And the direction of this gap is exactly the direction of Yi Zang!


, the moment he saw this gap, Izang had already lifted up: the ancient rifle that came in immediately pulled the trigger

The shadow energy is loaded into the gun-style rifle from Yi Zang, and into the gun bullet.

Two bullets!

The bullet flew out of the chamber directly following the gap in the blade tornado!!

The appearance of this gap also caused the sword blade tornado, and the Warring States inside the wind were too excited!

With such a smart person, he would never miss such a good breakthrough opportunity.

Immediately, his arm burst into golden light, and the Buddha's light energy turned through like a vast expanse.Condensed on his right arm.

At the same time, the domineering of the armed color also forms a layer of armor on the arm like rich ink! Guard!

"The Great Buddha's Compassion Fist!"

The Warring States burst into a loud shout, and the right fist instantly enlarged to face the tornado's gap and slammed it up!

You can use the gap and I can use it too!!

And because the Warring States saw that Izang was shooting, he was not afraid at all!

With his armament color, the degree of domineering is enough to easily resist any domineering bullets that don't have an armament color attached!

Almost two seconds after his Great Buddha's Compassion Fist arrived at the tornado, the bullet from Yizang also arrived!

Boom lj——

Because of the gap, the power of the Sengoku punch has been fully released!

In an instant, the blade fragments at the gap smashed into all directions and collapsed!

Originally there was only a gap the size of an ordinary person's fist, but it was blasted out of a table too space!!

In this case, if there is no backhand, very,

But the Warring States are still smart after all, but they were mistaken by smart

His armed arrogance can indeed resist any bullet.

If it is the ability of the nature department to enter the elementalization, then this bullet does not have an insect-killing entity.will not be effective.

But the Warring States have entities,

The Lingli bullet didn't enter the fist of the Warring States period,


The might of a punch in the Warring States period is indeed terrifying!

, but after the horror, Sengoku felt that the whole person seemed to have entered a strange state

He wants to put his

It's now!

Zang immediately shouted at this Blenheim too

Blenheim also felt the abnormal situation that occurred in the Warring States period.

"The Return of the Jade Blade

The insect snorted lowly, and the thousands of blade fragments were all recovered in an instant.

The Thousand Blades of Magic Knife Reunite!

step by step

Armed color!

The pitch-black medium immediately covered the blade of the magic knife thousand blades!

Makes this magic knife, which was already extremely sharp, even more powerful!!

"Damn" fooled"

This thought suddenly appeared in Sengoku's mind. He watched Blenheim kill him, and immediately raised his hand to stop—


How can the effect of the second bullet disappear so quickly?

Too late to stop Blenheim from diving directly into the arms of Sengoku!

The magic knife and the blade of the Warring States period facing the Great Buddha's formwork are: two swords penetrate


One by one

Without any hesitation and soft fur, Blenheim stabbed the knife directly to the hilt.

"Old dog in the Warring States period! Remember to apologize to all the people in O'Hara ↓↓ '

After all, Blenheim ruthlessly pulled out the blade of the magic knife


The Warring States is over

But because of the effect of the second bullet, he couldn't feel the pain of being penetrated through the bore at this time~

knife pull out knife

An enemy like King Zhang should not turn him into a hornet's nest!

But at this moment

"Big tooth red lotus!

rumbling rumbling".

Before people arrive, the blazing lava has already arrived

The temperature in the office suddenly climbed to an unimaginable level! ”!

"No, it's time to go

Izang didn't dare to delay, he immediately hugged Blenheim and fell directly into the shadow.


The moment the shadow disappeared, the hot lava exploded on the ground and immediately pierced the floor!!


Sakaski stepped forward and quickly leaned out of a special phone bug.

Holding down the phone bug's head, he immediately shouted: "The marshal was attacked, and his mouth was stabbed. Get ready immediately. I'll bring the marshal there right away!"

Saying that, Sakaskigo carried the Warring States, and at the same time, he was full of arrogance and domineering.

While sending the Warring States to the scientific and medical troops, he was always on guard for any further changes.

In the shadow world~


Blenheim bared

Just as Zuo was brought into the shadow world by Izang, Sakaski's lava also came in a little bit.

Burned Blenheim's arm

"It's no wonder that it is called the most damaging devil fruit, and it's really scary"

Izo looked at the injury on Blenheim's arm: - secretly surprised.

Their father's shaking fruit is said to have the strongest breaking power, while the lava fruit is the most damaging.

Sure enough, any existence that can be called "the strongest" should not be underestimated! j


Chapter 107 Give Doflamingo a chance to perform! 【Kneeling for subscription】

Navy Headquarters, Marine Fando.

Outside the gate of the scientific medical unit, the admirals gathered

In the courtyard, Lieutenant General Crane, Garp, and the three admirals of the navy all stood alone and solemnly here.

Except for Akainu, who came from the beginning, the other four came in an emergency after being notified.

In front is a huge operating room, which has the best medical team and the most advanced equipment in the entire naval headquarters!!

Just now Lieutenant General Stoloberg had been pronounced dead.

The Warring States are still in the rescue.

"These bastard pirates!"

Ka Xuan's eyes were red, and she said fiercely: appear in the naval headquarters!"

He and Warring States were already comrades-in-arms when they were very young, and the two fought side by side on the sea and shot artillery.

Over the years, Kaxi never imagined that there would be such a life-and-death second-line scene!

Crane worm will also be very worried at this time, the more the Tai family can't be messed up at this time.The pot porridge will give the pirates a chance!

She forcibly calmed down, "Sakaski, you were the first to arrive at the scene and tell us what you saw.

The red eyes shrank slightly, and he gritted his teeth: "It's the white, bearded pirates who did it! There are two people, Blenheim, the captain of the ninth division, and Yizang, the captain of the sixteenth division. ."

"Whitebeard Pirates!?"

Hearing the identity of the assassin, several people present showed surprised expressions at the same time!

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