye directly.

In fact, at this moment, the veteran was directly scolding his mother in his heart.

What the hell, why is this recruit so vigilant.

Logically speaking, at this point, people are too sleepy.

The brain is slow to respond, and the recruit Danzi has never experienced such a thing, so his vigilance is even lower.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ye was so vigilant.

However, the problem is not too big, he and Wang Ye are less than three meters away.

close at hand.

At this distance, he suddenly broke out, and he was confident that he would subdue this recruit with one move, so that he would no longer make any noise.

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Wang Ye's reaction power was 1.4 times that of ordinary people, making him dodge to the left the moment he rushed over.

"Enemy attack!"

A shout came directly from Wang Ye's mouth.

Holding a gun with no bullets in his arms is not a threat at all at this time, but a constraint on his desire to fight back.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't think about fighting back at the first time.

After quickly dodging, Wang Ye, who had a very fast nervous reaction, stared at the man and yelled out.


The veteran who was out of the air said what the fuck.

He wanted to die already.

What the hell, why did this recruit react so quickly, and he missed it.

And let's not talk about it, why did this recruit just yell out.

Generally, when a recruit encounters this kind of situation, isn’t the first time he must panic, and he must have some time to react before he thinks of the warning call?

Why is this recruit not playing cards according to the routine at all.

Isn't this a recruit?

Which veteran is standing in for the job in recruit's clothes?

At this moment, he froze on the spot, looking at Wang Ye with an extremely ugly face, and only this thought was in his mind.

"You actually use veterans to stand guard!"

Looking at Wang Ye, he directly pulled his face and spit out the sound.

Wang Ye was taken aback, and immediately, Wang Ye looked around.

At this second, he saw that at the sentry post more than ten meters away, there were also two people there, but one had his mouth covered and his throat locked.

Looking back, the same is true for another post behind him.

The other two outposts that could be seen from the corner of the bonfire at night were all finished so silently.

Presumably, the other three, no, looking at the clothes the guy in front of him is wearing, the three secret whistles may also be finished first.

"Get up. Come on, enemy attack~"

At this second, the nearby large tent was also in chaos.

Some people even rushed out without getting dressed right away.

Looking at the strange face with an ugly face attacking him, Wang Ye grinned: "No, I'm a recruit!"

"Huh!" The person in front of him just pulled his face and snorted.

"Withdraw, what the hell are you doing~"

Suddenly, at the sentry post on the right, the veteran who locked up the deputy of the seventh squad yelled a little annoyed.

After finishing speaking, he released the recruit locked by him and ran away.

The same was true for the person in front of Wang Ye. He took a deep look at Wang Ye, then turned around and ran away.

But at this moment, Wang Ye's eyes were fixed, and Mrs. Qiang, who was a little in the way, threw it aside, and someone grabbed him directly at him.

I just ran away like this, what a nonsense!

I was taken aback just now, but now I want to leave after being frightened, it's a beautiful idea.

"Don't let them get away, catch them for me!"

At this time, Wu Jianfeng's roar came out.

He had just stepped out of the tent, and he didn't even put on his clothes properly, but he also heard them shouting to retreat, so he yelled directly.


Wang Ye is fast, and the distance between the two is really not far. Before attacking Wang Ye, a veteran, he never thought that Wang Ye would dare to arrest him.

But at this time Wang Ye grabbed it with his hand.

As soon as he cursed, he didn't hide, and his left hand backhanded towards Wang Ye's grabbed hand.

He wants to teach Wang Ye a lesson, tell him that even if you are a veteran, there is a gap between veterans and veterans.

He is the top of the reconnaissance platoon, not something you guys from ordinary companies can compare to.


Hands did catch.

But to his surprise, he just grabbed Wang Ye's wrist, and his own wrist was also grabbed by Wang Ye's palm.

Without thinking too much, he pulled hard with his left hand, lifted his left foot back, and kicked it out.

He wanted to pull Wang Ye directly, and then kicked and ran away.


Wang Ye was not a target, nor were the other recruits.

He kicked directly into the air.

Because when Wang Ye saw his leg raised, he reacted very quickly to support it with his right foot, exerting force to the left and turning his body.

Hands are still together.

He is a backhander, but Wang Ye is not.

The right hand held his left hand, and at the same time, he made a fist with his left hand. As his body turned, a big swinging arm swung towards his head.

This person is indeed very powerful, at this time he can bend forward and lower his head to avoid Wang Ye's attack.

At the same time, he turned around quickly, wanting to continue to fight back.

But Wang Ye didn't give him a chance.

The body slammed directly and brutally.

In an instant, the two fell to the ground together.

"Fuck you!" The man cursed, but he didn't want to continue pestering.

Just when they fell, the two hands also let go.

Get up and want to run.

Because more and more people from the tent behind him ran out, and those who came out earlier had already noticed the situation here, and rushed directly towards this side, yelling.

"catch him!"

"Don't let him get away!"

Several monitors shouted and rushed.

This made him more anxious.

He is a veteran of the reconnaissance platoon, and he came here with a mission tonight.

Now the task is not completed.

If the person is still caught.

He couldn't imagine what he would face when he went back.

Anxious to run.

Just the next second, his body, which had just gotten up and hadn't run yet, felt heavy again, and he fell to the ground all at once.

This is when Wang Ye got up and swooped, directly throwing him down again.

"Ha ha!"

At this second, Wang Ye heard Ye Sanshi laughing.

Immediately, Wang Ye felt his back sinking.

Nima, someone jumped on him directly.

And not just one, but one after another.

At least three or four people.

The veteran squad leaders of the fourth company are really excited at this time!

They actually knew about this link.

But they didn't know which day they would be in the training, let alone the specific time, because the scouts under the chief of staff who were directly under the police reconnaissance company were performing the mission.

In previous years, the recruits were basically finished directly, but I don't want to, they failed this year.

And there is actually a scout here who usually can't get away without running away.

How could this not excite them.

So when they saw Wang Ye throwing one down, they were afraid of being run away. After rushing over to see the situation clearly, they laughed and rushed forward.

Ye Sanshi was even more pressing on Wang Ye, and turned his head towards the person who was pressed down and shouted: "Haha! Don't move, if you move again, I will beat you all over the head!"

Three chapters today, also updated with more than 8,000 words, and there will be another chapter tonight

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