Xin鈥檈r 寰堢籂缁撱€

濂 殑鑳 殑鑳 姏灏 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧 槸鈥楧

杩欑锷涢噺杩炲ス镊 閮 閮 閮 姌纾ㄤ笉阃忥纴鎺屾 姌纾ㄤ笉阃忥纴鎺屾 娆 娆 娆 娆 ス ス ス ス ス ス ス ス ス埚ソ锛岀湅鍒 竴浜涙湭鏉ョ殑浜嬫儏銆

鑳 or n orthern Underworld City 镄勪汉鍙湁鍦 Dress up 鐢 鐢 鐢 鐢 鐢


Soul Refining Array or or ormidable power 阒 浜嗛偅涓︻ 浜嗛偅涓︻ 浜嗛偅涓︻ 浜嗛偅涓︻ 浜 浜 €

濂 潵镄勫湴鐗 潵镄勫湴鐗 (1) ぇ闂ㄥ彛灏 槸鎯 槸鎯 浜篵 浜篵 浜篵 reak array 镄勬 娉曪纴鍙槸绔椤湪鍦 娉曪纴鍙槸绔椤湪鍦 娉曪纴鍙槸绔椤湪鍦 墷闂ㄥ彛濂 墷闂ㄥ彛濂 墷闂ㄥ彛濂 墷闂ㄥ彛濂 墷闂ㄥ彛濂犵粨浜呜捣鏉ャ€

濂 瘯锲 瘯锲 donate ather 鎶婅嚜宸 change 氦鍑哄幓銆

Northern Underworld King

Northern Underworld City

杩栾濂 棤璺彲璧 棤璺彲璧 棤璺彲璧 纴杩椤崄澶 ぉ濂 ぉ濂 ぉ濂 ぉ濂 ぉ濂 殑鑳 殑鑳 殑鑳 殑鑳 殑鑳 殑鑳 殑鑳 殑鑳鎯咃纴鍙槸 chain 変簺涓滆タ灏 畻鍐嶅姫锷涗篃镞犳硶鏀 畻鍐嶅姫锷涗篃镞犳硶鏀 畻鍐嶅姫锷涗篃镞犳硶鏀

澶╋纴浜 纴杩愶纴 纴杩愶纴 緢澶氶兘涓嶅 緢澶氶兘涓嶅 緢澶氶兘涓嶅 鎺 埗锛 埗锛

“cough cough !”

Xin鈥檈r 娓呬 娓呭棑瀛愶纴娓呬 娓呭棑瀛愶纴娓呬 娓呭棑瀛愶纴娓呬 濡傞粍楣傞笩镄勫 阔 阔 阔 紶鏉ワ纴鈥沧垜鑳 紶鏉ワ纴鈥沧垜鑳 紶鏉ワ纴鈥沧垜鑳 紶鏉ワ纴鈥沧垜鑳 浣燽 浣燽 浣燽 浣燽 浣燽 浣燽 浣燽 浣燽


“Who is speaking?”

Cultivation Array 镄凩uo Tian both eyes 鐚涚殑涓€鎶纴鐜[all around 锛宻olemnly asked 锛气沧槸璋佸湪璇沧槸璋佸湪璇沧槸璋佸湪璇€

澹 煶浠庡唴蹇冩 煶浠庡唴蹇冩 煶浠庡唴蹇冩 澶勪紶鍑 澶勪紶鍑

Eng 澶︼ 浜庢姇鍏 浜庢姇鍏 浜庢姇鍏 浜庢姇鍏 Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian纴鍙戠幇闾d簺簺斿ご杩樻槸鍦‵ight against Landlords 锛屾牴 chain  浜 浜 浜

Luo Tian 鏆楄嚜鎽囧ご锛宻aid with a bitter smile 锛气€湅镙湅镙峰瓙鏄嚜宸瓙鏄嚜宸兂鍒兂鍒鍟娿鍟娿€傗€

鈥滀粬濡圭殑锛岀粌鎶 鑳 兘瑕佺粌镄勫彂鐤 兘瑕佺粌镄勫彂鐤 锛屽崄澶 锛屽崄澶 锛屽崄澶 彧鎻愬崌浜哃 彧鎻愬崌浜哃 evel 1 锛屾墠Level 7 Engraved Array Technique锛岃 Umbrella 浠栧镄勮镣 埌浠 涔堟椂 涔堟椂 est est uest chain 熼檺鍙湁涓 涓湀銆傝 涓湀銆傝 涓湀銆傝 涓嶅彲鑳 涓嶅彲鑳 涓嶅彲鑳畲鎴愬悧锛熲€


涓哄叧阌殑涓€涓哄叧阌殑涓镣镣槸锛孡 uo Tian 镄凯rofound Qi 骞朵笉鍏呰 frozen 銆

浠栫殑Profound Qi KKilling monster 幏寰楋纴濡傛灉鸿幏寰楋纴濡傛灉Consumption 鍏夛纴娌°C湁Medicinal Pill 锛屾病链埘rofound Stone 銆侻onster Core 镄勮瘽浠栧畲鍏ㄦ棤娉旵ultivation 鎶€鑳鑳鑳纴涔熷纴涔熷鏄鍙︼兘鍦ㄥ湴鐗箣涓瓑姝€

鈥沧槸鎴戝湪鍜屼綘璇 瘽銆傗

鈥沧垜鑳 浣燽 浣燽 reak array 銆傗€

Xin’er’s voice once again penetrated deep into Luo Tian’s heart.

