Let you serve as a soldier to quit Internet addiction, and you will become an officer

Chapter 665: Specialization, Test (Please order and support)

Being the commander of the Blue Army Battalion is actually not a good job.

Look, after Wang Ye came up with the pig training method, people who have received the training are still scolding him behind his back.

These seem to have little impact, and can even expand Wang Ye's popularity.

But this is because Wang Ye is very strong. Whether it is personal records or achievements, he can directly overwhelm everyone, and some of their little ideas are of no use to Wang Ye.

But not everyone is Wang Ye.

The job that the Blue Army has to do is to offend people.

Pack up other troops.

While other troops have been dealt with, you hope they will give you a good look.

Maybe you don't care about these things when you are in the Blue Army Camp, but a soldier cannot stay in one place all his life, with job transfers and job promotions.

After changing places, the people who were beaten in the past may include your boss, your colleagues and your future subordinates.

Just think about it and you know how embarrassing it will be.

However, this kind of thing does not actually exist here in Wang Ye.

He is not worried about this at all. The pig-raising training method has now offended the entire army group, and even this training method has now spread to other armies.

People are scolding him everywhere. Even if he becomes a Blues player and beats them up in the future, they will only scold him even more harshly.

"The Blue Army Battalion has been a bit chaotic in the past year, and the officers and soldiers of the entire battalion are also a bit confused.

The reason for this is that within the past year, due to the military reform, the Blue Army Battalion's unit affiliation and mission direction have changed, and even the training mission is no longer clear. "When the military commander said this, he paused.

Wang Ye looked at the army commander and answered smoothly: "What about now?"

He noticed that the military commander was talking about last year.

The commander smiled and said: "At the end of last year, the war zone handed over the Blue Army Camp to us, but asked us to retain the Blue Army Camp, and at the same time let us explore the training and transformation of the Blue Army Battalion!"

A trace of doubt flashed across Wang Ye's face.

Training and Transformation?

This is the Blue Army camp, where will the transformation go?

The key is to retain the organization.

What and what?

Although Wang Ye was a reborn person, he was not a military expert before his rebirth, so he had no idea about these things.

The military commander didn't speak immediately. After lighting a cigarette, he smoked half of one before looking at Wang Ye again: "Do you have any ideas?"

Wang Ye frowned and was about to say no.

Suddenly, Wang Ye had an idea.

"Report, I have an idea, but I don't know if it's mature or not!"

Wang Ye first gave the army commander a dose of vaccination.

"Tell me!" the military commander said with some interest.

He just asked this question just because he wanted to test Wang Ye.


Wang Ye responded, and then Wang Ye spoke directly: "Chief, I think the Blue Army Battalion can try to transform into special operations, and after that, continue to assume the responsibilities of the Blue Army, test and hone the combat units of all brigades in our army!"

At this moment, Wang Ye just finished speaking and found the army commander looking straight at him.

Immediately, Wang Ye, who was a little excited because of these thoughts, was a little confused and even felt a little bit inside!

"Chief, did I make a mistake?" Wang Ye said softly!

The military commander smiled.

He could see that when Wang Ye asked this question, there was indeed a bit of anxiety on his face.

This doesn't look like fraud.

"No, I just thought someone had tipped you off in advance!"

"Huh?" Wang Ye was stunned.

The next moment, the commander continued: "Because starting from this year, the combined battalion has indeed been practicing the exploration of special warfare training!"

Wang Ye's eyes widened, and then he hurriedly spoke: "Chief, no one told me. In fact, just before you told me this, I thought the Blue Army Camp had become history!"

"Haha!" the military commander laughed.

When the laughter subsided, he saw Wang Ye and said, "I believe you!"

After a pause, he said: "Talk about your thoughts on special warfare!"


Wang Ye became serious, but did not speak immediately.

He seriously thought about the concept of special warfare in his mind.

Special warfare is actually not a new term nowadays.

When Wang Ye first arrived at the Third Brigade last year, the slogan of special operations for the whole army was rang out.

However, this is only a long-term goal for the future.

Before Wang Ye was reborn, this goal was still in progress.

In addition, this special warfare transformation does not mean literally. It does not mean training all the troops into special forces.

That is unrealistic and impossible, and there is no need to do so.

The emphasis of this word "special" is on change.

