The points list has been refreshed.

Luo Tian’s name appeared at the top of the list, far exceeding the second place, Situ Hong.

In just half a day, Luo Tian’s name climbed the list and rushed to the top with lightning speed.

Outer Sect vibrates.

Inner Sect is also shaking.

“An Outer Sect Disciple has completed the sss-level Super Quest on its own, and it is awful. Who is this person?”

鈥淲hy have you never heard of it?鈥?/p>

“Yeah, why did such a genius have not heard of it before?”

“What is his name, Luo Tian, 鈥嬧€媔s the kid who seriously injured Situ Chong last time. It seems to be the first place in this year’s assessment. He became a slave in the red peak.”


“Is there such a thing?”

“I heard that True Disciple was also made by Lee Hall Master. It is not clear whether it is true or not.”


A discipline reported in front of several Elders.

Luo Tian disappeared after entering Ice Fire Sect, as if he had not entered Ice Fire Sect, no one noticed him.

As for his assessment results, everyone only remembers his day of spiritual root, which is the waste spiritual root.

“He has stepped on Situ Hong this time, and it is estimated that the Situ family is going to be a fire.”

“It is also time for someone to press him. What do you think of the Situ family’s arrogance in this period? I don’t take us seriously.”

“It’s still a little whispered. If the kid is pressing Situ Hong, it’s just in front of him. It won’t be pressed in the future. It’s definitely impossible, and… In terms of strength innate talent, he is not Situ Hong’s opponent.”

“Isn鈥檛 the opponent not playing, how can I know if I can鈥檛?鈥?/p>

“This year Sect is bigger than I am. I must go and see the style of this kid, no matter what. I must admire him. The person who can suppress Situ Hong is definitely not a mortal.”

“I have to go and see, this year’s Sect is definitely a bit more interesting. I heard that there are many new stars.”


Another place.

The Situ family, Inner Sect, is in a giant courtyard.

This is Situ Hong’s exclusive courtyard and the right of True Disciple Special. It has also become the base camp of the Situ family.

鈥渉mph! 鈥?/p>

“impossible !”

Situdao right hand heavily a shot, the whole hall is a shock, “A District Outer Sect waste actually rides on our heads, I think he is tired!”

Situ Dao, the Situ family’s scorpion.

Break the sea under the realm.

It is also one of the Ten Great Elders of Inner Sect, one of the ten great experts.

The Situ family also has current achievements under his management operations.

One Elder said: “big brother, sss-level Quest. Ten-star risk factor, can he do with a waste from the Complete Sea Realm world?”

“It is definitely impossible!”

“I don’t believe in killing him. Can he compare with Situ Hong? It’s impossible. It’s definitely a bad luck. Nine Head Flood Dragon is killed by a master. It’s cheap for him!”

“The third child said it was good.” Another Elder said, “However, Quest is Quest, he finished. Points also got the hand, I heard that he exchanged a large number of Cultural resources back to Akabane. Angry, points are just one more point than Situ Hong. Isn’t this an insult to our Situ family?”

“I just sent people to investigate that they should exchange full points for this power. This time, Luo Tian has been a slave in the logistics center. Strangely, he actually defeated five slaves. Akane’s official disciple, and this time he will lead the few people to play Sect.”


“Ha Ha Ha…”

“Can someone join Sect?”

“He is not afraid of being laughed at?”

Situ Dao鈥檚 eyebrows wrinkled and said: 鈥淭he annual Sect is a big deal…this is a very good opportunity, so be sure to humiliate him.鈥?/p>


鈥淲hat about Situ Chong?鈥?/p>

“Where did he go?” Situ Dao was asked, asked.

One Elder said: “This is not seen for half a month, not only Situ, but also Situshan and several Situ’s Elite Disciple are gone.”


Situ Road complexion sank, said: “Going out of trial?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t explain it, but… He left Ice Fire Sect on the same day as Luo Tian, 鈥嬧€媤ill he…” He didn’t say it, but looked at Situ Hong who had never spoken.

