Yin Mountains Corpse City 镄勫湴涓嬩竴ten thousand meters 娣卞銆


骞垮満涓婇亶宁潃钖勭灏镐綋锛屽鍒潃钖勭灏镐綋锛屽鍒潃钖勭灏镐綋锛屽鍒暟涓嶆竻镄勫浣掳纴person鈥檚head 娑屽姩锛屼竴鐪兼湜铡讳粬浠Ammonia plating 廱lack镄勫ぇ娴 竴镙 竴镙 竴镙 纴鐪嬩笉鍒 纴鐪嬩笉鍒 纴鐪嬩笉鍒 闄咃纴鏁 闄咃纴鏁 闄咃纴鏁 闄咃纴鏁 闄咃纴鏁

浠栦 娌 ° ° ° 湁镒忚瘑锛屾 夌伒 夌伒 夌伒 傦纴闅忔剰镄勬 傦纴闅忔剰镄勬 傦纴闅忔剰镄勬 傦纴闅忔剰镄勬 傦纴闅忔剰镄勬 傦纴闅忔剰镄勬 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 纴浠栦昵锛屽湪杩欐垚闀 殑杩囩 殑杩囩 涓粬浠 涓粬浠 涓粬浠 涓粬浠 涓粬浠 涓粬浠 ombi ombi ombi ombi ombi 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙

Save. 灏 皵婊 皵婊 ぉ寮ユ ぉ寮ユ 锛娈 eath Mist acne 涓︼钀 € €

涓嶆柇 夊楝 夊楝 夊楝 涓 鑸殑鍝嶅 鑸殑鍝嶅 鑸殑鍝嶅 鍙戝嚭锛屽洜涓 World World World World World World 涓婃渶鐥涜嫤镄勭厧镡纴姣旀杩橀毦鍙楃殑镦庣啲銆

変紶瑷 璇 璇 纴鍦ㄨ 纴鍦ㄨ 纴鍦ㄨ 纴鍦ㄨ 鐗囧 鐗囧 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦

鐒 岋纴杩欓噷姣斿湴镫 岋纴杩欓噷姣斿湴镫 岋纴杩欓噷姣斿湴镫 岋纴杩欓噷姣斿湴镫 洿锷犵殑娈嬮叿锛屾兂姝 洿锷犵殑娈嬮叿锛屾兂姝 洿锷犵殑娈嬮叿锛屾兂姝 洿锷犵殑娈嬮叿锛屾兂姝 涓嶆垚锛屾兂娲 涓嶆垚锛屾兂娲 涓嶆垚锛屾兂娲 锛岀湡姝 锛岀湡姝 锛岀湡姝 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜锛屾墍浠ヨ 锛屾墍浠ヨ 屼篃姣 涔嬩 涔嬩 绗琗 绗琗 绗琗 NUMXth-layer 鍦 嫳锛

杩欓噷鏄疍ead Sea 銆

鏄痀in Shang 镄勫叺宸ュ巶锛屾槸浠朥ndead Bodyguard 婧愭簮涓嶆柇镄勪緵搴斿湴锛


鈥涣ld fogey 锛屼笂闱(一)彂鍑洪偅涔埚ぇ镄勫搷锷ㄥ0锛岄偅涓瀛愭槸涓嶆槸鐪熺殑鏉ヤ简锛熲€

鈥滀笉鍙兘锛屽 ammonia绠楁潵浜嗕篃鏄€佹銆傗€

鈥滃搸鈥 [€ 綋鍒濇垜灏 笉搴旇 笉搴旇 笉搴旇 笉搴旇 fog fog fog old fogey 锛岄偅涓瀛愮湡镄勫緢涓崭竴鑸纴浠栬韩涓婃湁镌€鍜屼汉绫讳笉钖岀殑澶ф瘏锷涳纴杩樻湁闾g澶ф潃浼愮殑鏋沧柇锛屾渶 嶈镄勪竴镣 嶈镄勪竴镣 粬镄勫 粬镄勫 曗 曗 曗 曗 曗 曗 曗 曗 曗 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔繘茶繘Yin Mountains Corpse City 锛岀湡鏄偅镙风殑璇濇垨璁哥湡镄勬槸鎴戝浜嗕粬锛屽搸鈥[€》湡镄勫笇链涗粬姘歌涓嶈韪忓叆Geocentric Race 杩滀笉瑕佺湅鍒 杩滀笉瑕佺湅鍒 骞曪纴涔熸 骞曪纴涔熸 Mountains MountainsYin Mountains Corpse City 銆傗€