Traditional infantry is a human-centered collection, and the essence of infantry special warfare is to allow infantry to evolve from the traditional firepower platform where concentrated firepower must first concentrate troops to the informatization and intelligent combat mode of concentrated firepower and dispersed troops.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it means adapting to the trend.

People's mobile phones are now smart, and if they don't change their fighting methods, they will be beaten.

The phrase "if you fall behind, you will be beaten" has been deeply engraved in our country's modern history.

So now that the era of rapid technological advancement has arrived, the military that maintains a country's security and stability is bound to make changes.

The integration of troops is a product of this background, and now the special warfare is also the same, and it is even more necessary.

Because land is not ocean.

All landmasses in our country and the world are very complex.

The global land is composed of various terrains such as mountains, hills, plateaus, rivers, forests and Gobi.

From a human development perspective, diverse landscapes are good.

But in military terms, diverse landforms are natural obstacles to army mobility.

To overcome these difficulties, traditional army operations have even evolved into a variety of arms based on the terrain.

For example, the current mountain combined brigades, light, medium and heavy combined brigades.

These combined brigades are adapted to adapt to the terrain of the combat area.

However, this approach of adapting measures to local conditions is not a one-and-done solution.

The direction has become to develop combat forces that can fight in all regions and can easily overcome or even directly overcome these obstacles.

In fact, after the YLK War, foreign military forces became enthusiastic about the construction and development of army aviation and the research and development of drones.

And so is our country.

Giving wings to the infantry and allowing the army to fly is a manifestation of this "special" character.

Transform the traditional army from adapting to small-scale defense operations to adapting to all-round operations on the territory.

From adapting to plane combat on the ground battlefield to three-dimensional combat in multi-dimensional space, and even from close contact combat to medium and long-distance non-contact combat, from the singleness of being able to perform tasks to diversity.

Wang Ye quickly recalled these in his mind.

Then he raised his head slightly again and looked directly at the commander: "Chief, special warfare, I think it is a must-have concept. Times are progressing, and so are the methods of warfare.

From ancient times to the present, from the cold weapon era to modern times, people are still an indispensable factor in war.

But people are becoming more and more valuable.

To use the simplest analogy, if the number of soldiers who died in the Eagle Empire in World War II was brought up to the present, even if there were not that many, the Eagle Empire would collapse in an instant. "

"Continue!" the army commander looked at Wang Ye and said.

"Yes!" Wang Ye was not polite. He hadn't finished what he said just now.

“As times progress, human life becomes more and more precious, but war consumes human life.

Therefore, non-contact combat between people is bound to become mainstream, and current technology is enough for us to see hope of completing this. "

"Very good!" The military commander nodded with satisfaction.

Wang Ye's thoughts and ideas made him very happy.

Immediately, the commander also spoke: "Blue Army Camp has made some small attempts in the past six months and made some changes in the direction of training, but the special warfare has not been carried out in a drastic way.

Because what we thought before was to make a little change and see the results before deciding whether to continue investing.


Speaking of this, the commander looked at Wang Ye and smiled gently: "Actually, at the Blue Army Camp, we were originally planning to use it as a special warfare experimental camp.

But you just said that you will continue to serve as the Blue Army. After thinking about it, I think this is very good! "

After a pause, the commander continued with a smile: "Many of the others don't want to be the commander of the Blue Army Battalion.

It’s stressful, it’s easy to offend people, and the key is it’s very painful.

But since you brought it up yourself, and I also believe that you, Wang Ye, are not someone else.

You are definitely not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or pressure, right? "


You're PUA me!

Wang Ye really wanted to say this.

Of course, Wang Ye definitely couldn't say this.

He could only stand up straight: "Yes!"

"Haha, are you scolding me in your heart?" the military commander laughed.

At this moment, the secretary guarding the door was very curious.

Commander, haven't you laughed so wildly for a long time?

After all, the commander of an army still has to pay attention to his image and dignity, and today.

In the office, Wang Ye denied it.

The military commander said with an undiminished smile: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking.

But your boy is indeed the most suitable candidate for the commander of the Blue Army Battalion. "

After a pause, the commander continued: "Actually, after the Blue Army Battalion was handed over to us, the position of battalion commander has been vacant, and the deputy battalion commander has acted.

I had already thought about letting you take up this position.

