Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 183 Revenge for kindness? (Please order, please support)

"Recalling bitterness and sweetness, our living conditions are better now, but you can't forget that when our martyrs were on the Long March, we ate grass roots and bark and even had no choice but to eat grass roots and bark.

Everyone has to eat these two steamed buns for me this morning, who dares to waste them, you don’t have to eat during the training time! "

At the side of the team, Wu Jianfeng took out a loudspeaker and yelled there.

The cold and hard steamed buns are really unpalatable. The key point is that there is no sugar in them. When you bite them into pieces, it is like eating dry flour lumps. The recruits who have never eaten this kind of stuff find it difficult to swallow.

However, no matter how difficult it is, you have to eat.

In the team marching at a normal speed, everyone has steamed buns in one hand and a water bottle in the other.

Eat and drink.

The same is true for Wang Ye. At this time, the instructor is still carrying the flag and let him eat first.

Behind him, Wu Jianfeng's voice was still coming: "I know some of you must want to say, what age is it, you still do these things, now it's not the past.

But I want to tell you guys.

Remember, the real battlefield is not our current environment.

Once fighting, if we lose logistical supplies, we will immediately return to the standard of living that year.

Because no matter how advanced the society is, there will be no canned food in the wild, and self-heating army ration bags will grow on trees.

When you are in that situation, this steamed bun is a luxury.

Bark, grass roots, worms, everything you need to survive, you have to eat! "

Eating cold steamed buns and marching is an education class and a part of training. It is not difficult to complete, but it is a bit wasteful.

Wang Ye ate two steamed buns and at least finished half of the pot of water.

However, although it tastes tasteless, it is true to satisfy your hunger.

With just these two steamed buns, Wang Ye felt a little overwhelmed.

It's just that this support is only for a while.

Soon, digestion training came.

On the hillside next to the marching team, a few smoke bombs were suddenly dropped.

"Enemy attack, poisonous smoke!"

Wu Jianfeng roared.

The squad leaders hurriedly called out to ask everyone to wear protective masks.

Did not let everyone catch the enemy.

Instead, after wearing a gas mask, everyone is asked to quickly pass through the poisonous area.

But there was Lao Liu running in front of everyone and throwing cigarettes on the road.

After running for at least two to three hundred meters in a row, Wang Ye, who had just drank too much water, felt his stomach shaking and uncomfortable.

After all, this is running with a gas mask on.

However, this is not the end of the pain but the beginning.

After starting again, within half an hour, Wu Jianfeng pointed to a hill ahead and said it was an enemy position.

Tough training.

In the mountains and fields, there are stones, thorns and grass on the ground,

One by one, they must spread out and crawl forward, advance with short spears, roll forward, and leap forward.

Training is a baptism and evolution for recruits.

Let a recruit who has only learned some military skills and tactics piecemeal, go through the process of really absorbing all they use through training.

At the same time, it is also the process of turning an ordinary person who is only wearing a military uniform into a soldier.

Although the time is short.

The time of four days and three nights is insignificant compared to the three months for the entire recruit company.

However, this is definitely the most important few days in the entire recruit company.

It was a few days for everyone to transform.

"Brother Wang, do you still have that?"

After lunch at noon on the third day, all the staff rested in the field.

Just as Wang Ye returned to the place where the flag was placed and was about to sit down, Yan Zhiming came.

"Huh? Which one?" Wang Ye looked at him, unable to react for a while.

"That's the one in that shoe pad!"

Eighteen or nineteen-year-old men are not like old fritters like Wang Ye, even if they all bought this, and they are all men now, but when they talk about this thing, they are still a little ashamed to say it.

"Oh, sanitary napkins!

Yes, what's the matter? You are not enough? "

It's the third day, and the march has already been almost a hundred kilometers. This thing is really exhausting.

But when the fifth class bought it, it was two packs per person.

The ones sold by the service agency are all in packs of ten pieces.

It stands to reason that two or three times a day is enough.

"No, I. My crotch is frayed on both sides, that's why."

The more Yan Zhiming talked, the lower his voice became, and the more he talked, the redder his face became.

And Wang Ye was also a little dumbfounded.

Good guy, this is the right place to use this thing!


Wang Ye couldn't help laughing, Yan Zhiming blushed even more immediately.

In fact, it was because Wang Ye himself was fine, plus he had been carrying the flag in front of him all the time, except for sleeping at night, he basically didn't spend much time with his comrades in the back, so he didn't know their situation very well.

In fact, the crotch was worn out on the first day.

The underwear issued by the army has good sweat absorption, but the material is not very comfortable, and some people's underwear is not exactly the right size.

Usually, there is no problem in training in the camp, even if you run a five kilometers.

But now this is not five kilometers.

Every day is at least forty kilometers away.

Long-distance march, plus the climate here itself is hot and humid.

In this case, it is not uncommon for the crotch to be burned and worn out.

However, it is not uncommon. When this problem really occurs to the individual, the pain is real.

After burning the file, you can feel the feeling of sprinkling salt on the wound every step of the way.

If you don't deal with it, you won't be able to march well.

Therefore, the recruits who had this kind of problem secretly took sanitary napkins, and directly tied the wound with one piece at a time.

Hmm. It sure worked out great.

I can't wear it anymore, and the sweat is absorbed by the sanitary napkin, so it doesn't hurt anymore.

The only bad thing may be that walking is somewhat awkward, and the consumption of sanitary napkins has increased.

