Level Up

Chapter 207

To the forest of darkness, 1 Hyeonseok party had a really busy day. One of the key figures of the Kranjis family came and greeted constantly.
Most of them have come to know why they have to say hello. I just emphasized that she was a very important guest and she emphasized it and went to say hello.
Of course, I never forgot to hand out a proper gift every time.
There was a star gift. It started with various jewelry and ornaments and had artifacts.
Of course, the artifact received as a gift was not very high.
The artifact level of this Dungeon world did not seem to be much higher than I thought.
The Dungeon with the mark of King Masu was here, and I thought that there were many good artifacts to come close to it, but the mark of King Masu was special.
Only artifacts below most levels were present.
Except for Inferno yesterday.
Now They have a low limit of what they can produce. Inferno is something like an ancient relic. "
Hyun Seok once concluded that provisionally.
Anyway, I was greeted and prepared for the party at the same time.
Hyeon – seok and his companions were dressed.
Five or six attendants were clinging to each other and dressed from head to toe.
It seemed as if the protagonist of this party was yours.
However, those who were so stuck did not get close to Hyeonseok.
Because of the peculiar atmosphere that Hyeon-seok is spreading, I could not do anything because my whole body shivered even if I approached only near.
Of course I did it on purpose.
Hyeon-seok had a magic power around him that gave him an eerie feeling. I thought that I should not come close to myself, so I got more people from other people.
Anyway, Hyeon-seok freely roamed around the city and found out about the situation in this city.
Craichelia was a fairly large city. And there were no other cities to compete near.
There were a lot of large-scale villages, and the villages belonged to the city.
In other words, dozens of villages are gathered together in a city like Cracailia, which is shaped like a country.
Of course, this was not a real country. To do so, there were too many stakeholders or nobles.
Anyway, according to Hyeon Seok, this Dungeon did not exist in the state itself, but mostly in the form of a city.
It was due to the vast majority of Dungeon-based bandits.
In addition, the presence of the Ascension, who is crouched in various places, is also a problem.
In any case, the situation was such that Inferno, the secret weapon of the Cranice family, was a weapon that could give absolute power.
If the Marquis of Klaxis is properly minded, it will be able to make this city a state and become a king.
However, Hyun Seok did not have any plans to do so after Kranshis.
He seemed to think that it was best to just keep this position and situation as it is.
So I walked around the city and found several places of information that permeated the shadows of the city.
I do not have to write them right now, but I remembered their home location precisely because I did not know them later.
Hyeon-seok was so clandestinely hiding and hiding his figure that no one could notice how Hyeon-seok moved around.
Instead of using special skills or artifacts, I put a lot of magic power around and hidden it in a way that beat it.
But in itself, I was able to achieve a more effective stance than any skill or artifact.
Hyeon-seok felt his magic power control ability crossed some line.
It was not merely the master of magic power that dominated magic power, but it felt something beyond itself.
Of course I did that feeling River Hajin. But I could see that it was not long.
When this feeling becomes stronger and the wall in front of it is smashed, that moment will be the time to get a new title.
So walking around the city and confirming his own information, Hyeon-seok returned to the clan's clan's home.
There were countless houses and mansions in this city, but Hyeon Seok was the best among the Krantians.
Perhaps the map of the Dungeon world will be the best of what the Krantians have.
So Hyeon-seok was able to swipe the map from the other family, but he did not do it.
It seemed that the map was very important here. If such a thing is stolen, I will have a hard time.
I did not have to cause such an inconvenience. You will receive what you want today anyway.
Hyeonseok returned to the residence and doubted his eyes for a moment.
It is because all the parties have made a great transformation.
"Please do not look at it like that. I am ashamed and mad. "
It was Yang Se-hee who opened his mouth first.
She was dressed in a gorgeous but brutally dressed dress, and she was always dressed in such a way that she did not wear these clothes at all, but with a mixture of awkwardness and shame.
But the dress, makeup and hair were so beautiful that it was so beautiful.
Actually, Yang Se-hee did not carry out much, and because he was not interested in appearance, he was not a person who could go anywhere.
Her charm has been used so well that everyone's eyes have changed so much.
In fact, no one in the party knew Yang Se – hee was so beautiful.
The only person who knows the real charm of Yang Se-hee is Yang Dong-wook, her sister-in-law who always wrapped her around.
Park Sung Hee was the same. She was so beautiful that there were a lot of people in the first place.
She showed off the beauty of her surprise and surprise.
Ryu Ji Hye and Ryu Hye Yeon also had nothing to say.
In particular, Ryu Hye-yeon's appearance was so great that you could never take a look at it once.
The maidens who dressed her did not hide their surprise as they waved all the time.
The same was true of men as well as women.
It was not a smile like the old Middle Ages, but rather a sophisticated outfit. Also, the men seemed to have a smoother face and a better color as if they were lightly cremated.
The only person who was not dressed at all was Hyunseok.
Hyeon-seok did not even think about dressing when he saw his party. I was not interested in parties at all.
Everyone was slightly reminded. It was because the party at the noble party had a lot of anticipation.
It may be interesting, of course. Perhaps all interest will be gathered to these.
But then what? The conversation does not work anyway.
You just have to enjoy the atmosphere. It was likely to be a half-hearted party.