And your words today make me feel that you have lived up to my trust in you! "

Wang Ye was a little stunned and a little confused.

The Army Commander seemed to have said just now that the Blue Army Camp was handed over to his army at the end of last year, right?

The battalion commander has been vacant for so long just so that he can take up the post?

To be honest, at this moment, Wang Ye felt as if a scholar would die for his confidant.

But immediately, Wang Ye remembered the military commander's PUY just now.

Of course, none of this matters.

Wang Ye stood at attention and saluted: "Thank you for your trust, chief. I promise to complete the task and use practical actions to give the chief a perfect answer!"


The army commander nodded, looked at Wang Ye and said: "After you take office, I will allow the process of special warfare to be accelerated. If you have any needs, you can sort them out directly.

I will give you a fixed time every week, and you can report to me in person and tell me what you need. "

After saying this, the military commander raised a finger: "I have only one request for you.

I'll give you half a year. After half a year, the Blue Army Battalion will officially continue to fulfill the Blue Army's mission.

I want to see you educate all the main battle combined battalions under each combined unit of the entire army in turn. Can you do that? "

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission!"

Wang Ye responded loudly.

This task made him very excited.

Others are afraid of offending others, but he is not.

He had even thought about it. If it was time to train other troops in the future, the first thing he would do would be to have someone build a pig farm in the area.

When the time came, he and the army commander proposed that the troops defeated by him let their battalion commanders raise pigs for a month.

Wang Ye has not eaten the pigs fed by the lieutenant colonel.

Although he had heard before that his pig-raising method also got the lieutenant colonel into trouble.

But Wangye didn't eat the pigs raised in the pig farm.

And now, he wants to build a pig farm of his own.

At that time, two more battalion commanders will be captured at once, and they will take turns taking care of them.

In this case, by the end of the year, we will definitely be able to eat pigs specially fed with 20 cents.

At this moment, Wang Ye was already selling the future.

In front of him, seeing the curve of Wang Ye's mouth that couldn't help but appear, the commander felt funny in his heart.

In the Blue Army Camp, a burden that others didn't want to carry became a good job in Wang Ye's case.

"Let me tell you something again. It can be considered as a test before you take office!"

Suddenly, the military commander spoke again.

"Huh?" Wang Ye, who was still thinking about it, was stunned for a moment.

What's the meaning?

The commander looked at Wang Ye and said calmly: "You don't have to rush to the Blue Army Camp now.

Let's go back to the third brigade first. Your third brigade will leave for Zhuri River soon. You just have to go and see it.

In addition, this is also a test for you.

If your performance in this exercise is unsightly, then don't lead the Blue Army camp. After you come back, go to the pig farm to reflect! "

Wang Ye was confused.

I even suspected that the military commander could read minds.

Of course, the military commander certainly does not have these things.

Letting Wang Ye raise pigs was just the first thought that came to the army commander's mind after he thought of punishing Wang Ye.

There was no way, who asked Wang Ye to build a pig-raising training ground by himself, which made many people in the army talk about sending Wang Ye to raise pigs one day.

And he had heard too much, so when he thought of punishing Wang Ye, the idea came to him immediately.

Wang Ye came to his senses and ignored the punishment mentioned by the military commander.

"Chief, the Third Brigade is going to Zhuri River? How long will it take?"

"It's still about half a month away, but the third brigade is already preparing!"

Wang Ye clenched his fists.

Looking at the commander, Wang Ye smiled and said: "Thank you, commander, for giving me the opportunity. I have always wanted to compete with the Wolf of the Zhuri River!"

At this moment, Wang Ye thought of the Dark Star Project.

After half a year, he didn't pay attention. He didn't know if Dark Star was still operating normally.

If it were.


Wang Ye felt that he might be able to fulfill the slogan that was already stirring up the whole army.

"Tread down the Zhuri River and capture the big devil alive!"

In his previous life, Wang Ye heard this slogan more than once even if he was not a soldier.

But in this life, when they got married last year, Chief of Staff Wei drank two more drinks and pulled Wang Ye and told him that he must avenge him if he had the opportunity to go to Zhuri River.

It would be best to catch him or kill him and let Wang Ye tell him that Wang Ye was also the soldier he brought out!

Chief of Staff Wei, deeply resentful

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