鈥滃ぇ姣呭姏銆 ぇ鏉 浼愶纴锽勮 浼愶纴锽勮 浼愶纴锽勮 浼愶纴锽勮 镄勫 镄勫 € € € € 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 € € € € € €銆傗€

鈥涣ld fogey 锛屼綘浠 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 欎篃杩欎箞杩 欎篃杩欎箞杩 浜嗭纴棰勮 浜嗭纴棰勮 浜嗭纴棰勮 浜嗭纴棰勮 鍙﹄笉杩囨槸鐢ㄦ潵瀹夋叞娲荤潃浜 鍙﹄笉杩囨槸鐢ㄦ潵瀹夋叞娲荤潃浜 鍙﹄笉杩囨槸鐢ㄦ潵瀹夋叞娲荤潃浜 鍙﹄笉杩囨槸鐢ㄦ潵瀹夋叞娲荤潃浜湁涓笇 chain涜€屽凡銆傗€

鈥滆 Umbrella 涓︷瑷€涓嶅悓銆傛垨璁告槸鐪熺殑锛佲€

Key randma expression dumbfounded 銆

杩囦 鍗婂埢锛屽彧鏄 鍗婂埢锛屽彧鏄 鍗婂埢锛屽彧鏄 鍗婂埢锛屽彧鏄 涓嬶纴寰堟 涓嬶纴寰堟 涓嬶纴寰堟 涓嬶纴寰堟 涓嬶纴寰堟 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒

杩栾緢瀛愬ス鍞竴宁屾湜镄勫 ammonia鏄兘鍐嶈old fogey 涓€闱纴杩欐牱姝讳篃鑳界澜鐩 銆

鐜 湪 佸埌浜嗭纴濂 佸埌浜嗭纴濂 佸埌浜嗭纴濂 佸埌浜嗭纴濂 fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog €傝呖浜庡叾瀹傝呖浜庡叾瀹殑浜嬫儏濂殑浜嬫儏濂兂镄勫緢灏兂镄勫緢灏纴Geocentric Race 娌’锛岃缮锛岃缮锛岃缮変粈涔堜簨鎯呭変粈涔堜簨鎯呭缑缑缑

闅斾 鍗婂埢銆

Key randma 闂 锛 fog 涣 fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog fog Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol

Old fogey 杞 镄勬挬璧 rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand綘銆傝 綘銆傝 浜涘 浜涘 鏉ユ垜涓 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫 泭锛屽浜嗘棤鏁瘫竴镄勫笇 涘 涘 涘 Sol 傝呖浜嶪 傝呖浜嶪 傝呖浜嶪 傝呖浜嶪 傝呖浜嶪 傝呖浜嶪 傝呖浜嶪 傝呖浜嶪 in in in in in Shang 涓 杈埚瓙涔熷埆鎯 杈埚瓙涔熷埆鎯 杈埚瓙涔熷埆鎯 缑鍒 mph hmph! 鈥


鈥滃湪璋堟儏璇 inch 埍 纻鈥

鈥淢aster 锛屽笀姣嶏纴浣犱滑镄勬劅鎯呰缮鐪熸槸鍑犵栌骞撮兘涓嶅彉鍟娿€€a Ha Ha 鈥[€[€


涓 阆揿槻璁 阆揿槻璁 阆揿槻璁 纴阒 纴阒 镄勭瑧澹 镄勭瑧澹 镄勭瑧澹 镄勭瑧澹 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二Shang 濡傛€︼儙涓€镙风殑鍢殑鍢殑鍢劯鏄鹃湶鍑劯鏄鹃湶鍑潵锛屽槾掗湶鍑哄崄鍒唒掗湶鍑哄崄鍒唒roud 镄勭瑧瀹广€

Holmium adze bare hill in Shang Yuan Yu Fengma autoclave son of a bitch adze Chu  Wei Qin moisten umbrella ring Chu € €

“Yin Shang, you will have retribution!”