No, his own is almost gone, so he just wanted to come to Wang Ye to make some money.

"Okay, I have an unopened bag!" Wang Ye smiled and turned to look through his backpack.

"It doesn't need to be so much, I'll take a few tablets and it will be enough for tomorrow!"

Yan Zhiming is really embarrassed.

It's embarrassing for a man to use this thing in his crotch!

"If there are too many, you can put them in the middle!" Wang Ye took out an unopened bag and threw it to him, but when he threw it, Yan Zhiming immediately pouted with a word.

"Bah, put it on for you!"

"Haha!" Wang Ye laughed loudly.

Soon, Yan Zhiming went back to Class Five.

Wang Ye also put the rucksack back in place again, leaning against the flag planted on the ground beside it, and after lying down, Wang Ye put the gun in his arms and held it with both hands without saying anything.

Wang Ye vividly remembered the previous experience of stealing a gun, especially yesterday afternoon.

Wang Ye is resting now, and he is really worried.

In the afternoon, we practiced for another 20 kilometers.

Before dark, Quan Lian came to a rural elementary school.

The dining car had already parked in the school playground and lit fireworks.

Ouyang Mingyue and other two female military doctors also came here.

But what surprised Wang Ye and others was that there were actually two young girls here.

This made the recruits couldn't help but secretly look sideways.

But, that's it.

To strike up a conversation, just think about it in your head. If anyone dares to go, wait until their squad leader promises to give you a flying kick in the back

Damage to the image of a soldier will not kill you.

So even if all the members are disbanded in the playground, everyone will look there at most.

Only some were unwell or injured somewhere.

Only now, under the leadership of the active squad leaders, will I go over there to see the two military doctors.

Of course, they wouldn't go to someone like Yan Zhiming who burned the files.

The hygienist who accompanied the team had already given Vaseline, so I used some myself, and then put on a sanitary napkin to solve the problem.

"Hey, Brother Wang, why are there two girls here!"

After planting the flag, Wang Ye returned to the place where Class 5 was staying, and Qin Li sneaked up to him immediately and whispered.

"how could I know!"

He was asking nonsense. Although Wang Ye walked in front of the team, he didn't have any contact with them. How could he know where the two girls came from?

In fact, there are not only two young girls here, but also an aunt in her fifties.

Wang Ye reckoned that they might be the teachers of this school.

And it is true.

After the meal, they actually said they would perform for everyone.

Two young girls, one sang and the other danced, and when they introduced themselves, they also said that they were the teachers of this school.

Teachers who come here to teach.

En courtesy and reciprocity, recruits even naturally have to perform.

Although each of them has been exhausted to death in the past two or three days.

But there are four women here tonight. Plus the aunt who is said to be the principal has five.

A group of recruits, stimulated by youthful hormones, are full of energy.

Those who are good at singing will take the initiative to sing on stage.

For example, Gu Yingnan from Class 5, even though he was burned, he still gives full play to his singing and dancing skills

"Would you like to go up and perform a show? In our recruit company, you shine everywhere. In this respect, you can't be left behind either!"

Ye Sanshi was sitting next to Wang Ye, at this moment he suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Ye and said this with a soft smile.

"Squad leader, I know how to be a green flower in the army, do you want me to sing?" Wang Ye replied with a low smile.

Immediately, slap Wang Ye on the back

en This is Wang Ye bending over to hide quickly, otherwise the slap would cover his head.

The green flower in the army can speak, can it be sung?

Cry on the playground later, and maybe wake up tonight, and there will be one less class in the assembly tomorrow.

Playing around, even the military doctor Ouyang Mingyue came out and sang a song.

The impromptu party didn't last long. After eight o'clock in the evening, two female teachers and two female military doctors returned to their dormitory.

The old principal also had his own room, and as for the recruits, they were arranged in three classrooms on the second floor.

One in a row.

There are no lights in the classroom, because the elementary school does not have classes at night, but everyone has a flashlight.

There is no shortage of light sources.

Entering the classroom at this time, Ye Sanshi's flashlight shone on the blackboard.

Immediately, everyone in the second row saw the writing on the blackboard.

"Warmly welcome Uncle Soldier!" Several large characters are in the middle.

There are also many graffiti smiling faces and crooked small characters around.

"My name is Liu Ziming, good night, military uncles!"

"My name is Li Yun, and I love Uncle Soldiers."

Almost the entire blackboard is filled with writing and drawing.

At this moment, Wang Ye was taken aback.

Looking at the somewhat abstract smiling faces drawn on the blackboard, and looking at these crooked characters and painted love flowers.

At this second, Wang Ye seemed to see a group of children frolicking and standing under the blackboard, writing and drawing earnestly. He even seemed to see some children moving stools to stand on it because they were not tall enough, leaving what they wanted to stay behind. In other words, the paintings are displayed.

My heart is throbbing.

In fact, at this moment, the more emotional recruits couldn't help but get wet when they saw the sudden content on the blackboard.

The past three days and two nights have been very tiring and hard work.

The joy of the brief time just now was really purely due to the stimulation of the opposite sex.

But now, everyone felt from the bottom of their hearts that the suffering of these three days and two nights was worth it.

Hold the steel gun tightly in your hand.

Then Wang Ye relaxed, touched his nose with his hand, smiled and said softly to the side: "These children are so enthusiastic, I want to buy them some exercise books to give back!"

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