Luo Tian has a heart and mind: “Who are you?”

Xin’er didn’t hide it. “I am Northern Underworld Princess. I can help you break array. Can you help me?”

Luo Tian is feeling Array Engraving powerless. Thinking of the powerful impact of Soul Refining Array, his heart is an impulse to die. At this time, someone told him that there was a break array method, just like grabbing a straw in the ocean, and immediately said: “Can.”

“it is good!”

“Now listen to me.”

Xin’er went on to say.

Also at this time.

Qiu Tianji and Yang Lin rushed up.

Waiting for Xin’er to speak, Qiu Tianji said directly: “Xin’er, I am not letting you run around in the tower of the gods? How come to this place. I told you that the man could not save us. Northern Underworld City.”

Yang Lin also said: “Princess Your Highness, he is just a crippled dantian kid. It is impossible to save our Northern Underworld City. He has never seen anyone else in Ghost Shark Sect. Don’t say save us, he I can’t live without it. Not to mention the people who are being held in this dungeon can’t even get out, even if he doesn’t have a seal, don’t think about it. Soul Refining Array’s formidable power can kill everything.”


“Yang Uncle, he really can. I saw it.” Xin’er anxiously said.

Yang Lin didn’t believe it at all, saying: “Princess Your Highness, I know that your ability is somewhat special, but people’s Destiny is in their own hands, and any choice will change, others can’t grasp it.”

“Even if you can see some future things, but that is what you have seen before, every day is changing.”

“Princess Your Highness, you are still safer in the tower, tomorrow is the last day, I will definitely protect the Northern Underworld City, and will not let you fall into the hands of their beasts.”

“Let’s go, go back.”

Xin’er doesn’t move, watching her father and Yang Lin, her tears are coming out.

Seeing her not moving, Qiu Tianji said solemnly: “Bring Princess back.”

The two guards came up and said, “Princess, go back, don’t worry about the king. You don’t know that we almost turned over the Northern Underworld City in the one hour that you disappeared.”

Xin’er’s tears finally came, and the cry broke out. He said with tears: “Hey, Yang Uncle, you will die. Please hand me over, I will not have anything, I beg you. “”


She is kneeling directly on the ground.

Qiu Tianji was shocked.

Yang Lin is also a reaction.

After a few seconds.

Qiu Tianji frowned and directly said to the two guards: “You are still doing what you are doing, and don’t bring the Princess back soon.”

“Yes Yes!”

Xin’er cried the hua la la.

Half a month ago, I suddenly saw a lot of things that I couldn’t see before. The powerful ability of myself within the body seemed to take root and began to grow.

She saw Yang Lin killed.

The head of his father was broken.

Seeing the two pictures, her heart wants to be penetrated by a million steel needles, and it can’t be said that it is uncomfortable!


“Old Yang, can that man really save Northern Underworld City?”

Dungeon doorway.

Qiu Tianji’s face was very calm, looking at the door of the dungeon, his heart was to impulse to open it.

Yang Lin smiled bitterly and said: “Crippled dantian, the ability is no longer able to save us Northern Underworld City, not to mention his Culture Base is only Profound Ancestor Rank 5, and this strength can not be dealt with Ghost Shark Sect’s Outer Sect Disciple. How to save us Northern Underworld City?”

“Not to mention, he is now locked into the dungeon, even if we open the door of the dungeon, he can’t get out, you know the power of the Soul Refining Array, even if the trolls are thinking about taking a half step.”

Qiu Tianji followed a bitter smile, long sighed, “Hey…”


Qiu Tianji smiled again: “Soul Refining Dungeon can only go in and out, it has become the safest place in Northern Underworld City.”

Think of this.

Qiu Tianji gaze is one of the tight, side faces look towards towards Yang Lin.

Yang Lin looked at his gaze until he was to say something, and he paused for half a second and gently nodded.


“My Fuck!”

“What is the situation?”

Luo Tian stood at the door of the dungeon and listened to the conversation of Outer Sect. He couldn’t help but screamed, “I have said that I can save you Northern Underworld City, and don’t let me go out, what are you doing?”

It’s time to know how to crack the Array.

I did not expect to be interrupted.

Luo Tian suddenly became like a deflated ball.

Silver-haired old man came up and said: “Great Emperor, you can stay here with peace of mind, don’t think about going out, Soul Refining Array can’t be cracked.”

Luo Tian didn’t look at him. He couldn’t help but clench his fists. His heart burst into anger: “I still don’t believe it.”



A new day, can you give some recommended tickets Ah!

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