The two old people were extremely excited, angry, and full of hate in their eyes. The kind of hatred would have to tear Yin Shang.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

“Two old Undead, wouldn’t my Yin Shang Geocentric Race be as powerful as it is now? If you two old stubborns, pass the Refining Insect Technique to me earlier, I have already led the Geocentric Race to the side, and the Geocentric Race has also recovered. In the era of the tens of thousands of people fighting, why do you have to hide in the Deep Hole that is not seen day and night?” Yin Shang’s expression is also excited, the big bug on his head can not help but move, how disgusting and disgusting it seems.

Immediately, Yin Shang was gloomy and cold, laughing coldly. “It doesn’t matter, this wish will not be realized in a long time, Ha Ha Ha…”

Yin Shang right hand A wave.

The three bodies fell from the sky and stood firmly on the ground.

Ninth Prince, Qin Yue’er, and Luo Tian with a green light in his forehead!

White eyebrows old man Seeing the green light on Luo Tian’s forehead, he was shocked, shouted: “Yin Shang, you actually Refinement out the Rank 6 locust, you put it in a living person’s body, you are actually want What to do? You are a beast, a madman…”

The last two sentences are almost vocal.

Old Grandma looked at Luo Tian’s heart is also a sinking, looking at Luo Tian’s painful expression, her heart could not help but cramp, self-blame: “Children, Grandma hurts you, sorry, sorry…”

Yin Shang screamed wildly, “Master, you elderly can’t think of it, I don’t think I really made the Rank 6 green locust. In order to refine the Rank 6 locust, I was exhausted, remember that you said it, Refinement Rank 6 The locust needs the world’s Extreme Yin. The blood of the virgin is the thing of Extreme Yin. It is the woman who has poor Geocentric Race. If it is not the blood of their virginity, I really can’t show it.”

“However, thank you for your elderly, Ha Ha Ha…”


Proud laugh!

Yin Shang looked at the painful expression of Master. He couldn’t help but laugh at the proud. Immediately, the right hand was controlled, and a black air shot, directly binding the old Grandma, complexion sank, shouted: “Old Undead, I want You help me to motivate the strongest potential of the three of them. I want them to be the perfect side. If you don’t do it, you know the consequences.”

The black mist became a demon, entangled in the neck of the old Grandma, constantly tightening.

The old Grandma is like a gossamer, but desperately said: “old fogey, don’t, don’t.”


Yin Shang A slap in the face Up, playing the old Grandma with bright light, gloomy and cold shouted: “You are a dead old woman, you better advise me Master to do what I said, otherwise I will let you not have The will to live unable to ask for death !”

White eyebrows old man The eyebrows are wrinkled and angry, but he has no way at all. He looks at his wife’s mouth and hangs his blood. His cheeks are red and swollen. His heart is like a knife. He looks at his wife’s eyes again. He wants to make a decision. Determined, but at this moment, a sad look, said: “Well, I promise you, but you must give me the safety of your mother!”

“Ha Ha Ha…”

“I know you will compromise. It seems that I have not killed the teacher for so many years, Ha Ha Ha…” Yin Shang proud laughed. “As long as you help me to motivate them, I will Guarantee the safety of the mother.”


Not long after, Yin Shang left the old Grandma with a laugh, and the entire Dead Sea returned to its original appearance, full of corpses, gloomy and cold, damp, and the smell of bad smell in the air.

White eyebrows old man went to Luo Tian and whispered: “Now you can open eyes with eyes!”

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