Also at this time.

Situ Hong鈥檚 eyes were cold and said: 鈥淢y brother鈥檚 things are immediately checked for me.鈥?/p>

Situ Dao immediately said: “Put out our people and immediately check with me to see where he went and what happened.”

鈥淎s you bid!鈥?

Situ Hong cares about this big brother.

Both of them have been dead since childhood. It can be said that without his big brother, there is no such thing as him. Now that Situ Chong has an accident, he will never let go!


Situ Hong coldly said: “This time Sect is bigger than I will play in the name of Situ’s family!”

鈥淟uo Tian !鈥?/p>

“Whether you moved my big brother, this time I will not let you go, but I have to see what qualifications you have to complete the sss-level Quest!”

Situ Hong鈥檚 eyes were murdered, and his face was extremely gloomy.

He was crushed by Luo Tian and he was very upset.

From the day he entered Ice Fire Sect, he didn’t put anyone in his eyes, even he was too lazy to check.

Because of disdain!


When his big brother was scrapped, he was on fire.

This time…

He is really angry, no matter whether he has any relationship with Luo Tian, 鈥嬧€媓e has to abolish Luo Tian!

Situ Hong is angry!


When Tian Quan was talking about Luo Tian, 鈥嬧€婰uo Tian was like a New Year in the logistics hall.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

“Instructor, this time we made a big fuss, so many of the Culture resources can’t be used.”

“It鈥檚 like the New Year.”

“Can you have this in the New Year?”

Each and everyone is more than happy at all times, probably the happiest day after they enter Ice Fire Sect.

Luo Tian faint said with a smile: “If you have resources, give me time training, and three days is Sect, you must let them see you.”


鈥滀綘浠鎯冲緱鍒皁fficial disciple 韬唤锛岃繖涓€娆′竴瀹氳鎷煎懡锛佲€?/p>



Luo Tian 鐪嬬潃濂逛滑each and everyone 鍏村鐨勬ā鏍凤紝蹇冧腑secretly thought 锛氣€滄垜涔熻鍔姏涓€涓嬩簡锛佲€?/p>

浠栫湅鐫€杩滃灞卞潯锛岄偅閲屾槸璧ょ粌宄扮殑鏂瑰悜锛屽槾瑙掍竴鍕撅紝secretly thought 锛氣€淟i Jueqing 鍟婏紝鎬庝箞鏍凤紵鎴戝寮哄惂锛熲€?/p>

璧ょ粌宄伴櫎浜嗗皯鏁板嚑涓窡Luo Tian 鏈変粐鐨刣isciple 涓嶉珮鍏村锛屽熀鏈笂閮介潪甯哥殑楂樺叴锛屽洜涓篖uo Tian 涓鸿丹缁冨嘲浜夊厜銆?/p>


Li Jueqing 寰堜笉楂樺叴銆?/p>

鈥滃眳鐒朵笉缁欐垜瀛濇暚鐐逛笢瑗匡紝鍑爃undred thousand 鐨刾oints 鍏戞崲鍑哄幓閮戒笉缁欐垜鐐硅祫婧愩€傗€?/p>

鈥淟uo Tian 锛屼綘涓福娓o紒鈥?/p>


鐩稿綋涓嶉珮鍏达紝鎸夌収瑙勭煩锛屽畬鎴怮uest 搴旇鍚戝爞鍐呬緵濂変竴鐐筽oints 锛屾渶涓哄垎鍫傜殑澶囩敤璧勬簮銆?/p>


Luo Tian 鍘嬫牴灏变笉楦熷ス銆?/p>

鏇翠笉瑕佽鏄础鐚畃oints 浜嗭紝鎹簡that many 鐨勪笢瑗匡紝涓€浠朵篃娌℃湁缁欏ス銆?/p>

Li Jueqing 寰堜笉寮€蹇冿紒


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