So he was not interested in such a party any more.
But it was better to attend. After all, no one will know what will happen later.
When the party was ready, the deacon came to collect it.
In fact, the first time Hyeon – seok came as a guest and his present position was the difference between heaven and earth.
At that time, the Count of Xenon was only inviting lightly to his benefactor.
Moreover, the Count of Xenon was under considerable scrutiny from the leading figures of the family.
So hospitality could not be done properly. It was possible because the Count of Zenon came out and worked hard.
But now it is different.
Now the clan has become a benefactor of the clan itself.
The reason for this is unknown, but the Marquis of Kranjschis has publicly announced it to everyone.
Now, the man who makes a mistake to Hyeon – seok and his party becomes a bad guy who disrespects the silver man of the family.
So it was very natural that the hospitality changed.
Anyway, the party started like that.
Hyeon – seok 's anticipated party failed to dissolve properly at the party.
However, there were a lot of people approaching because their position was different, and there were many people who tried actively conversation by beckoning.
Thanks to them, they were able to enjoy the party.
Hyeonseok was deliberately separated from the party. It was because they knew that if they had themselves, they could not enjoy the parties.
The only person in the party who can communicate is Hyeon-seok.
So Hyeon-seok actively avoided people. It was my own consideration for the party.
Of course I do not know if they will take that as a consideration.
Someone approached such a stone.
Without seeing Hyeon-seok, he could see that he was a Countess of Xenon.
"I'm here to apologize."
Hyeon-seok did not answer the question, but looked at him in a slippery way. Then the Count of Xenon became more and more disturbed, scratching the back of his head.
"I used your powers. I actually waited for the day when you found my seal on that day. "
It means that I have planned since then. So it would have flowed smoothly like this.
"They are getting magic power, so they are getting better. I have not been able to catch up for a while whether or not to like this. "
The Count of Zenon said so, and he stood there for a moment and looked at Hyeonseok and said it with force.
"I am not a godless man than I thought. He is the one who keeps it. It is not the unscrupulous who forsake grace. Apart from our family and your promise, please call me anytime you need it. "
Hyeon – seok glanced at the horse. Then Count Zenon spoke with a determined expression.
"Even if I need my life, I will smile and listen."
Hyeon – seok nodded at the horse.
"Let me inscribe."
Then the Count of Zenon laughed brightly. It was like a ten-year-old congestion.
Hahaha I'll wait for that time to come. I grew me harder. "
The Count of Xenon said so and greeted him politely and then moved away from Hyeonseok.
Hyeon-seok nodded once again, watching the back of Zenon's ear.
It was a great feeling. Hyeonseok's mouth went up slowly.
The second time I came to Hyeonseok was the Marquis of Kranshis. He went back to tell Hysok that he would keep his promise.
I thought that Hyon-seok really resembled the Earl of Xenon and the Marquis of Kranshis.
Finally, it was Juke who came to Hyeonseok.
Juke saw toothpaste as soon as he saw it. And I watched him screaming.
"You will not do as you think."
Hyeon-seok laughed at the horse.
"What is my idea?"
"You are pushing your brother to the next! Do you think I can easily retire? I will never leave. I will endure to the end. I will be the one to sit in the cabin after all! "
At Juke's end, Hyeon-seok looked at him quietly.
"Maybe you will not."
"Do not be ridiculous! What are you talking about? "
Hyeon-seok turned his head and looked at the side of the Countess Xanon and the Marquis of Kransis.
Then I looked back and looked at Juke.
"You have nothing in them."
Juke grazed her. I know very well what it is. Maro was magic power.
Juke was a body unable to use magic power. But what is it? The nobles who can not use magic power are wide and wide.
It was not your own unique thing. No, rather, it was the unusual numbers of the Marquis of Kranjsith and Count Zenon. The noble who used magic power so much was rather rare. Rather, Knight or Magician writes more magic power. "Even without magic power … … I have no problem in becoming the master of this family. "
Hyeon – seok shook his head.
"I do not know the other family, but it will not be. I will not be able to open the remembrance of the family. "
Usually, when you create an artifact, it makes it available even if you are not a magic power user.
However, the remarks of the Kristians were designed so that they could not open it unless they were magic power users.
It was natural. I have to be the master of the space.
You have to mark the space key according to the user's magic power pattern. If you are not a magic power user, the process is impossible.
But Juke did not know about it at all. That is why I dream this dream.
"If you become the housekeeper of this family … … Maybe the house will be over. "
Juke glared at his eyes and gazed at the stone. His eyes stood in his eyes.
I wanted to kill him right away. But I could not.
He knows what Hyunseok has done. He opened the remembrance of a family that had been open for hundreds of years, and handed it over to the Marquis of Cransis and the Count of Xenon.
It could have made the situation worse, even though it was hostile to such a hinok.
Juke stared at the stone with his ghastly eyes and turned away and turned away.
"You are young."
Hyeon – seok summarized his feelings for JUJU big, and turned his eyes again.
The party was over.
The group of Hyeon – seok, who had been making strange expressions of tiredness and satisfaction, began to gather together.
"I will leave at dawn tomorrow."
At the end of Hyeon – seok, everyone made a gross expression. I had such a tired day, and I would like to rest for several hours and eat breakfast well.
"Anyway, we can not see the rest of us."
Ryan was embarrassed on behalf of everyone. But I did not say I would not. That was all the same.
So the party is over.
And the next day, Hyeonseok kept his word.

1 end into the dark forest

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